

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 436 through 450 (of 918 total)
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  • in reply to: General Gantt questions #101672

    Hi Walter,
    Regarding your questions about the Gantt Chart:
    1. The performance will be improved in the next versions. This is a work item for Q2.
    2. It is possible to have only 1 task per row. For multiple tasks per row, you can consider our Scheduler component.
    3. It is possible to change colors like that: https://www.htmlelements.com/demos/gantt/nonworking-days/
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Filter Menu undefined label #101664

    The “showRows” message should be defined.
    This is the list:

         'invalidColumnProperty': '{{elementType}}: Invalid property name "{{propertyName}}" set for Column: "{{type}}"',
    'invalidRowProperty': '{{elementType}}: Invalid property name "{{propertyName}}" set for Row"',
    'invalidCellValue': 'Invalid cell value "{{value}}", Validation rule: "{{validationRule}}"',
    'frozenColumns': '{{elementType}}: To Pin/Freeze a column group, all columns within it should be frozen.',
    'frozenRows': '{{elementType}}: To Pin/Freeze a special cell, all rows within it should be frozen.',
    'columnGroups': '{{elementType}}: Please, check the initialization of the jqxGrid\'s columns array. The columns in a column group are expected to be siblings in the columns array.',
    'min': 'Min: {{value}}',
    'max': 'Max: {{value}} ',
    'sum': 'Sum: {{value}} ',
    'avg': 'Avg: {{value}} ',
    'count': 'Count: {{value}} ',
    'pagerFirstButton': 'First',
    'pagerLastButton': 'Last',
    'pagerPreviousButton': 'Previous',
    'pagerNextButton': 'Next',
    'pagerNavigateToLabel': 'Go to:',
    'pagerPageSizeLabel': 'Show:',
    'pagerNavigateToInputPlaceholder': '',
    'pagerEllipsis': '...',
    'pagerSummaryString': 'of',
    'pagerSummaryPrefix': 'of',
    'pagerSummarySuffix': '',
    'columnMenuCustomizeType': 'Customize',
    'columnMenuItemRename': 'Rename',
    'columnMenuItemEditDescription': 'Edit description',
    'columnMenuItemDuplicate': 'Duplicate',
    'columnMenuItemInsertLeft': 'Insert left',
    'columnMenuItemInsertRight': 'Insert right',
    'columnMenuItemSortAsc': 'Sort {{mode}}',
    'columnMenuItemSortDesc': 'Sort {{mode}}', //Sort A → Z
    'columnMenuItemRemoveSort': 'Remove Sort',
    'columnMenuItemFilter': 'Filter',
    'columnMenuItemRemoveFilter': 'Remove Filter',
    'columnMenuItemGroupBy': 'Group by this column',
    'columnMenuItemRemoveGroupBy': 'Remove Group',
    'columnMenuItemHide': 'Hide',
    'columnMenuItemDelete': 'Delete',
    'columnResizeTooltip': 'width: {{value}}px',
    'rowResizeTooltip': 'height: {{value}}px',
    'commandBarAddRow': 'Add',
    'commandBarDeleteRow': 'Delete',
    'commandBarBatchRevert': 'Revert',
    'commandBarBatchSave': 'Save',
    'commandBarFilter': 'Filter',
    'commandBarSort': 'Sort',
    'commandBarSearch': 'Search',
    'commandBarCustomize': 'Customize',
    'commandBarGroup': 'Group',
    'commandColumnEdit': 'Edit',
    'commandColumnDelete': 'Delete',
    'commandColumnCancel': 'Cance l',
    'commandColumnUpdate': 'Update',
    'commandColumnMenu': '',
    'expandRow': 'Expand row',
    'collapseRow': 'Collapse row',
    'addNewRow': 'Click here to add a new row',
    'addNewColumn': 'Click here to add a new column',
    'dialogChartHeader': '{{value}} Chart',
    'dialogRowDetailHeader': 'Row Id: {{value}}',
    'dialogDescriptionHeader': 'Column: {{value}}',
    'dialogRowDetailButtonConfirm': 'OK',
    'dialogRowDetailButtonCancel': 'CANCEL',
    'dialogEditHeader': 'Edit {{value}}',
    'dialogAddButtonConfirm': 'ADD',
    'dialogAddButtonCancel': 'CANCEL',
    'dialogEditButtonConfirm': 'OK',
    'dialogEditButtonCancel': 'CANCEL',
    'dialogFilterButtonConfirm': 'FILTER',
    'dialogFilterButtonCancel': 'CLEAR',
    'dialogDeleteButtonConfirm': 'DELETE',
    'dialogDeleteButtonCancel': 'CANCEL',
    'dialogEditColumn': 'Column: {{value}}',
    'dialogAddColumn': 'Add Column',
    'dialogAddHeader': 'Add Row',
    'dialogDeleteHeader': 'Delete Row',
    'dialogFilterHeader': 'Filter by',
    'dialogFilterMinLabel': 'Min',
    'dialogFilterMaxLabel': 'Max',
    'conditionalFormatting': 'Conditional Formatting',
    'groupBarLabel': 'Drag a column header here to group by that column',
    'dialogDeleteContent': 'Are you sure you want to delete this row?',
    'calendar': {
    // separator of parts of a date (e.g. '/' in 11/05/1955)
    '/': '/',
    // separator of parts of a time (e.g. ':' in 05:44 PM)
    ':': ':',
    // the first day of the week (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc)
    firstDay: 0,
    days: {
    // full day names
    names: [ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ],
    // abbreviated day names
    namesAbbr: [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
    // shortest day names
    namesShort: [ 'Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa' ]
    months: {
