how can I change the time format to “24-hour” in the datetimepicker. It’s described how to do it with the timepicker, but I need datetime in mycase.
That’s the TimePicker Description: https://www.htmlelements.com/demos/timepicker/24-hour-format/
Hello Gerhard,
If I understand you correctly you want to have the same “24-hour” format when the Smart.TimePicker appears from the Smart.DateTimePicker.
Thank you for this and meanwhile, I will discuss this with my colleagues to improve it.
Best Regards,
Hristo Hristov
jQWidgets team https://www.jqwidgets.com
Hello Hristo,
that’s exactly what I need. The 12 hour format ist very untypical here in Germany.
Thank you.
Another great feature would be the minuteInterval from the TimePicker for the DateTimePicker. Just something that I can set the steps of the timepicker to a certain value. Like this demo: https://www.htmlelements.com/demos/timepicker/settings/
That would make the DateTimePicker really user-friendly.
Hello Gerhard,
Thank you for these details.
We will discuss this and they could be included as new features in the future.
Best Regards,
Hristo Hristov
jQWidgets team https://www.jqwidgets.com