
Another question from the example I mentioned above (GridDynamicColumsPage)

I didn’t understand the line in

private void AddColumn()


grid.Columns = new List<GridColumn>() { }; //TODO: remove


When you comment out the line, now column will be added, but it should because of parameter binding.

<Grid @ref=”grid” DataSource=”dataRecords” Columns=”@columns”></Grid>

With this workaround you also lost some settings


<Grid @ref=”grid” DataSource=”dataRecords” Columns=”@columns” Sorting=”@sorting”></Grid>

GridSorting sorting = new GridSorting { Enabled = true };

private void AddColumn()

GridColumn newColumn = new GridColumn(){ Label = columnsList[i], DataField = columnsList[i], SortOrder = GridColumnSortOrder.Desc };

grid.Columns = new List<GridColumn>() { }; //TODO: remove


This will add the column, but the sort order get lost.