Table Javascript API



Table is an alternative of the HTMLTableElement.




AautoLoadStateEnables or disables auto load state from the browser's localStorage. Information about columns, expanded rows, selected rows, applied fitering, grouping, and sorted columns is loaded, based on the value of the stateSettings property.
AautoSaveStateEnables or disables auto save state to the browser's localStorage. Information about columns, expanded rows, selected rows, applied fitering, grouping, and sorted columns is saved, based on the value of the stateSettings property.
CcolumnGroupsSets or gets a list of column groups that constitute the column header hierarchy. Note: when column header hierarchy is created, column resizing and auto-sizing is not supported. Click for more details. Property object's options:
  • label:string - Sets or gets the column group's label that appears in the column header hierarchy.
  • name:string - Sets or gets the column group's unique name that is referenced in the columnGroup field of columns (TableColumn).
  • parentGroup:string - Sets or gets the name of the column group's parent group (also defined in columnGroups).
CcolumnMinWidthSets or gets the min width of columns when columnSizeMode is 'auto' or when resizing columns. This property has no effect on columns with programmatically set width.
CcolumnReorderSets or gets whether the reordering of columns is enabled.
CcolumnResizeSets or gets whether the resizing of columns is enabled. Note: column sizes continue to adhere to the behavior of the standard HTML table element's table-layout: fixed, upon which smart-table is based.
CcolumnResizeNormalizeThis property affects the table sizing, when the columnSizeMode is 'default'. When 'columnResizeNormalize' is false, the Table will add an additional TH element, if all table columns have the 'width' property set. This is done in order to maintain your width settings. Otherwise, when the property is set to true, the Table will auto-fill the remaining space similar to the layout of standard HTML Tables.
CcolumnResizeFeedbackSets or gets whether when resizing a column, a feedback showing the new column width in px will be displayed.
CcolumnsDescribes the columns properties. Click for more details. Property object's options:
  • allowEdit:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column's cells can be edited.
  • allowFilter:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column can be filtered.
  • allowGroup:boolean - Sets or gets whether the table can be grouped by the column.
  • allowResize:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column can be resized.
  • allowSort:boolean - Sets or gets whether the table can be sorted by the column.
  • allowMenu:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column may have a column menu when the 'columnMenu' property of the Table is enabled.
  • allowHide:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column may be hidden with the Table's column menu when the 'columnMenu' property of the Table is enabled.
  • columnGroup:string - Sets or gets the column's column group. Has to correspond to the name field of a column group (TableColumnGroup).
  • dataField:string - Sets or gets the column's data source-bound field.
  • dataType:string - Sets or gets the data type of the column's cells.
  • editor:{ getValue: { (editor: HTMLElement): any }, onInit: { (rowId: string | number, dataField: string, editor: HTMLElement, value: any): void }, onRender: { (rowId: string | number, dataField: string, editor: HTMLElement, value: any): void }, template: string } - An object setting up a custom editor. Available fields:
    • template - a string to be parsed into HTML and be used as custom cell editor.
    • onInit - a callback function called once when the editor is initialized.
    • onRender - a callback function called each time a cell enters edit mode.
    • getValue - a callback function called when editing is complete; used to return the editor's value to the Table's data source.
  • freeze:string | boolean - Sets or gets whether the column is sticky/frozen. true and 'near' designate freezing on the left side, 'far' - on the right side.
  • formatFunction:{ (settings: { value: any, row: string | number, column: string, cell: HTMLTableCellElement, template?: any }): void } - A callback function that can be used to modify the contents of a cell and the cell itself.
  • label:string - Sets or gets the text displayed in the column's header.
  • map:string - Sets or gets the data field map, when the Table is bound to an Array and dataSourceSettings property is not set.
  • responsivePriority:number | null - Sets or gets the column's priority when resizing the browser window. The larger the priority value, the column will be hidden at a larger screen resolution. Columns with priority 1 are never hidden. The property should be set to a number in the range of 1 to 5. The property by default is not set.
  • sort:{ (firstRecord: any, secondRecord: any): number } - Use this for custom sort implementation only. All non-undefined array elements are sorted according to the return value of the compare function (all undefined elements are sorted to the end of the array, with no call to compareFunction).
  • templateElement:string - A string to be parsed into HTML and be used as custom cell content. Applicable only when virtualization is enabled.
  • templateElementSettings:{ (value: any, row: string | number, templateElement: HTMLElement): void } - A callback function that can be used to apply settings to a template element (specified by the column templateElement property). Applicable only when virtualization is enabled.
