Forum Replies Created
August 28, 2020 at 2:26 pm in reply to: How to add link with routerLink(Angular) in Grid column #101026adminKeymaster
Hi Ronak,
Could you share a stackblitz example? You can use this template for your example: https://stackblitz.com/github/htmlelements/smart-webcomponents-angular/tree/master/grid/overview
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
https://www.htmlelements.com/adminKeymasterI have used code from here, i have not changed anything https://www.htmlelements.com/angular/demos/gantt/resource-timeline-mode-diagram
Just use below JSON as datasource.
<div>dataSource: Array<object> = [</div>
<div>type:”project”/* Project */,</div>
<div>tasks: [</div>
<div>label:’User Interface Design’,</div>
<div>type:”task”/* Task */,</div>
<div>resources: [{</div>
<div>label:’Controllers & Event’,</div>
<div>type:”task”/* Task */,</div>
</div>adminKeymasterThanks, will there be a release where this limitation will be handled ? actually, i have quite few fields against tasks and i am wondering how can i handle this…
Thanks once for prompt reply.adminKeymasterThanks, i could solve the issue. by removing the <div><div *ngIf=”columns.length>0; else loading;”></div> and moving all properties setting to ngAfterViewInit. however, i was wondering how do i creating a loading effect on the page while grid is loading data into it…
adminKeymasterHi GLMSDev,
The variable this.grid is undefined, when you try to use it. This basically means that your app.component.html template reference #grid or something else which you use is not bound to a ViewChild in your app.component.ts or the moment when you try to refer to that variable is before the Angular view is initialized. My suggestion would be to take a look and get started from: https://www.htmlelements.com/docs/grid/#angular.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
https://www.htmlelements.com/adminKeymasterThanks for the tip. I tried this and it showed me only 4 columns, but i have many more columns in it. also, it just expanded the grid width…and no scroll bar in left side of section
adminKeymasterThanks. How do i make sure that view/grid is loaded properly. at the moment i have put below to make sure, all the columns are loaded properly.
<div><div *ngIf=”columns.length>0; else loading;”></div>
<div><ng-template#loading>Loading data…</ng-template></div>
adminKeymasterHi GLMSDev,
This basically means that a variable called “this.grid” is not defined in your code. You are probably trying to use it before the View is loaded.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
https://www.htmlelements.com/adminKeymasterThanks for the prompt reply. I tried now i am getting undefined error “<span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property ‘beginUpdate’ of undefined</span>”
adminKeymasterHi GLMSDev,
Thanks for sharing the information.
Running the sample I get:Error in /turbo_modules/@angular/compiler@7.0.0/bundles/compiler.umd.js (1098:21) Unexpected value 'undefined' declared by the module 'AppModule'
For the performance part, I see that many properties are set dynamically. Please, not that when you need to set multiple properties at once, it is best to call grid.beginUpdate(); before setting the properties and after that use grid.endUpdate();. Otherwise, each setting triggers a new render cycle and instead of 1 render, it ends up with N Renders, where N is the number of property settings.
Unfortunately, using the provided sample code I was not able to reproduce the described “dancing” behavior on expand/collapse. It could be somehow related to the applied templates to the columns, but as i am unable to run the sample, I cannot test this scenario.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
https://www.htmlelements.com/adminKeymasterMy problem is not Gantt bar showing improperly, that works alright. My issue is left side of the Gantt.Where i have multiple columns which does not show i can only see 3-4 column max.
Below is the code for gantt…
<div><div><div*ngIf=”taskColumns.length>0; else loading;”></div>
<div><ng-template#loading>Loading data…</ng-template></div></div>
<div><div>constructor(private http:HttpClient) { }</div>
<div>dataSource1: Array<object>;</div>
<div>dataSource: Array<object>;</div>
<div>headerTemplate = ‘headerTemplate’;</div>
<div>view = ‘month’;</div>
<div>durationUnit = ‘day’;</div>
<div>treeMin = 300;</div>
<div>hideTimelineHeaderDetails = true;</div></div>
</div>adminKeymasterhttps://stackblitz.com/edit/github-gfie78?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.ts does this works ?
My data is coming from APIs so….adminKeymasterHi GLMSDev,
Thanks for writing and for trying our products.
Could you please create a Stackblitz sample, which we will be able to test and debug? The posted code unfortunately is not very readable and we would not be able to test using it. A Stackblitz template from which you can start is: https://stackblitz.com/github/htmlelements/smart-webcomponents-angular/tree/master/grid/overview
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
adminKeymasterHi Hristofor, thank you so much for your reply.
I checked my package.json and I already have smart-webcomponents-react@7.7.2 installed.
I didn’t manage to get the CSS imported as shown in this example as it causes loader error.
is a common layout.... const AppPage = ({ children, screen, notReady, routeParams, }) => ( <div className="app-page-container"> <UserSessionModal /> <LoadingBar className="loading-bar fixed-top" /> <AppBar /> <div className="app-page-body"> <Sidebar screen={screen} routeParams={routeParams} /> <div className="app-page-content">{ notReady || children }</div> </div> <div className="app-page-footer"> <AppFooter /> </div> <ModuleTracker screen={screen} /> </div> ); export default AppPage;
This is my
:... const App = () => ( <Provider store={Store}> <ErrorGlobalPage> <ThemeProvider /> <PersistGate persistor={reduxPersistor} > <Localization> <ToastContainer hideProgressBar position="bottom-right" draggable={false} /> <Socket /> <Routes /> </Localization> </PersistGate> </ErrorGlobalPage> </Provider> ); export default App;
This is my
... ReactDOM.render( <App />, document.getElementById('root'), );