
I have a workaround – I actually already had the keys in my own object, which I used to initialize app.
// Note: data can only be nested one-deep!
// As well, event functions cannot be nested!
const smartData = {
enrollmentNewSubmit: newEnrollmentSubmit,
enrollmentNew: {
courseID: ”,
loginName: ”,
studentID: ”
schoolNewSubmit: newSchoolSubmit,
schoolNew: {
name: ”,
shortName: ”,
description: ”,
address: ”,
city: ”,
stateCode: ”,
zipCode: ”,
province: ”,
country: ‘US’,
postalCode: ”,
codes: ”,
tags: ”,
notes: ”,
annex: ”
So, I can e.g.
for (const key of Object.keys(smartData.schoolNew)) {
console.log(<backtick>key: ${key} hasOwnProperty: ${boundAttrs.hasOwnProperty(key)} type: ${typeof boundAttrs[key]}<backtick>);
So, I can iterate through that way and get only my own added properties.
Please add some easy way to do this in the future, or let me know what I am missing if it already exists.