    // full month names (13 months for lunar calendards -- 13th month should be '' if not lunar)
    names: [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December', '' ],
    // abbreviated month names
    namesAbbr: [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', '' ]
    // AM and PM designators in one of these forms:
    // The usual view, and the upper and lower case versions
    // [standard,lowercase,uppercase]
    // The culture does not use AM or PM (likely all standard date formats use 24 hour time)
    // null
    AM: [ 'AM', 'am', 'AM' ],
    PM: [ 'PM', 'pm', 'PM' ],
    eras: [
    // eras in reverse chronological order.
    // name: the name of the era in this culture (e.g. A.D., C.E.)
    // start: when the era starts in ticks (gregorian, gmt), null if it is the earliest supported era.
    // offset: offset in years from gregorian calendar
    { 'name': 'A.D.', 'start': null, 'offset': 0 }
    currencySymbol: '$',
    currency: 'USD',
    currencySymbolPosition: 'before',
    decimalSeparator: '.',
    thousandsSeparator: ','
    'CONTAINS': 'Contains',
    'DOES_NOT_CONTAIN': 'Does not contain',
    'ENDS_WITH': 'Ends with',
    'EQUAL': 'Equal',
    'GREATER_THAN': 'Greater than',
    'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL': 'Greater than or equal',
    'LESS_THAN': 'Less than',
    'LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL': 'Less than or equal',
    'NOT_EQUAL': 'Not equal',
    'RANGE': 'Range',
    'CLEAR_FILTER': 'Clear Filter',
    'STARTS_WITH': 'Starts with',
    'addFilter': '+ Add filter',
    'and': 'And',
    'apply': 'Apply',
    'booleanFirst': '☐',
    'booleanLast': '☑',
    'cancel': 'Cancel',
    'CONTAINS_CASE_SENSITIVE': 'Contains (case sensitive)',
    'dateFirst': '1',
    'dateLast': '9',
    'DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_CASE_SENSITIVE': 'does not contain (case sensitive)',
    'EMPTY': 'empty',
    'ENDS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE': 'ends with (case sensitive)',
    'EQUAL_CASE_SENSITIVE': 'equal (case sensitive)',
    'filter': 'Filter',
    'customize': 'Customize Columns',
    'filteredByMultiple': '{{n}} filters',
    'filteredByOne': '1 filter',
    'filterValuePlaceholder': 'Value',
    'find': 'Find a field',
    'findInView': 'Find in view',
    'firstBy': 'Sort by',
    'found': '{{nth}} of {{n}}',
    'from': 'from',
    'noFilters': 'No filters applied',
    'noResults': 'No results',
    'noSorting': 'No sorting applied',
    'NOT_EMPTY': 'not empty',
    'NOT_NULL': 'not null',
    'NULL': 'null',
    'numberFirst': '1',
    'numberLast': '9',
    'ok': 'OK',
    'or': 'Or',
    'pickAnother': 'Pick another field to sort by',
    'sort': 'Sort',
    'group': 'Group',
    'sortedByMultiple': 'Sorted by {{n}} fields',
    'sortedByOne': 'Sorted by 1 field',
    'STARTS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE': 'starts with (case sensitive)',
    'stringFirst': 'A',
    'stringLast': 'Z',
    'thenBy': 'then by',
    'where': 'Where',
    'collapseAll': 'Collapse all',
    'expandAll': 'Expand all',
    'noGrouping': 'No grouping',
    'groupedByMultiple': '{{n}} groups',
    'groupedByOne': '1 group',
    'firstByGroup': 'Group by',
    'pickAnotherGroupBy': 'Pick another field to group by',
    'add': 'Add condition',
    'all': 'All columns',
    'between': 'Between',
    'close': 'Close',
    'column': 'Column:',
    'condition': 'Condition:',
    'equal': 'Equal To',
    'fontFamily': 'Font family:',
    'fontSize': 'Font size:',
    'format': 'Format:',
    'greaterThan': 'Greater Than',
    'highlight': 'Highlight',
    'lessThan': 'Less Than',
    'notEqual': 'Not Equal To',
    'remove': 'Remove condition',
    'secondValue': 'Second value:',
    'text': 'Text',
    'value': 'Value:',
    'addCondition': 'Add Condition',
    'addGroup': 'Add Group',
    'blanks': '(Blanks)',
    'clear': 'Clear',
    'contains': 'contains',
    'containsCaseSensitive': 'contains (case sensitive)',
    'dateTabLabel': 'DATE',
    'doesNotContain': 'does not contain',
    'doesNotContainCaseSensitive': 'does not contain (case sensitive)',
    'empty': 'empty',
    'endsWith': 'ends with',
    'endsWithCaseSensitive': 'ends with (case sensitive)',
    'equalCaseSensitive': 'equal (case sensitive)',
    'greaterThanOrEqual': 'greater than or equal',
    'lessThanOrEqual': 'less than or equal',
    'mismatchedProperties': 'jqxFilterPanel: The "filterType" and the data type of the selected "dataField" are mismatched.',
    'missingProperty': 'jqxFilterPanel: When mode is \'excel\', either "data" and "dataField" or "dataSource" of type Array have to be set.',
    'notEmpty': 'not empty',
    'notNull': 'not null',
    'null': 'null ',
    'placeholderBoolean': 'Select value',
    'placeholderDate': 'Enter date',
    'placeholderNumber': 'Enter number',
    'placeholderTime': 'Enter time',
    'placeholderValue': 'Enter value',
    'selectAll': '(Select All)',
    'showRows': 'Show rows where:',
    'startsWith': 'starts with',
    'startsWithCaseSensitive': 'starts with (case sensitive)',
    'timeTabLabel': 'TIME'

