JavaScript UI Libraries & Blazor Components Suite – Smart UI Forums Gantt Start date is unexpectedly updated when resizing a project


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  • #111811
    Kiran M

    When we resize a project so as to only modify it’s due date, sometimes start date is also modified which is not expected.

    1. Goto example –
    2. Observe the start date column for ‘Project A’. The value is ’05/1/2021 2:30:00 AM’.
    3. Now select that project on chart and extend the end date using resize handlers.
    4. Observe the start date column again. Though we only resized to change end date the start date also got modified to ’05/1/2021 2:17:59 AM’.
    5. start date unexpected update issue

    Expectation: When resizing a project/task, only the date being modified should be updated without impacting the other date.

    I am experiencing similar issue in my project. Can you please advice on this.


    • This topic was modified 3 months ago by Kiran M. Reason: Angular, gantt chart

    Hi Kiran,

    Thank you for the description. We see the date as 12:00 in our time zone, but setting the hour to 2:30 and resizing we observed the problem. We will resolve it for the next release of the Gantt.

    Best regards,

    Smart UI Team

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