  • transform:{ (value: any): any } - A callback function that can be used to transform all the data of the column's original data field into a new data field to be used in column cells and all column operations. Can be useful for localizing data.
  • validation:{ (value: any): boolean | { message: string } } - A callback function that can be used to validate cell values after editing. If it returns true, the cell is valid. If it returns false or an object with a message field, the cell is not valid and the message (or a default one) is displayed in a tooltip.
  • visible:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column is hidden or not. Hidden columns allow data to be grouped by their corresponding dataField.
  • width:string | number - Sets the width of the column. The width can be entered as a number or string with px.
  • minWidth:number - Sets the minimum width of the column. The width can be entered as a number.
CconditionalFormattingSets or gets details about conditional formatting to be applied to the Table's cells. Click for more details. Property object's options:
  • column:string - The data field of a numeric column to format. Set 'all' to format all numeric columns.
  • condition:string - The formatting condition.
  • firstValue:number - The value to compare by. When condition is 'between', this is the start (from) value.
  • fontFamily:string - The fontFamily to apply to formatted cells.
  • fontSize:string - The fontSize to apply to formatted cells. The fontSize as set in CSS is used by default.
  • highlight:string - The background color to apply to formatted cells.
  • secondValue:number - When condition is 'between', this is the end (to) value. Otherwise, this value is not used.
  • text:string - The text color to apply to formatted cells.
CcolumnMenuSets or gets the column menu. When you set this property to true, each column will have a column menu. From the column menu, you will be able to sort, filter, show or hide columns.
CcolumnSizeModeSets or gets the column sizing behavior. In 'auto' mode Columns are automatically sized based on their content and the value of the columnMinWidth property, unless there is not enough space in the Table, in which case ellipses are shown. User-set static column width is still respected. In 'default' mode Columns are sized according to the rules of the standard HTML table element's table-layout: fixed. Custom width can also be applied to columns in this case by setting the column width property.
CconditionalFormattingButtonSets or gets whether the "Conditional Formatting" button appears in the Table's header (toolbar). Clicking this button opens a dialog with formatting options.
DdeferredScrollDelayThis property determines the time in milliseconds after which the Table data is updated, when you vertically scroll.
DdataRowIdWhen binding the dataSource property directly to an array (as opposed to an instance of Smart.DataAdapter), sets or gets the name of the data field in the source array to bind row ids to.
DdataSourceDetermines the data source of the table component. The data source of the Table can be a regular Array or a DataAdapter instance. You can read more about the dataAdapter here -
DdataSourceSettingsSets the grid's data source settings when the dataSource property is set to an Array or URL. Click for more details. Property object's options:
  • autoGenerateColumns:boolean - Sets or gets whether a column will be auto-generated.
  • childrenDataField:string - Sets or gets a children data field like 'children', 'items' in the data source. When this property is set, the dataAdapter will look for this data field when looping through the items. If it is found a hierarchical data source would be created.
  • root:string - Sets or gets the XML binding root.
  • sanitizeHTML:string - Sets or gets the Table values espace mode. This property specifies how html tags will be espaced by the table. The default 'blackList' value includes the most commonly used tags for espace such as 'script'. The 'all' value espaces all tags, whereas 'none' does not escape any tags.
  • sanitizeHTMLRender:string - Determines whether cell values will display the espaced values as text or html.
  • record:string - Sets or gets the XML binding record.
  • groupBy:string[] - Sets or gets the data fields to group by.
  • dataFields:{name: string, dataType: string}[] | string[] - Sets or gets the data fields which decribe the loaded data and data type. Ex: ['id: number', 'firstName: string', 'lastName: string']
  • Property object's options:
    • name:string - Sets the dataField name.
    • map:string - Sets the dataField mapping path. For nested mapping, use '.'. Example: 'name.firstName'.
    • dataType:string - Sets the dataField type.
  • dataSourceType:string - Sets or gets whether the data source type.
  • id:string - Sets or gets the dataAdapter's id
  • keyDataField:string - Sets or gets the key data field to be used for building the hierarchy. It is used in combination with the parentDataField property. Usually the 'id' field is used as key data field and 'parentId' as parent data field'
  • parentDataField:string - Sets or gets the parent data field to be used for building the hierarchy. It is used in combination with the keyDataField property. Usually the 'id' field is used as key data field and 'parentId' as parent data field'
  • mapChar:string - Sets the 'mapChar' data field of the record
  • virtualDataSource:any - Sets the virtual data source function which is called each time the Grid requests data. Demos using 'virtualDataSource' are available on the Grid demos page.
