Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThank you! This solved my problem!
ParticipantI just figured out its an issue with all drag and drop header button options not just the grouping.
ParticipantHi, Yes my nuget package is up to date. The grid settings I have are below.
<Grid @ref="grid" id="io-page-grid" DataSource="@expandoAssets" Appearance="@appearance" Selection="@selection" Header="@header" Grouping="@grouping" ColumnGroups="@columnGroups" Behavior="@behavior" OnCommand="@OnCommand" Columns="@columns" Layout="@gridLayout" Editing="@editing" OnBeginEdit="@OnBeginEdit" OnEndEdit="@OnEndEdit" ColumnMenu="@columnMenu" Messages="@columnMenuMessages" ConditionalFormatting="@conditionalFormatting" Sorting="@sorting" Filtering="@filtering" OnColumnDragEnd="@OnColumnDragEnd" OnFilter="@OnFilter" OnGroup="@OnGroup" Class="smartGrid"> </Grid>
GridAppearance appearance = new GridAppearance() { ShowColumnGroupsInColumnPanel = true, ShowRowHeaderNumber = true, ShowColumnIcon = false, ShowColumnFilterButton = true }; GridSelection selection = new GridSelection() { Enabled = false }; GridBehavior behavior = new GridBehavior() { AllowColumnReorder = true, AllowColumnFreeze = true, ColumnResizeMode = GridResizeMode.GrowAndShrink }; GridGrouping grouping = new GridGrouping() { Enabled = true, GroupIndent = 0, SummaryRow = new GridGroupingSummaryRow() { Visible = false } }; GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout() { ColumnWidth = "auto", RowHeight = "auto" }; GridSorting sorting = new GridSorting() { Enabled = true, Mode = GridSortingMode.Many }; GridFiltering filtering = new GridFiltering() { Enabled = true }; GridDataSourceSettings dataSourceSettings = new GridDataSourceSettings() { GroupBy = new string[] { } }; IList<GridConditionalFormatting> conditionalFormatting = new List<GridConditionalFormatting>(); GridHeader header = new GridHeader() { Visible = true }; GridEditing editing = new GridEditing() { Enabled = true, Mode = GridEditingMode.Cell, CommandColumn = new GridEditingCommandColumn() { Visible = true, DataSource = new GridEditingCommandColumnDataSource() { CommandColumnCustom = new GridCommand() { Icon = "smart-icon-star", Command = "notify", Visible = false, Label = "Notify Me" }, CommandColumnDelete = new GridCommand() { //Icon = "smart-icon-star", Command = "delete", Visible = true, Label = "Delete Asset" }, CommandColumnEdit = new GridCommand() { Command = "edit", Visible = false } } } };
ParticipantHi, Thank you for the quick reply. Does that function work with a css border property? And can it be updated dynamically? I’m trying to show where a user is in a cell at a specific time so its constantly changing.
Thank you!FerrisChamp
Yes, I am trying to get the whole cell object. The code pen demo doesn’t seem to be working for me tho – on both the codepen website and my code.
Thank you,
ParticipantNevermind, I seemed to found the solution by overriding the .smart-grid-header CSS class.
Update by calling a JS function, I was able to see the updates with the conditional formatting property.
window.GetConditionalFormatting = () => {
const grid = document.getElementById(“io-page-grid”);
const format = grid.conditionalFormatting
return format;}
This is what I get:
column: “all”
condition: “equal”
firstValue: “0”
fontFamily: “Roboto, \\\”Helvetica Neue\\\”, sans-serif”
fontSize: “14px”
highlight: “#9FC5E8”secondValue: 1
text: “#5A5A5A”
However, when trying to return the data to my C# code:
List<GridConditionalFormatting> formatting = await JS.InvokeAsync<List<GridConditionalFormatting>>(“GetConditionalFormatting”);
I get something different instead:
column: “all”
condition: “LessThan”
firstValue: “0”
fontFamily: “”
fontSize: “The default fontSize as set in CSS”
highlight: “The default backgroundColor as set in CSS”secondValue: 1
text: “The default color as set in CSS”
The values of some of the properties seem to be different. Could you help me correct this issue?
Thank you,
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
FerrisChamp. Reason: formatting issues
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
So I am starting off with no conditional formatting then trying to capture any conditional formatting on a button click.
var temp = grid.ConditionalFormatting;
However the grid.ConditionalFormatting property is empty (count = 0) even when I have conditional formatting applied. I am using the C# on the razor page and not JS, not sure if that makes a difference.