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Export TreeGrid Excel error #101660

    Hi Walter,
    The issue here is in the columns definition. Remove the unused columnGroup settings.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Multiple Input Box #101643

    Hi Gourav,
    The feature you are looking for is not implemented in the MultiComboInput. We will consider implementing it in a future release. Another option is a custom development service. If you are interested in such an option, you may contact sales@jqwidgets.com
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Unwanted onchange event #101627
    in reply to: Issue/Question regarding Tree Widget #101623

    Hi Tr12,
    For Tree with large data source, use Table or Grid in Tree mode. Smart.Tree purpose is to be SEO friendly navigation component and its not designed to support large data sets.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Why do i need to set viewEncapsulation to none #101620

    Where do you add this CSS? Could you provide a full example? If we know, that, we will understand whether viewEncapsulation matters in your application scenario. It is not a requirement to have it. It depends on where CSS styles are imported and how.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Why do i need to set viewEncapsulation to none #101616

    Where do you add this CSS? Could you provide a full example?
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Trial license not found #101606

    Please share an example and step by step instructions reproducing that.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Cell click and row double click do not work together #101604

    Hi Gourav,
    You can use the Grid Events API to add event listeners and the selection API to select rows, cells, or columns. Make sure to set a proper selection mode first as the behavior is different in different modes. We have several examples in our Grid demos section about the selection. We suggest you check these demos first.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: npm installation with license key #101603

    Hi tullio0106,
    The Trial license is the default applied license which is for evaluation purposes only.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Trial license not found #101602

    Hi tullio0106,
    The popup with https://www.htmlelements.com/ url and a console log is displayed once you run a Trial version. Trial version is for evaluation purposes only. Popup message is not displayed only for the Free Components – Table, Tabs, Tree and Menu. For the rest of the components it is displayed.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Custom Buttons On The Grid #101601

    Hi Gourav,
    You may look at: https://www.htmlelements.com/demos/grid/column-dynamic-template-with-components/. The demo shows how to put custom buttons in a DataGrid.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Row filter not showing after server side data load #101588

    Hi Gourav,
    The provided information is unfortunately insufficient to reproduce the reported behavior. Please, provide a full example either in the forum or by email, which demonstrates such behavior with the current version of Smart UI components.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: List of Columns in their current order #101587

    Hi Felix George,
    After columns reorder, the columns array is updated. For example, if you drag the first column and drop it after the last column, the resulting array in our demo is:

    0: Proxy {label: "Last Name", width: 150, dataField: "lastName", dataType: "string", visibleIndex: 0, …}
    1: Proxy {label: "Product", width: 200, dataField: "productName", dataType: "string", visibleIndex: 1, …}
    2: Proxy {label: "Quantity", width: 100, dataField: "quantity", dataType: "number", visibleIndex: 2, …}
    3: Proxy {label: "Unit Price", width: 100, dataField: "price", cellsFormat: "c2", dataType: "number", …}
    4: Proxy {label: "Total", dataField: "total", cellsFormat: "c2", dataType: "number", visibleIndex: 4, …}
    5: Proxy {label: "First Name", width: 150, dataField: "firstName", dataType: "string", visibleIndex: 5, …}
    length: 6
    __proto__: Array(0)

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

Viewing 15 posts - 436 through 450 (of 918 total)