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    Thank you!
    Still persists if

    • editing.batch == true

    also holds though.
    https://codepen.io/cetinsert/pen/rNBmxBK (marked !!)

    in reply to: Smart.App data binding regression in 4.2 vs 4.1 #100252

    Oh, I am infinitely delighted to hear that!
    I have an app that is now stuck at 4.1 due to this.
    <hr />
    https://codepen.io/cetinsert/pen/jONmPNQ?editors=1011 has just been updated with
    notes on the 4.2 regressions (version 3.1 through 4.2, marked !!) of

    1. behavior – marked 0, 2, 4
    2. data type – marked T

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Smart.App data binding regression in 4.2 vs 4.1 #100251

    We will reconsider this. The change was about the fact that data was not appropriate for form post, but we can expose a new property for that.

    in reply to: Smart.App data binding regression in 4.2 vs 4.1 #100248

    https://www.htmlelements.com/docs/view-model-binding/ has sections about grid stack layout at the end of the page. )

    in reply to: Smart.App data binding regression in 4.2 vs 4.1 #100246

    I honestly found it was truly magical that I could just assign to arbitrarily nested app.data subfields and the view would just update live before my eyes.
    That was something no other framework has.
    If this sudden change is not for a deep technical reason, I would like to kindly ask the person/team behind the data binding feature to reconsider adding support for this back.

    in reply to: Smart.App data binding regression in 4.2 vs 4.1 #100245

    I have updated the link with whole-object set.
    Still, how can I read app.data.details.subject with its non-string value type?

    in reply to: Smart.App data binding regression in 4.2 vs 4.1 #100244

    Hi Cetin,
    app.data is an Object. This is not a regression. It is by design. If you want to set the data, you will need to set the entire object.
    Smart HTML Elements


    Hi Cetin,
    It’s better to use {{value}} for declarative rendering only. The smart-model also determines automatically the component type and binds it as the bound property could not be ‘value’, it could be ‘selectedValues’ for lists, ‘checked’ for checkboxes and radio buttons.
    Best Regards,
    Smart HTML Elements


    Update: The reported behavior of the Grid is resolved in ver. 4.2.0.
    Boyko Markov
    Smart Html Elements Team

    in reply to: How to get ONLY data properties? #100226

    I have a workaround – I actually already had the keys in my own object, which I used to initialize app.
    // Note: data can only be nested one-deep!
    // As well, event functions cannot be nested!
    const smartData = {
    enrollmentNewSubmit: newEnrollmentSubmit,
    enrollmentNew: {
    courseID: ”,
    loginName: ”,
    studentID: ”
    schoolNewSubmit: newSchoolSubmit,
    schoolNew: {
    name: ”,
    shortName: ”,
    description: ”,
    address: ”,
    city: ”,
    stateCode: ”,
    zipCode: ”,
    province: ”,
    country: ‘US’,
    postalCode: ”,
    codes: ”,
    tags: ”,
    notes: ”,
    annex: ”
    So, I can e.g.
    for (const key of Object.keys(smartData.schoolNew)) {
    console.log(<backtick>key: ${key} hasOwnProperty: ${boundAttrs.hasOwnProperty(key)} type: ${typeof boundAttrs[key]}<backtick>);
    So, I can iterate through that way and get only my own added properties.
    Please add some easy way to do this in the future, or let me know what I am missing if it already exists.

    in reply to: How to get ONLY data properties? #100225

    Well, ignoring functions won’t do it. Because the Proxy object has e.g. _canNotify which is boolean, propertyName string, notifyFn object.
    I could filter these out explicitly (along with functions) after copying with Object.assign() but then I have to worry with each future release what has been added that I have to filter out.
    What am I missing here? What is the use of of this if I cannot iterate my own properties that I added in app.data without pollution? I need to make a separate redundant list of my key names, it is a royal pain.