Thanks you,
I keep trying to send an email, but I am getting rejected by your spam filters. How can I get around that?Thank you,
I updated to the latest version, but it still wasn’t working. However, I ended up getting it to work by calling
await Task.Delay(1);
grid.Render();These are my grid properties just in case. Thank you so much for your help!
<Grid @ref=”grid” id=”io-page-grid” DataSource=”@expandoAssets” Appearance=”@appearance” Selection=”@selection” Header=”@header”
Grouping=”@grouping” ColumnGroups=”@columnGroups” Behavior=”@behavior” OnCommand=”@OnCommand” Columns=”columns” Layout=”@gridLayout”
Editing=”@editing” OnEndEdit=”@EditRow” OnRowRemoved=”@RemoveRow” ColumnMenu=”@columnMenu” Messages=”@columnMenuMessages”>
</Grid>GridAppearance appearance = new GridAppearance() { ShowColumnGroupsInColumnPanel = true, ShowRowHeaderNumber = true, ShowColumnIcon = true };
GridSelection selection = new GridSelection() { Enabled = false };
GridBehavior behavior = new GridBehavior() { AllowColumnReorder = true, AllowColumnFreeze = true };
GridGrouping grouping = new GridGrouping() { Enabled = true, GroupIndent = 0, SummaryRow = new GridGroupingSummaryRow() { Visible = false } };
GridHeader header = new GridHeader() { Visible = true, Buttons = new string[] { “search”, “format” } };
GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout() { ColumnWidth = “auto”, RowHeight = “auto” };GridEditing editing = new GridEditing()
Enabled = true,
Mode = GridEditingMode.Cell,
CommandColumn = new GridEditingCommandColumn()
Visible = true,
DataSource = new GridEditingCommandColumnDataSource()
CommandColumnCustom = new GridCommand()
Icon = “smart-icon-star”,
Command = “notify”,
Visible = true,
Label = “Notify Me”
};GridColumnMenu columnMenu = new GridColumnMenu()
Enabled = true,
DataSource = new GridColumnMenuDataSource()
ColumnMenuCustomizeType = new GridCommand() { Visible = true },
ColumnMenuItemHide = new GridCommand() { Visible = true },
ColumnMenuItemDelete = new GridCommand() { Visible = true },
ColumnMenuItemGroupBy = new GridCommand() { Visible = false }
};Dictionary<string, object> columnMenuMessages = new()
“en”, new Dictionary<string, object>()
{“columnMenuCustomizeType”, “Edit Column” },
{“columnMenuItemHide”, “Option B” },
{“columnMenuItemDelete”, “Option C” }
ParticipantThis is how I am freezing and unfreezing the columns. I also tried to attach an image of my issue, but I am not sure it attached properly.
GridColumn column = columns.SingleOrDefault(x => x.DataField.Equals(columnName));
column.ColumnGroup = “Frozen”;
column.Freeze = “near”;GridColumn column = columns.SingleOrDefault(x => x.DataField.Equals(frozenColumn));
column.ColumnGroup = fieldToGroup[frozenColumn];
column.Freeze = “false”;https://drive.google.com/file/d/15STQmJUqb2pj89Qd1hBnXODfEm28IYA-/view?usp=sharing
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
Thanks to that I was able to solve my problem mostly. However now, when I try to unfreeze a column, the header unfreezes but the cells remain frozen until I freeze a new column.
Thank you,
I am trying to freeze/unfreeze columns dynamically. My issue is that all my columns are in groups from what I test you can’t seem to freeze a column in a group unless you freeze the entire group. My idea was to temporary create a “Frozen” group for all the items need to be frozen. However, the html doesn’t seem to be running again when I call grid.Render() thus I can’t refresh the grid to show the updated frozen columns. I put a break point in the html but it doesn’t hit it even when grid.Render() or grid.Refresh() is called.
@foreach (var column in Document.DocumentFields)
<Column DataField=”@column.FieldName” Label=”@column.AliasName” ColumnGroup=”Frozen” Freeze=”near”
ValidationRules=”@column.DataType.ValidationRules” DataType=”@column.DataType.GetSmartType()” Width=”100″>
<Column DataField=”@column.FieldName” Label=”@column.AliasName” ColumnGroup=”@column.GroupName”
ValidationRules=”@column.DataType.ValidationRules” DataType=”@column.DataType.GetSmartType()” Width=”100″>
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
ParticipantAlternatively is there a way to freeze/unfreeze columns dynamically without refreshing the grid?
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by