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Rafa EsparzaParticipant
I use locale=”‘es'” but smart-number-input does not have decimalSeparator in the locale attributes nor input attributes.
Rafa EsparzaParticipanti found this solution for the smart-number-input but it does not work in grids with number cell editing.
// INPUT <smart-number-input id="etotartic" [numberFormat]="{ style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR', minimumFractionDigits: 2 }" (ngModelChange)="utilService.formatFunctionDotToComma('etotartic', entity.etotartic)"> </smart-number-input> // FORMAT FUNCTION public formatFunctionDotToComma(fieldId: string, value: any): void { if (value !== ''){ const intValue = parseFloat(value); document.getElementById(fieldId)?.setAttribute('value', intValue.toFixed(2).replace('.', ',')); } }
- This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Rafa Esparza.
Rafa EsparzaParticipantI’m using version “smart-webcomponents-angular”: “^14.0.41” in angular 14 project and the bug continue happenning.
any ideas?Rafa EsparzaParticipantHi, when will be release approximately the patch with this solved?
ThanksRafa EsparzaParticipantI’m creating like this. I want to have the input empty in the beginning, but not appears in red.
this.form = new Smart.Form('#ejemploForm', { codigo: ['', { validationRules: [ { type: 'required', message: 'Codigo is required' }, ] }], nombre: ['', { validationRules: [ { type: 'required', message: 'Name is required' }, { type: 'stringLength', min: 2, message: 'First Name requires minimum 2 characters' } ], } ] });
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