  • virtualDataSourceOnExpand:any - Sets the virtual data source on expand function. This function is called when we load data on demand in Tree or TreeGrid and virtualDataSource in these components is set, too
DdataTransformA callback function that can be used to transform the initial dataSource records. If implemented, it is called once for each record (which is passed as an argument).
DdisabledDisables the interaction with the element.
EeditingSets or gets whether the Table can be edited.
EeditModeSets or gets the edit mode.
EexpandHierarchySets or gets whether Row hierarchies are expanded by default, when created. Use this property when you want your groups to be expanded by default, when the Table is grouped or when you use the Table in tree mode.
FfilteringSets or gets whether the Table can be filtered. By default, the Table can be filtered by all string and numeric columns through a filter input in the header.
FfilterRowSets or gets whether the Table can be filtered via a filter row.
FfilterOperatorSets or gets the Table's filter operator. It determines whether 'and' or 'or' is used when applying column filters - cellvalue1 && cellvalue2 vs cellvalue1 || cellvalue2
FfilterTemplateSets or gets the id of an HTML template element to be applied as a custom filter template.
FfooterRowSets or gets the id of an HTML template element to be applied as footer row(s).
FformulasSets or gets whether Excel-like formulas can be passed as cell values. Formulas are always preceded by the = sign and are re-evaluated when cell values are changed. This feature depends on the third-party free plug-in formula-parser (the file formula-parser.min.js has to be referenced).
FfreezeFooterSets or gets whether the Table's footer is sticky/frozen.
FfreezeHeaderSets or gets whether the Table's column header is sticky/frozen.
GgroupingSets or gets whether grouping the Table is enabled.
GgroupFormatFunctionA callback function that can be used to modify the contents of a grouping header row. By changing the 'label' you modify the rendered grouping value. By changing the 'template' you can modify the entire content including the column and count information.
HheaderRowAllows to customize the header of the element. The property accepts the id of an HTMLElement, HTMLTemplateElement, function or a string that will be parsed as HTML. When set to a function it contains one argument - the header element of the Table.
KkeyboardNavigationSets or gets whether navigation with the keyboard is enabled in the Table.
HhideSelectionColumnSets or gets whether the checkboxes are displayed in the selection column.
LloadColumnStateBehaviorSets or gets the behavior when loading column settings either via autoLoadState or loadState. Applicable only when stateSettings contains 'columns'.
LlocaleSets or gets the language. Used in conjunction with the property messages.
MmessagesSets or gets an object specifying strings used in the element that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale.
OonCellRenderA callback function executed each time a Table cell is rendered.
OonColumnRenderA callback function executed each time a Table column header cell is rendered.
OonInitA callback function executed when the Table is being initialized.
OonLoadA callback function executed after the Table is being initialized.
OonUpdateCompleteA callback function executed when the Table's update is finished in the endUpdate method.
PpageSizeSets or gets the page size (when paging is enabled).
PpageIndexSets or gets the current (zero-based) page index (when paging is enabled).
PpagingSets or gets whether paging is enabled.
RrightToLeftSets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts.
RrowDetailTemplateSets or gets a string template to be applied as row detail template. Each cell value in the master row can be placed in the detail row by specifying the cell's data field in double curly brackets (e.g. {{price}}. The details can then be displayed by expanding the row by clicking it.
SselectedSets or gets an array of the Table's selected row's ids.
SselectionSets or gets whether row selection (via checkboxes) is enabled.
SselectionModeSets or gets the selection mode. Only applicable when selection is enabled.
SselectionByHierarchySets or gets whether row selection (via checkboxes) is hierarchical. When a parent row is selected, all sub rows are selected, too.
SsortA callback function executed when a column is sorted that can be used to override the default sorting behavior. The function is passed four parameters:
    dataSource - the Table's data sourcesortColumns - an array of the data fields of columns to be sorted bydirections - an array of sort directions to be sorted by (corresponding to sortColumns)defaultCompareFunctions - an array of default compare functions to be sorted by (corresponding to sortColumns), useful if the sorting of some columns does not have to be overridden
SsortModeDetermines the sorting mode of the Table.
SstateSettingsSets or gets what settings of the Table's state can be saved (by autoSaveState or saveState) or loaded (by autoLoadState or loadState). Click for more details. Property object's options:
    TthemeDetermines the theme. Theme defines the look of the element
    TtooltipSets or gets whether when hovering a cell with truncated content, a tooltip with the full content will be shown.
    VvirtualizationEnables or disables HTML virtualization. This functionality allows for only visible rows to be rendered, resulting in an increased Table performance.


