JavaScript UI Libraries & Blazor Components Suite – Smart UI Forums Kanban Programmatically Sort with addSort() by multiple DataFields

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  • #104548

    I try to add sorting to the kanban programmatically in Angular.

    I can add a single sorting by use .addSort(“dataField1″,”ascending”), there is no problem. I know it is possible to sort by multiple dataFields and the documentation says I could use something like .addSort([“dataField1”, “dataField2”], [“ascending”,”ascending”]) but if I use this code I get an error:

    “Argument of type ‘[string, string]’ is not assignable to parameter of type ‘string | []’.
    Type ‘[string, string]’ is not assignable to type ‘string’.”

    What I’m doing wrong, can somebody help please? Thanks in advance



    Thank you for reporting that, it is a problem on our side!
    Here is a workaround for it:
    Just set the arrays as any

    I hope this helps

    Best Regards,
    Svetoslav Borislavov

    Smart UI Team


    Ah yes, that’s the fix. Thank you, helped a lot!



    You are welcome!
    If you face any difficulties, do not hesitate to contact us!

    Best Regards,
    Svetoslav Borislavov

    Smart UI Team

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