Forum Replies Created
May 17, 2021 at 2:28 pm in reply to: smart text box don't limitate the number of introduced chars #101813
MemberAnyway it works
I wasn’t able to reproduce my situation in a simple way.
However using the Firefox development tools I found the problems seems in a “height : auto” coming from smart.default.css line 38 : switching off that value from firefox development tools I get the required result.
May 17, 2021 at 10:53 am in reply to: smart text box don't limitate the number of introduced chars #101810tullio0106
MemberTks for Your help.
The bug is, may be, in the API documentation where the parameter is indicated as maxLength as I wrote.
I’ll try with max-length.
I cant’ use the first solution because, in my real world, the refresh is called by the onchange event and not on the windows.onload and in the real code I need the changed element.
The second simpy doesn’t work in my environment.
I sent you by mail the modified code wich reproduces with selected-indexes.
MemberFinally I was able to create a testcase.
Is my code cleaned from every non smart element component and reproduces the error.
I run it from my application server tomcat (I don’t know if it could be relevant).
Not every combobox produces the wrong situation (6 over 9).
As You can observe the alert message, connected to the onchange is executed before the combobox is shown.
On chrome it works, on firefox no.
Tks foy your help
I sent it You by mail
MemberI tested Your example standalone and it worked.
I substituted the refresh with a simple alert, in my code and still it execute onchange fo every combobox (not for textbox).
Now I need to understand the difference between Your example and my situation.
I use jquery (version 3.1, but I can upgrade without pain if needed) and jqueryUi (last version) are they compatible with your code ?
Any further suggestion ?
MemberIf I understand rigth what You are telling me the grid layout is not my tool.
I’m not interested in changing device type or screen size : I only need to be working on a computer screen.
On the other side I need to construct a quite rigid grid in which I can calculate, at runtime by code, the size of each column, the columnspan and the rowspan.
If I should work using only a multiple of a base unit (col) and with a maximum of 12 my possibilities are very poor.
Using css grid make me possibile to do that but the resulting code is ugly and not well readable.
Could You suggest a solution with Your product ?
MemberI also tested directly Your suggestion on codepen using Your overview demo but I didn’t get the wanted result.
I added
width: 10%!important;
width: 5%!important;
to the grid layout overview code but Logo took 10% of a 2 column space it didn’ make col-2 large as 10% of the whole space.
What I need is to say first column is 10% wide of the whole space, second is 30% of the whole space and so on.
MemberNow I was able to test but unfortunately it didn’t work.
Also using the code reported below it loops doing refresh many and many times.
I got the problem only on firefox, on chrome it seems to work (but I can’t force user to use chrome).
Please help
<smart-combo-box id=”e656142201″ name=”e656142201″ drop-down-position=”bottom” selected-indexes=”[1]” optional=”true” type=”combo” desc=”ProdottoFERRETTI” onchange=”mostraAlertMsgOption(this); eseguiRefresh(this);” onfocus=”on_focus(this)”>
<smart-list-item value=”**”>
<smart-list-item value=”LAN”>Lang</smart-list-item>
MemberTks for Your help but I still don’t understand.
I interpreted that col-sm-8 means take 8 columns, col-sm-2 means take 2 columns and so on and the column has a predefined size (say 100/12%).
If this is not the case and I can redefine them am I forced to use such names or can I use different names ?
And col-sm-4 should be double of col-sm-2 or I’m free ?
I need, just as example, to have something like 2% / 18% / 30% / 2% / 18% / 30% .
Is it possible ?
I’m not interested to the responsiveness.
MemberThe snippet
<smart-combo-box id=”e818843742″ name=”e818843742″ drop-down-position=”bottom” optional=”true” type=”combo” desc=”ProdottoFERRETTI” onchange=”mostraAlertMsgOption(this); eseguiRefresh(this);” onfocus=”on_focus(this)”>
<smart-list-item value=”**”>
<smart-list-item value=”LAN” selected=””>Lang</smart-list-item>
MemberI found the cause but not the solution.
In many smart-combobox, on my page, I’ve an onchange event which refreshes the page.
<smart-combo-box id=”e818843742″ name=”e818843742″ drop-down-position=”bottom” optional=”true” type=”combo” desc=”ProdottoFERRETTI” onchange=”mostraAlertMsgOption(this); eseguiRefresh(this);” onfocus=”on_focus(this)”>
This produces the continous refresh but the question is why ?
MemberI understand but the problem is that when the message appears the page is refreshed and refreshed and refreshed every few seconds making the test impossible.
How can avoid this ?
MemberI don’t use npm but I’ve the same problem with trial version.
Where can I find the trial license ?
Tks -