    in reply to: How to get ONLY data properties? #100224

    Ugh! This forum is IMPOSSIBLE! That code did not paste right. The forum did not like my backticks!
    The line in my “for” is: (I substitute <backtick> for actual backtick below, because the forum doesn’t like backtick…)
    console.log(<backtick>key: ${key} hasOwnProperty: ${boundAttrs.hasOwnProperty(key)}<backtick>);

    in reply to: How to get ONLY data properties? #100223

    To be more clear:
    const boundAttrs = app.data.schoolNew;
    console.info(‘boundAttrs’, boundAttrs);
    console.info(‘boundAttrs.keys:’, Object.keys(boundAttrs));
    for (const key of Object.keys(boundAttrs)) {
    console.log(key: ${key} hasOwnProperty: ${boundAttrs.hasOwnProperty(key)});
    This gives me the list of keys from above, and after adding check for own property, they are all own property.
    So, how do I get JUST the bound variables from the Proxy object, WITHOUT pollution like “propertyName”, etc?
    I guess I can filter out functions, and what is left will just be my properties? Isn’t there some function to do that for me? It would seem very common to want to iterate through bound variables, but there seems no convenient way to do it.

    in reply to: How to get ONLY data properties? #100222

    Sorry. That did not paste as I expected! (And there doesn’t seem to be any way to edit a post?)
    boundAttrs.keys: (23) [“name”, “shortName”, “description”, “address”, “city”, “stateCode”, “zipCode”, “province”, “country”, “postalCode”, “codes”, “tags”, “notes”, “annex”, “hasOwnProperty”, “isPrototypeOf”, “propertyIsEnumerable”, “toString”, “valueOf”, “toLocaleString”, “_canNotify”, “notifyFn”, “propertyName”]

    in reply to: How to get ONLY data properties? #100221

    I think you missed the point. Sorry, I should not have mixed comments about the documentation with comments about Observables.
    So, apparently, app.data items are Observables.
    I want to be able to enumerate through e.g. app.data.enrollmentNew so that I can do something with all of the key/value pairs.
    But I find that Observable objects are polluted with many additional properties that are NOT the properties that I defined in app.data.enrollmentNew. This makes it fairly useless for many purposes.
    How can I iterate through ONLY the properties that I defined?
    <div class=”console-view-object-properties-section object-value-array source-code expanded”>
    <div class=”tree-outline-disclosure tree-outline-disclosure-hide-overflow”>

      <li class=”parent object-properties-section-root-element expanded selected” tabindex=”-1″><span class=”console-object console-object-preview” tabindex=”-1″><span class=”object-description”>(23) </span><span class=”object-properties-preview”>[<span class=”object-value-string”>”name”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”shortName”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”description”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”address”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”city”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”stateCode”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”zipCode”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”province”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”country”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”postalCode”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”codes”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”tags”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”notes”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”annex”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”hasOwnProperty”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”isPrototypeOf”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”propertyIsEnumerable”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”toString”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”valueOf”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”toLocaleString”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”_canNotify”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”notifyFn”</span>, <span class=”object-value-string”>”propertyName”</span>]</span></span>
    1. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>0</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>name<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    2. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>1</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>shortName<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    3. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>2</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>description<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    4. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>3</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>address<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    5. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>4</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>city<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    6. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>5</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>stateCode<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    7. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>6</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>zipCode<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    8. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>7</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>province<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    9. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>8</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>country<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    10. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>9</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>postalCode<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    11. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>10</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>codes<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    12. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>11</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>tags<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    13. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>12</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>notes<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    14. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>13</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>annex<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    15. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>14</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>hasOwnProperty<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    16. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>15</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>isPrototypeOf<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    17. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>16</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>propertyIsEnumerable<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    18. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>17</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>toString<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    19. <li class=””><span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>18</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>valueOf<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>

    20. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>19</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>toLocaleString<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    21. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>20</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>_canNotify<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    22. <span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>21</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>notifyFn<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
    23. <li class=””><span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name”>22</span>: <span class=”object-value-string value”><span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span>propertyName<span class=”object-value-string-quote”>”</span></span></span>
      <li class=””><span class=”name-and-value”><span class=”name object-properties-section-dimmed”>length</span>: <span class=”object-value-number value”>23</span></span>


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