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  • in reply to: DropDown Editor #109069

    Thank you! This solved my problem!

    in reply to: Grid Grouping #109059

    I just figured out its an issue with all drag and drop header button options not just the grouping.

    in reply to: Grid Grouping #109058

    Hi, Yes my nuget package is up to date. The grid settings I have are below.

    <Grid @ref="grid" id="io-page-grid" DataSource="@expandoAssets" Appearance="@appearance" Selection="@selection" Header="@header"
            Grouping="@grouping" ColumnGroups="@columnGroups" Behavior="@behavior" OnCommand="@OnCommand" Columns="@columns" Layout="@gridLayout"
            Editing="@editing" OnBeginEdit="@OnBeginEdit" OnEndEdit="@OnEndEdit" ColumnMenu="@columnMenu" Messages="@columnMenuMessages" 
            ConditionalFormatting="@conditionalFormatting" Sorting="@sorting" Filtering="@filtering" OnColumnDragEnd="@OnColumnDragEnd" 
            OnFilter="@OnFilter" OnGroup="@OnGroup" Class="smartGrid">
    GridAppearance appearance = new GridAppearance() { ShowColumnGroupsInColumnPanel = true, ShowRowHeaderNumber = true, ShowColumnIcon = false, ShowColumnFilterButton = true };
            GridSelection selection = new GridSelection() { Enabled = false };
            GridBehavior behavior = new GridBehavior() { AllowColumnReorder = true, AllowColumnFreeze = true, ColumnResizeMode = GridResizeMode.GrowAndShrink };
            GridGrouping grouping = new GridGrouping() { Enabled = true, GroupIndent = 0, SummaryRow = new GridGroupingSummaryRow() { Visible = false } };
            GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout() { ColumnWidth = "auto", RowHeight = "auto" };
            GridSorting sorting = new GridSorting() { Enabled = true, Mode = GridSortingMode.Many };
            GridFiltering filtering = new GridFiltering() { Enabled = true };
            GridDataSourceSettings dataSourceSettings = new GridDataSourceSettings() { GroupBy = new string[] { } };
            IList<GridConditionalFormatting> conditionalFormatting = new List<GridConditionalFormatting>();
            GridHeader header = new GridHeader()
                Visible = true
            GridEditing editing = new GridEditing()
                Enabled = true,
                Mode = GridEditingMode.Cell,
                CommandColumn = new GridEditingCommandColumn()
                    Visible = true,
                    DataSource = new GridEditingCommandColumnDataSource()
                        CommandColumnCustom = new GridCommand()
                            Icon = "smart-icon-star",
                            Command = "notify",
                            Visible = false,
                            Label = "Notify Me"
                        CommandColumnDelete = new GridCommand()
                            //Icon = "smart-icon-star",
                            Command = "delete",
                            Visible = true,
                            Label = "Delete Asset"
                        CommandColumnEdit = new GridCommand()
                            Command = "edit",
                            Visible = false
    in reply to: Grid cell highlighting #109044

    Hi, Thank you for the quick reply. Does that function work with a css border property? And can it be updated dynamically? I’m trying to show where a user is in a cell at a specific time so its constantly changing.
    Thank you!

    in reply to: Get Grid Cell #108900


    Yes, I am trying to get the whole cell object. The code pen demo doesn’t seem to be working for me tho – on both the codepen website and my code.

    Thank you,

    in reply to: Grid Header Size #108862

    Nevermind, I seemed to found the solution by overriding the .smart-grid-header CSS class.

    in reply to: Grid Properties Not Updating #108856


    Update by calling a JS function, I was able to see the updates with the conditional formatting property.

    window.GetConditionalFormatting = () => {
    const grid = document.getElementById(“io-page-grid”);
    const format = grid.conditionalFormatting
    return format;


    This is what I get:

    column: “all”

    condition: “equal”

    firstValue: “0”

    fontFamily: “Roboto, \\\”Helvetica Neue\\\”, sans-serif”

    fontSize: “14px”
    highlight: “#9FC5E8”

    secondValue: 1

    text: “#5A5A5A”


    However, when trying to return the data to my C# code:

    List<GridConditionalFormatting> formatting = await JS.InvokeAsync<List<GridConditionalFormatting>>(“GetConditionalFormatting”);

    I get something different instead:

    column: “all”

    condition: “LessThan”

    firstValue: “0”

    fontFamily: “”

    fontSize: “The default fontSize as set in CSS”
    highlight: “The default backgroundColor as set in CSS”

    secondValue: 1

    text: “The default color as set in CSS”

    The values of some of the properties seem to be different. Could you help me correct this issue?

    Thank you,


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by FerrisChamp.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by FerrisChamp. Reason: formatting issues
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by FerrisChamp.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by FerrisChamp.
    in reply to: Grid Properties Not Updating #108828


    So I am starting off with no conditional formatting then trying to capture any conditional formatting on a button click.

    var temp = grid.ConditionalFormatting;

    However the grid.ConditionalFormatting property is empty (count = 0) even when I have conditional formatting applied. I am using the C# on the razor page and not JS, not sure if that makes a difference.

