JavaScript UI Libraries & Blazor Components Suite – Smart UI Forums Gantt Differentiating Click Events on Project Name and Project Bar in Nested Gantt Cha

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  • #111356
    Varshitha Yerukonda

    Hi Team,

    In the current implementation of nested projects (as seen in this demo), clicking on a project name in the left-side task name column is handled by the itemClick event. However, clicking on the project bar on the right side also triggers the itemClick event. Is there a way to differentiate between these two types of clicks on the project? If so, what method or event should we use? I need assistance with this.




    Hi Varshitha,

    As for the gantt whether you click on the row is handled as a click on the row i.e clicking on the left or right side does not make difference, the item becomes selected or unselected. The ‘itemClick’ event has event.detail.originalTarget parameter which you can use to determine the X and Y of the click. Using these params you will be able to evaluate whether the click is on the left or right.

    Best Regards,

    Smart UI Team

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