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  • #103857

    As You suggested in a previous post I created a tab

    <smart-tabs onChange=”changedTab(this)” style=”width : 100%” selected-index=”0″ class=”auto-height” id=”tabsConfiguration”>

    with auto-height class.

    Usually it works but if one of the last elements in the tab content is a dropdown list, the list opens but is partially visible because of the tab border.

    I don’t know, a priori, the size of the tab content and the size of the list.

    How can I solve ?




    Hi Tullio,

    if you have dropdownlists, by default the popup is part of the dropdownlist and if there is not enough available space, the dropdown will not be fully visible. You can optionally display it, if the dropdown is added to the document’s body. The dropdownlist has a property called ‘dropDownAppendTo’. If you set it to body, the dropdown will be added to the document’s body so it will always be on top of other elements.

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    Smart UI Team


    I tested Your solution and it seemed to work.

    However it produces a dramatic effect : my dropdown are within a formĀ  and, if i set dropDownAppendTo to body, values of the dropdownlist are not passed back.

    I need a different solution.

    Could You suggest it ?




    Hi Tullio,

    The dropdownlist’s value is passed with the form when the ‘name’ property of the component is set.

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    Smart UI Team


    Name component was set but when appnd to is set to body it is not passed in my tests.

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