    Thanks you,


    in reply to: Custom Grid Header with Template and Buttons #108774

    I keep trying to send an email, but I am getting rejected by your spam filters. How can I get around that?

    Thank you,


    in reply to: Grid Re-render #108737


    I updated to the latest version, but it still wasn’t working. However, I ended up getting it to work by calling

    await Task.Delay(1);


    These are my grid properties just in case.  Thank you so much for your help!

    <Grid @ref=”grid” id=”io-page-grid” DataSource=”@expandoAssets” Appearance=”@appearance” Selection=”@selection” Header=”@header”
    Grouping=”@grouping” ColumnGroups=”@columnGroups” Behavior=”@behavior” OnCommand=”@OnCommand” Columns=”columns” Layout=”@gridLayout”
    Editing=”@editing” OnEndEdit=”@EditRow” OnRowRemoved=”@RemoveRow” ColumnMenu=”@columnMenu” Messages=”@columnMenuMessages”>


    GridAppearance appearance = new GridAppearance() { ShowColumnGroupsInColumnPanel = true, ShowRowHeaderNumber = true, ShowColumnIcon = true };
    GridSelection selection = new GridSelection() { Enabled = false };
    GridBehavior behavior = new GridBehavior() { AllowColumnReorder = true, AllowColumnFreeze = true };
    GridGrouping grouping = new GridGrouping() { Enabled = true, GroupIndent = 0, SummaryRow = new GridGroupingSummaryRow() { Visible = false } };
    GridHeader header = new GridHeader() { Visible = true, Buttons = new string[] { “search”, “format” } };
    GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout() { ColumnWidth = “auto”, RowHeight = “auto” };

    GridEditing editing = new GridEditing()
    Enabled = true,
    Mode = GridEditingMode.Cell,
    CommandColumn = new GridEditingCommandColumn()
    Visible = true,
    DataSource = new GridEditingCommandColumnDataSource()
    CommandColumnCustom = new GridCommand()
    Icon = “smart-icon-star”,
    Command = “notify”,
    Visible = true,
    Label = “Notify Me”

    GridColumnMenu columnMenu = new GridColumnMenu()
    Enabled = true,
    DataSource = new GridColumnMenuDataSource()
    ColumnMenuCustomizeType = new GridCommand() { Visible = true },
    ColumnMenuItemHide = new GridCommand() { Visible = true },
    ColumnMenuItemDelete = new GridCommand() { Visible = true },
    ColumnMenuItemGroupBy = new GridCommand() { Visible = false }

    Dictionary<string, object> columnMenuMessages = new()
    “en”, new Dictionary<string, object>()
    {“columnMenuCustomizeType”, “Edit Column” },
    {“columnMenuItemHide”, “Option B” },
    {“columnMenuItemDelete”, “Option C” }

    in reply to: Grid Re-render #108717

    This is how I am freezing and unfreezing the columns. I also tried to attach an image of my issue, but I am not sure it attached properly.

    GridColumn column = columns.SingleOrDefault(x => x.DataField.Equals(columnName));
    column.ColumnGroup = “Frozen”;
    column.Freeze = “near”;


    GridColumn column = columns.SingleOrDefault(x => x.DataField.Equals(frozenColumn));
    column.ColumnGroup = fieldToGroup[frozenColumn];
    column.Freeze = “false”;


    Frozen Cells

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by FerrisChamp.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by FerrisChamp.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by FerrisChamp.
    in reply to: Grid Re-render #108711


    Thanks to that I was able to solve my problem mostly. However now, when I try to unfreeze a column, the header unfreezes but the cells remain frozen until I freeze a new column.

    Thank you,

    in reply to: Grid Re-render #108706


    I am trying to freeze/unfreeze columns dynamically. My issue is that all my columns are in groups from what I test you can’t seem to freeze a column in a group unless you freeze the entire group.  My idea was to temporary create a “Frozen” group for all the items need to be frozen. However, the html doesn’t seem to be running again when I call grid.Render() thus I can’t refresh the grid to show the updated frozen columns. I put a break point in the html but it doesn’t hit it even when grid.Render() or grid.Refresh() is called.


    @foreach (var column in Document.DocumentFields)
    <Column DataField=”@column.FieldName” Label=”@column.AliasName” ColumnGroup=”Frozen” Freeze=”near”
    ValidationRules=”@column.DataType.ValidationRules” DataType=”@column.DataType.GetSmartType()” Width=”100″>
    <Column DataField=”@column.FieldName” Label=”@column.AliasName” ColumnGroup=”@column.GroupName”
    ValidationRules=”@column.DataType.ValidationRules” DataType=”@column.DataType.GetSmartType()” Width=”100″>

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by FerrisChamp.
    in reply to: Grid Re-render #108683

    Alternatively is there a way to freeze/unfreeze columns dynamically without refreshing the grid?

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