    CcellBeginEditThis event is triggered when a cell edit operation has been initiated.
    CcellClickThis event is triggered when a cell has been clicked.
    CcellEndEditThis event is triggered when a cell has been edited.
    CchangeThis event is triggered when the selection is changed. Within the event handler you can get the selection by using the 'getSelection' method.
    CcollapseThis event is triggered when a row has been collapsed.
    EexpandThis event is triggered when a row has been expanded.
    CcolumnClickThis event is triggered when a column header cell has been clicked.
    CcloseColumnMenuThis event is triggered when a column menu is closed.
    CcolumnResizeThis event is triggered when a column has been resized via dragging or double-click.
    FfilterThis event is triggered when a filtering-related action is made.
    GgroupThis event is triggered when a grouping-related action is made.
    OopenColumnMenuThis event is triggered when a column menu is opened.
    PpageThis event is triggered when a paging-related action is made.
    RrowBeginEditThis event is triggered when a row edit operation has been initiated (only when editMode is 'row').
    RrowEndEditThis event is triggered when a row has been edited (only when editMode is 'row').
    SsortThis event is triggered when a column header cell has been clicked or sorting is applied programmatically using the Table API.


    AaddRowAdds a new row. When you invoke the method, pass a JSON object with the row's data.
    AaddFilterAdds a filter to a specific column.
    AaddGroupGroups by a column.
    BbeginEditBegins an edit operation.
    BbeginUpdateBegins an update operation. Suspends all table refreshes and renders.
    CcancelEditEnds the current edit operation and discards changes.
    CclearFiltersClears applied filters.
    CclearGroupingClears grouping.
    CclearSelectionClears selection.
    CclearSortClears the Table sorting.
    CcollapseAllRowsCollapses all rows (in tree mode).
    CcollapseAllGroupsCollapses all groups (in tree mode).
    CcollapseAllRowDetailsCollapses all row details. Rows that have details defined via the rowDetailTemplate will be collapsed.
    CcollapseGroupCollapses a group.
    CcollapseRowCollapses a row (in tree mode).
    DdisableSelectDisables a selection of a row. When the 'selection' property is set to 'true', selection is enabled for all rows by default.
    EenableSelectEnables a selection of a row, if it was previously disabled through a 'disableSelect' method call. When the 'selection' property is set to 'true', selection is enabled for all rows by default.
    EendEditEnds the current edit operation and saves changes.
    EendUpdateEnds an update operation. Resumes all table refreshes and renders. Re-renders the Table.
    EexpandAllRowsExpands all rows (in tree mode).
    EexpandAllGroupsExpands all groups (in tree mode).
    EexpandAllRowDetailsExpands all row details. Rows that have details defined via rowDetailTemplate will be expanded.
    EexpandGroupExpands a group.
    EexpandRowExpands a row (in tree mode).
    EexportDataExports the Table's data.
    GgetSelectionReturns an array of selected row ids.
    GgetStateReturns the Table's state, containing information about columns, expanded rows, selected rows, applied fitering, grouping, and sorted columns. It can then be stored or passed to the method loadState.
    GgetValueReturns the value of a cell.
    GgetColumnPropertyGets a column property.
    IisGroupExpandedChecks whether a group is expanded and returns true or false. false is returned when the group index is undefined, too.
    LloadStateLoads the Table's state. Information about columns, expanded rows, selected rows, applied fitering, grouping, and sorted columns is loaded, based on the value of the stateSettings property.
    NnavigateToNavigates to a page.
    RrefreshRefreshes the table.
    RremoveFilterRemoves filters applied to a specific column.
    RremoveGroupRemoves grouping by a column.
    RremoveRowRemoves a row by its id.
    RresetStateResets the Table's state. Information about columns, expanded rows, selected rows, applied fitering, grouping, and sorted columns is cleared, based on the value of the stateSettings property.
    SsaveStateSaves the Table's state. Information about columns, expanded rows, selected rows, applied fitering, grouping, and sorted columns is saved, based on the value of the stateSettings property.
    SselectSelects one or more rows.
    SsetValueSets the value of a cell.
    SsortBySorts the Table by a column.
    SsetColumnPropertySets a column property.
    UupdateRowUpdates a table row. The method expects two parameters - row id and JSON object with the new row data.
    UunselectUnselects one or more rows.



