Forum Replies Created
KeymasterHi tullio0106,
The “title” is a native HTML element attribute. If you want to apply styles to tooltips, you can use our smart-tooltip component.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
KeymasterHi tullio0106,
You can use a CSS variable for that purpose.
smart-drop-down-list {
min-height: 35px;
height: auto;
width: 300px;
–smart-drop-down-list-drop-down-height: 100px;
The –smart-drop-down-list-drop-down-height determines the height of the DropDownList’s dropdown.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
KeymasterHi xyzzy,
Have you tried the CSS font-size property?
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
KeymasterHi tullio0106,
You can use a CSS variable for that purpose.
Example:smart-drop-down-list { min-height: 35px; height: auto; width: 300px; --smart-drop-down-list-drop-down-height: 100px;}
The –smart-drop-down-list-drop-down-height determines the height of the DropDownList’s dropdown.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
KeymasterHi xyzzy,
You can use the following:
Number format strings:
‘d’ – decimal numbers.
‘f’ – floating-point numbers.
‘n’ – integer numbers.
‘c’ – currency numbers.
‘p’ – percentage numbers.
For adding decimal places to the numbers, add a number after the formatting stri
For example: ‘c3’ displays a number in this format $25.256
Built-in Date formats:
// short date pattern
‘d’ – ‘M/d/yyyy’,
// long date pattern
‘D’ – ‘dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy’,
// short time pattern
‘t’ – ‘h:mm tt’,
// long time pattern
‘T’ – ‘h:mm:ss tt’,
// long date, short time pattern
‘f’ – ‘dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm tt’,
// long date, long time pattern
‘F’ – ‘dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt’,
// month/day pattern
‘M’ – ‘MMMM dd’,
// month/year pattern
‘Y’ – ‘yyyy MMMM’,
// S is a sortable format that does not vary by culture
‘S’ – ‘yyyy’-‘MM’-‘dd’T’HH’:’mm’:’ss’
Date format strings:
‘d’-the day of the month;
‘dd’-the day of the month
‘ddd’-the abbreviated name of the day of the week
‘dddd’- the full name of the day of the week
‘h’-the hour, using a 12-hour clock from 1 to 12
‘hh’-the hour, using a 12-hour clock from 01 to 12
‘H’-the hour, using a 24-hour clock from 0 to 23
‘HH’- the hour, using a 24-hour clock from 00 to 23
‘m’-the minute, from 0 through 59
‘mm’-the minutes,from 00 though59
‘M’- the month, from 1 through 12
‘MM’- the month, from 01 through 12
‘MMM’-the abbreviated name of the month
‘MMMM’-the full name of the month
‘s’-the second, from 0 through 59
‘ss’-the second, from 00 through 59
‘t’- the first character of the AM/PM designator
‘tt’-the AM/PM designator
‘y’- the year, from 0 to 99
‘yy’- the year, from 00 to 99
‘yyy’-the year, with a minimum of three digits
‘yyyy’-the year as a four-digit number;
‘yyyyy’-the year as a four-digit number.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
KeymasterHi Oleg Ilin,
There is no new version available, yet. The latest Smart UI release is before you created this topic.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
KeymasterHi Trist B,
Ok, the event is missing from the Grid API and we will add it. You can bind to this event as a normal Javascript event by using addEventListener.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
KeymasterHi Trist B,
Where exactly did you read this? There are no such events.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
Unfortunately, your requirement is not supported with the current API of our DataGrid component. We will create a work item to add support for it in future versions.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
KeymasterHi Trist B,
There is no openColumnDialog event in our DataGrid component. My colleague prepared an example which shows how to open a custom window when a column is clicked so basically you decide when you open and close that custom window and what action is will perform – add column or something else based on your web application needs.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
That can be achieved by using templates for all columns. We do not have a row template in the Grid component.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
KeymasterHi aconley,
Thanks for the feedback. From the next version, these CSS errors will be resolved.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
How can we reproduce that? We have multiple demos and stackblitz samples which work fine without such errors.
KeymasterHi aconley,
That is an issue in our code which needs to be fixed in order to use the column/row ‘autoSize’ feature. You can subscribe to our newsletter so when we release a new version, you will receive an email. We usually release a new version every 1.5-2 months.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
KeymasterHi Dark Beccio,
You can achieve that with the following code:window.onload = () => { const cardview = document.querySelector('smart-card-view'); const cards = cardview.querySelectorAll('smart-card'); for(let i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) { cards[i].onclick = () => { alert("click"); } }}
In the above code we get all smart-card instances inside the card view and add click event handler to them.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team
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