I have the following problem, I have a grid with a column that needs to render the status of each row. Each row has a status like {code: number, description: string}, I need to show the autocomplete in each cell of the status column:
<div>statuses: Status[] = [{ “value”: 0, “label”: “UNFULFILLED” }, { “value”: 1, “label”: “LUMP” }, { “value”: 2, “label”: “BOUGHT” },</div>
<div> { “value”: 3, “label”: “VIRTUAL” }, { “value”: 4, “label”: “NEW” },</div>
<div> { “value”: 5, “label”: “ESTIMATED” }, { “value”: 6, “label”: “QUOTE” }, { “value”: 7, “label”: “APPROVED” }, { “value”: 8, “label”: “CONFIRMED” },</div>
<div> { “value”: 9, “label”: “DENIED” }, { “value”: 10, “label”: “PROCESS” }, { “value”: 11, “label”: “REQUESTED” }, { “value”: 12, “label”: “HOLIDAY” },</div>
<div> { “value”: 13, “label”: “EXPIRED” }, { “value”: 14, “label”: “CANCELLED” }, { “value”: 15, “label”: “DECLINED” }, { “value”: 16, “label”: “DENIEDPDN” }];</div>
<div>The autocomplete should show the complete list of labels and when I choose one option I need to recover the value of this cell.And I need know which is the best way to bind a status when loading the grid.</div>
<div>Is possible? I need help, please.</div>