    Enables or disables auto load state from the browser's localStorage. Information about columns, expanded rows, selected rows, applied fitering, grouping, and sorted columns is loaded, based on the value of the stateSettings property.

    Default value



    Set the autoLoadState property.

     <smart-table auto-load-state></smart-table>

    Set the autoLoadState property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.autoLoadState = false;

    Get the autoLoadState property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let autoLoadState = table.autoLoadState;


    Enables or disables auto save state to the browser's localStorage. Information about columns, expanded rows, selected rows, applied fitering, grouping, and sorted columns is saved, based on the value of the stateSettings property.

    Default value



    Set the autoSaveState property.

     <smart-table auto-save-state></smart-table>

    Set the autoSaveState property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.autoSaveState = false;

    Get the autoSaveState property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let autoSaveState = table.autoSaveState;

    columnGroups{ label?: string, name: string, parentGroup?: string }[]

    Sets or gets a list of column groups that constitute the column header hierarchy. Note: when column header hierarchy is created, column resizing and auto-sizing is not supported.



    Sets or gets the column group's label that appears in the column header hierarchy.

    Default value


    Get the label property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let label = table.columnGroups[0].label;


    Sets or gets the column group's unique name that is referenced in the columnGroup field of columns (TableColumn).

    Default value


    Get the name property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let name = table.columnGroups[0].name;


    Sets or gets the name of the column group's parent group (also defined in columnGroups).

    Default value


    Get the parentGroup property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let parentGroup = table.columnGroups[0].parentGroup;


    Set the columnGroups property.

     <smart-table column-groups='[{ label: 'User Info', name: 'userInfo' }, { label: 'Product Info', name: 'productInfo' }]'></smart-table>

    Set the columnGroups property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.columnGroups = [{ label: 'User Info', name: 'userInfo' }, { label: 'Product Info', name: 'productInfo', parentGroup: 'purchaseInfo' }, { label: 'Purchase Info', name: 'purchaseInfo' }];

    Get the columnGroups property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let columnGroups = table.columnGroups;

    columnMinWidthstring | number

    Sets or gets the min width of columns when columnSizeMode is 'auto' or when resizing columns. This property has no effect on columns with programmatically set width.

    Default value



    Set the columnMinWidth property.

     <smart-table column-min-width='100'></smart-table>

    Set the columnMinWidth property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.columnMinWidth = 20px;

    Get the columnMinWidth property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let columnMinWidth = table.columnMinWidth;


    Sets or gets whether the reordering of columns is enabled.

    Default value



    Set the columnReorder property.

     <smart-table column-reorder></smart-table>

    Set the columnReorder property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.columnReorder = false;

    Get the columnReorder property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let columnReorder = table.columnReorder;


    Sets or gets whether the resizing of columns is enabled. Note: column sizes continue to adhere to the behavior of the standard HTML table element's table-layout: fixed, upon which smart-table is based.

