

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 361 through 375 (of 921 total)
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  • in reply to: smart-number-input not working with Angular reactive form #102157

    Hi davout,
    1. From your Forum’s profile nickname, we are not aware whether you’re a customer or not.
    2. This is a Community forum so by requesting help from other forum users or from our team requires at least some steps to reproduce an issue. Posting a topic which says: “this is not working” without adding details will most probably result in an unanswered topic.
    3. Thanks for the further details. By double-checking the angular support for this component, it is not in the list of supported components in Angular Reactive Forms: https://www.htmlelements.com/docs/angular-reactive-forms/.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: artefact in Grid for 'growAndShrink' #102153

    Hi Oleg,
    We tested this once again with different devices and were able to reproduce the reported behavior and added a work item. Thanks for the feedback.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: smart-number-input not working with Angular reactive form #102152

    Hi davout,
    We cannot reproduce an issue with the provided details. If you share a stackblitz sample which shows your scenario and the behavior which you report, we will try it once again.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team


    Hi davout,
    We cannot reproduce an issue with the provided details. If you share a stackblitz sample which shows your scenario and the behavior which you report, we will try it once again.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Blog posting to show off new release features? #102150
    in reply to: Nested Grid in Blazor #102128

    Hi dijar.kadriu,
    It definitely will be in a future version of the DataGrid component.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Download demos #102127

    Hi Joko Pitoyo,
    The source code for the Admin Templates is available for licensed users. In order to get it, you need to login our client portal and download the Smart UI source code package. The src folder for the Admin Templates is called ‘templates’.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Nested Grid in Blazor #102124

    Hi dijar.kadriu,
    The Blazor Grid currently does not support nested grids.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Grid Event #102121

    Hi dijar.kadriu,
    We will have such event in the next version of the Datagrid component which is planned for the next week.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: Demos's Source #102115

    Hi Riyaz Quresh,
    That blazor demo is available online only for the moment. We will consider adding it to the download package, too.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: default css file size #102099

    It works, many thanks!

    in reply to: default css file size #102088

    Hi Peter,
    Sorry for the late reply. It works, thanks for your help!
    One last question 🙂
    We want the tab position to be on the left or right and we need the option of automatic height (https://www.htmlelements.com/demos/tabs/auto-height/).
    But when we use the right tab position and the auto height styles the transition doesn’t work properly. The tab to be slides in is not animated and the tab that slides away is visible in the background.
    can you help ?
    many Thanks!

    in reply to: Blazor usage #102060

    Example with Scrollbar that changes DIV tag using Smart.Blazor 9.4.15
    Here is a sample built with Smart.Blazor 9.4.15

    @page "/"
    <Example Name="ScrollBar">
    <ScrollBar @ref="scrollbar" OnChange="ChangeHandler"></ScrollBar>
    <div style="@scrollStyle">
    Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
    Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
    Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
    Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
    Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
    Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
    Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
    Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
    Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
    Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
    Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
    Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here Some text content here
    @code {
    ScrollBar scrollbar;
    string scrollStyle = "overflow: auto; width: 100px; height:100px;";
    private void ChangeHandler(Event args) {
    ScrollBarChangeEventDetail detail = args["Detail"] as ScrollBarChangeEventDetail;
    scrollStyle = "overflow: auto; width: " + detail.Value + "px; height: " + detail.Value + "px;";
    Console.WriteLine(detail.OldValue + "/" + detail.Value);

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: default css file size #102054

    Hi ORE,
    You are right. Sorry, about that. I missed to add that 2 more files are required.

       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../source/styles/components/smart.base.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../source/styles/components/smart.tabs.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../source/styles/components/smart.common.css" />

    When you use more components on the page and want to load only these styles, add them between smart.base.css and smart.common.css.
    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev
    Smart UI Team

    in reply to: default css file size #102053

    Hi Peter,
    Thanks for your answer. I’ve tried it , but it doesn’t work. I think some CSS is missing. For example: The file  \source\styles\components\smart.tabs.css contains some variables, so I also tried adding the \source\styles\default\smart.variables.css. But even then it doesn’t work properly.
    Best regards

Viewing 15 posts - 361 through 375 (of 921 total)