As You suggested in a previous post I created some tabs with the auto-height class and it seems to work.
<smart-tabs style=”width : 100%” selected-index=”1″ class=”auto-height” id=”tabsConfiguration”>
Howhever when I put in one of theese tabs a smart-date-time-picker with the calendar active
<smart-date-time-picker drop-down-position=”center-bottom” enable-mouse-wheel-action=”true” calendar-button=”true” id=”e1261304372″ format-string=”dd/MM/yyyy” class=”elemento_testo_valore” value=”15/12/2021″ name=”e1261304372″ onchange=”mostraAlertMsgOption(this)” onfocus=”on_focus(this)”>
the calendar opens but is olny partially visible because it goes out of the tab dimention.
How can I solve this issue ?