I need to localize a Date Input to Spanish and also changing FirstDayOdWeek to 1 (Monday) on Angular.
I’ve tried this but didn’t work:
dataField: ‘invoiceDate’,
controlType: ‘date’,
label: ‘Fecha’,
placeholder: ‘Elegir fecha’,
cssClass: ‘underlined’,
firstDayOfWeek: 1,
locale: ‘es’,
formatString: ‘d/M/yyyy’,
firstDay: 1
dataField: ‘idCardDueDate’,
controlType: ‘date’,
label: ‘Fecha de expiración’,
placeholder: ‘Elija fecha’,
cssClass: ‘underlined’,
controlOptions: {
formatString: ‘d/M/yyyy’,
firstDayOfWeek: 1,
locale: ‘es’
No error messages or warnings, just keep showing pop-up calendar starting on Sunday and labels in English.
Please help
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