according to the docs the “change” event of the DropDownList should be raised when the selection is changed. However, in our testing it seems that this event doesn’t occur (when dropDownAppendTo is set to the body element), whereas other events like “dropDownButtonClick” occour.
Please see the following CodePen link: https://codepen.io/KP-Traeger12/pen/poEJjvJ
You can see that when you expand the DropDownList, the “dropDownButtonClick” event is logged, but the “change” event is not logged when the selection is changed.
However, when you uncomment the line “dropDown.dropDownAppendTo = document.body;”, the event is logged correctly. On further testing, it seems that the “change” event is actually raised in the document.body element, instead of the DropDownList element.
Thank you