JavaScript UI Libraries & Blazor Components Suite – Smart UI › Forums › Text Boxes & Inputs › password input field complexity validation and strength example › Reply To: password input field complexity validation and strength example
November 16, 2022 at 5:14 pm
Patrick Hume
seams i got the cass wrong to make that work poperly –
smart-password-text-box { background-clip: content-box; box-sizing: border-box; } smart-password-text-box[show-password-strength] { border: red solid 3px; } smart-password-text-box[show-password-strength] .smart-password-short { border: red solid 3px; } smart-password-text-box[show-password-strength] .smart-password-weak { border: #C27BA0 solid 3px; } smart-password-text-box[show-password-strength] .smart-password-far { border: orange solid 3px; } smart-password-text-box[show-password-strength] .smart-password-better { border: yellow solid 3px; } smart-password-text-box[show-password-strength] .smart-password-good { border: deepskyblue solid 3px; } smart-password-text-box[show-password-strength] .smart-password-strong { border: green solid 3px; } smart-password-text-box smart-tooltip .smart-tooltip-content { border-radius: 3px; }
then the js file needs to be
(function (global) { global.customStrength = function (dotNetObject) { let allowedSymbols = '<>@!#$%^&*()_+[]{}?:;|\'"\\,./~`-='; const passwordTextBox = document.querySelector("smart-password-text-box").messages = { 'en': { 'passwordStrength': 'Password strength', 'short': 'Short', 'weak': 'complexity Week - missing art least 1 symbol, ' + allowedSymbols, 'far': 'complexity Fair - missing at least 1 numerical value, 0 - 9', 'better': 'complexity Better - missing at least 1 upper case characture, A- Z', 'good': 'complexity Good - missing at least 1 lower case characture, a - z', 'strong': 'Strong =)', 'showPassword': 'Show password' } }; setTimeout(function () { passwordTextBox.passwordStrength = function (password, allowedSymbols) { const passwordLength = password.length; let message = null; // debugger; if (passwordLength < 7) { message = 'short'; } else if (!new RegExp(symbols).exec(password)) { message = 'weak'; } else if (!new RegExp(numerical).exec(password)) { message = 'far'; } else if (!new RegExp(upperCase).exec(password)) { message = 'better'; } else if (!new RegExp(lowerCase).exec(password)) { message = 'good'; } if (message) { dotNetObject.invokeMethodAsync('CallbackComplexityCheck', false) return message; } dotNetObject.invokeMethodAsync('CallbackComplexityCheck', true) return 'strong'; } }, 0); return true; } })(window);
This will allow one to customise the message in the tooltip template whilst still applying styling the the input