JavaScript UI Libraries & Blazor Components Suite – Smart UI Forums Scheduler WindowCustomizationFuction Edit Repeating Event

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  • #102654
    Ede Gross


    I am using the scheduler with the WindowCustomizationFuction.

    I want to edit a repeating event, but I am not sure how I can change only one event instead of every event.

    Is there a way to do that?


    Yavor Dashev

    Hi Ede Gross,

    I have created a code snippet to showcase how to handle such situation.

    In your JavaScript:

    <div> scheduler.windowCustomizationFunction = (target, type, event, e) => {</div>
    <div>        if (type === 'confirm') {</div>
    <div>            let footerTemplate= target.querySelector('.smart-footer');</div>
    <div>   = 'none';</div>
    <div>            let btnElementEditEvent = document.createElement('smart-button');</div>
    <div>            let btnElementEditSeries = document.createElement('smart-button');</div>
    <div>            btnElementEditSeries.classList.add('smart-scheduler-window-button');</div>
    <div>            btnElementEditEvent.classList.add('smart-scheduler-window-button');</div>
    <div>            btnElementEditSeries.classList.add('edit-series');</div>
    <div>            btnElementEditEvent.classList.add('edit-event');</div>
    <div>            btnElementEditSeries.innerText = 'Edit series';</div>
    <div>            btnElementEditEvent.innerText = 'Edit event';</div>
    <div>            btnElementEditEvent.ariaLabel = 'edit-event';</div>
    <div>            let confirmEl = document.getElementById('schedulerConfirmWindowContent');</div>
    <div>            confirmEl.appendChild(btnElementEditEvent);</div>
    <div>            confirmEl.appendChild(btnElementEditSeries);</div>
    <div>            btnElementEditEvent.onclick = () => {</div>
    <div>                scheduler.windowCustomizationFunction = null;</div>
    <div>            }</div>
    <div>            btnElementEditSeries.onclick = () => {</div>
    <div>                scheduler.windowCustomizationFunction = null;</div>
    <div>            }</div>
    <div>        }</div>
    <div>    }

    <div>Let me know if this works for you!</div>
    <div>Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions.

    Best regards,
    Yavor Dashev

    Smart UI Team</div>

    Ede Gross

    It works, but I still have a question.

    I still want to use the windowCustomizationFuction, but I want to know how to save the event.

    E.g. I have a series named “XYZ” which occurs 5 times, but I want the 3rd time to be one hour later.

    I am working with a database and I want to know, if I can change the date or name of another Event and save it?

    Yavor Dashev

    Hi Ede Gross,

    You can bind for the itemUpdate  event to record the change of the event.

    Quick code snippet for this use case:

     scheduler.addEventListener('itemUpdate', function (event) {
    <div>        const detail = event.detail,</div>
    <div>            item = detail.item;</div>
    <div>        console.log(item)</div>
    <div>    })

    <div>Or you can use the updateEvent method in order to update an Event of the Scheduler compoent.</div>
    <div>More info about it you can find in the Scheduler API:</div&gt;

    Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions.

    Best regards,
    Yavor Dashev

    Smart UI Team


    Ede Gross

    How would the dataSource look like after editing?

    E.g. I have this repeating event.

    <span class="pun">{</span><span class="pln">
                    label</span><span class="pun">:</span> <span class="str">'Google AdWords Strategy'</span><span class="pun">,</span><span class="pln">
                    dateStart</span><span class="pun">:</span> <span class="kwd">new</span> <span class="typ">Date</span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="pln">currentYear</span><span class="pun">,</span><span class="pln"> currentMonth</span><span class="pun">,</span> <span class="lit">10</span><span class="pun">,</span> <span class="lit">9</span><span class="pun">,</span> <span class="lit">0</span><span class="pun">),</span><span class="pln">
                    dateEnd</span><span class="pun">:</span> <span class="kwd">new</span> <span class="typ">Date</span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="pln">currentYear</span><span class="pun">,</span><span class="pln"> currentMonth</span><span class="pun">,</span> <span class="lit">11</span><span class="pun">,</span> <span class="lit">10</span><span class="pun">,</span> <span class="lit">30</span><span class="pun">),</span><span class="pln">
                    allDay</span><span class="pun">:</span> <span class="kwd">true</span><span class="pun">,</span><span class="pln">
                    backgroundColor</span><span class="pun">:</span> <span class="str">'#F57F17'</span><span class="pun">,</span><span class="pln">
                    repeat</span><span class="pun">:</span> <span class="pun">{</span><span class="pln">
                        repeatFreq</span><span class="pun">:</span> <span class="str">'weekly'</span><span class="pun">,</span><span class="pln">
                        repeatInterval</span><span class="pun">:</span> <span class="lit">5</span><span class="pun">,</span><span class="pln">
                        repeatOn</span><span class="pun">:</span> <span class="pun">[</span><span class="lit">0</span><span class="pun">,</span> <span class="lit">2</span><span class="pun">,</span> <span class="lit">5</span><span class="pun">],</span><span class="pln">
                        repeatEnd</span><span class="pun">:</span> <span class="kwd">new</span> <span class="typ">Date</span><span class="pun">(</span><span class="pln">currentYear</span><span class="pun">,</span><span class="pln"> currentMonth </span><span class="pun">+</span> <span class="lit">2</span><span class="pun">,</span> <span class="lit">24</span><span class="pun">)</span>
                    <span class="pun">}</span>
    </span>For example I want the second weekly occurance to only be on Sunday and Friday instead of Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. How would this array then look like?
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Ede Gross.
    Ede Gross

    Nervermind I figured it out, it is also marked as an “exception” in the dataSource.

    Sorry for bothering

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