I use Smart in Angular 12.
How do I get the data from an event that has just been saved?
Usually I get the data from the property “change”: <smart-scheduler id=”scheduler” (change)=”smartChange($event)”.
Smart Scheduler has properties like onItemUpdate and onItemClick. But that does not work :(.
How can i work with Smart Sheduler – fetch the data from a saved event???
Hi Torsten Brieskorn,
Please, post a Stackblitz sample demonstrating what exactly you try to achieve. The “change” event is not related to Event updates. It is related to navigation in this component so it is not appropriate for getting information which event is updated.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team https://www.htmlelements.com/
i try a lot of events. Nothing gives me the saved/updated/inserted data.
Even importing the modules (app.modules.ts) does not work under Stackblitz. But all my code for smart-scheduler is present.
…on my local machine, the import works.
Hi Torsten,
All Scheduler demos on our website have Edit in Stackblitz button below.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team https://www.htmlelements.com/
Hi Torsten Brieskorn,
dragEnd, dragStart are raised when you drag/drop event.
resizeStart, resizeEnd are raised when you resize an event.
itemUpdate is raised only when you edit an event through the Scheduler dialog.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev
Smart UI Team https://www.htmlelements.com/