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  • #111168
    Marcin Sknadaj

    Additional fields in task (Kanban).

    I add additional fields to properties:
    taskCustomFields : addFields

    What is the list of possible settings for different types of fields in the addFields variable

    Based on the existing documentation, I am only aware of the properties as follows:
    const addFields = [
    {dataField: ‘value’, label: ‘order value’, visibility: true,
    {dataField : ‘rate’, label: ‘rate’, visibility: true},
    but what about such properties that I can find, for example, in Grid.
    dataType : ‘number’,
    editor: ‘numberInput’

    I tried to use the same definition like in Grid but it doesn’t work.

    So, how to define the type of the additional fields in Kanban to be displayed and validating accordingly during editing for: date, string, number (incl. currency), checkbox, etc….


    Hi Marcin,

    The Kanban fields types are “date”, “string”, “number” and “bool”.


    Smart UI Team

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