I am checking yours “Grouping Horizontal” scheduler, also checked the code availability, but I am not able to find the code for using this as a single page application (jQuery), where we can create one html page and one js page, is it available for single page use please answer.
I would suggest you check ourĀ Getting Started with Smart HTML Elements Tutorial where there is a section describing how to set your project using JavaScript.
Also, when you open the Scheduler Grouping Horizontal Demo that you have mentioned there are “Source” and “Index.htm” tabs at the top where you can see how your html and js files should look like.
If you do not want the demo’s JS on another page, you can add a script tag on the html page and copy-paste the index.js into it. If you find it easier to use jQuery, you can use our jQuery product instead – https://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-demo/
I have created one page with .html extension and copied scheduler html code into it, also put js link and the CSS link also create one js file and pasted your js code into it and give js link on the html page but it is not working it’s thronging error export is not a function am I missing something.
I would suggest you to check the getting started docs and the demos in the download package. They will help you to learn how to use our product.
Best regards,
Peter Stoev