    Default value



    Set the columnResize property.

     <smart-table column-resize></smart-table>

    Set the columnResize property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.columnResize = false;

    Get the columnResize property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let columnResize = table.columnResize;


    This property affects the table sizing, when the columnSizeMode is 'default'. When 'columnResizeNormalize' is false, the Table will add an additional TH element, if all table columns have the 'width' property set. This is done in order to maintain your width settings. Otherwise, when the property is set to true, the Table will auto-fill the remaining space similar to the layout of standard HTML Tables.

    Default value



    Set the columnResizeNormalize property.

     <smart-table column-resize-normalize></smart-table>

    Set the columnResizeNormalize property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.columnResizeNormalize = false;

    Get the columnResizeNormalize property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let columnResizeNormalize = table.columnResizeNormalize;


    Sets or gets whether when resizing a column, a feedback showing the new column width in px will be displayed.

    Default value



    Set the columnResizeFeedback property.

     <smart-table column-resize-feedback></smart-table>

    Set the columnResizeFeedback property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.columnResizeFeedback = false;

    Get the columnResizeFeedback property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let columnResizeFeedback = table.columnResizeFeedback;

    columnsstring[] | { allowEdit?: boolean, allowFilter?: boolean, allowGroup?: boolean, allowResize?: boolean, allowSort?: boolean, columnGroup?: string, dataField?: string, dataType?: string, editor?: { getValue: { (editor: HTMLElement): any }, onInit: { (rowId: string | number, dataField: string, editor: HTMLElement, value: any): void }, onRender: { (rowId: string | number, dataField: string, editor: HTMLElement, value: any): void }, template: string }, freeze?: string | boolean, formatFunction?: { (settings: { value: any, row: string | number, column: string, cell: HTMLTableCellElement, template?: any }): void }, visible?: boolean, label?: string, responsivePriority?: number, transform?: { (value: any): any }, validation?: { (value: any): boolean | { mesage: string } }, width?: string | number }[]

    Describes the columns properties.



    Sets or gets whether the column's cells can be edited.

    Default value


    Get the allowEdit property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let allowEdit = table.columns[0].allowEdit;


    Sets or gets whether the column can be filtered.

    Default value


    Get the allowFilter property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let allowFilter = table.columns[0].allowFilter;


    Sets or gets whether the table can be grouped by the column.

    Default value


    Get the allowGroup property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let allowGroup = table.columns[0].allowGroup;


    Sets or gets whether the column can be resized.

    Default value


    Get the allowResize property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let allowResize = table.columns[0].allowResize;


    Sets or gets whether the table can be sorted by the column.

    Default value


    Get the allowSort property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let allowSort = table.columns[0].allowSort;


    Sets or gets whether the column may have a column menu when the 'columnMenu' property of the Table is enabled.

    Default value


    Get the allowMenu property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let allowMenu = table.columns[0].allowMenu;


    Sets or gets whether the column may be hidden with the Table's column menu when the 'columnMenu' property of the Table is enabled.

    Default value


    Get the allowHide property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let allowHide = table.columns[0].allowHide;


    Sets or gets the column's column group. Has to correspond to the name field of a column group (TableColumnGroup).

    Default value


    Get the columnGroup property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let columnGroup = table.columns[0].columnGroup;


    Sets or gets the column's data source-bound field.

    Default value


    Get the dataField property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let dataField = table.columns[0].dataField;

    dataType"boolean" | "date" | "number" | "string" | "any"

    Sets or gets the data type of the column's cells.

    Default value


    Get the dataType property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let dataType = table.columns[0].dataType;

    editor{ getValue: { (editor: HTMLElement): any }, onInit: { (rowId: string | number, dataField: string, editor: HTMLElement, value: any): void }, onRender: { (rowId: string | number, dataField: string, editor: HTMLElement, value: any): void }, template: string }

    An object setting up a custom editor. Available fields:

    • template - a string to be parsed into HTML and be used as custom cell editor.
    • onInit - a callback function called once when the editor is initialized.
    • onRender - a callback function called each time a cell enters edit mode.
    • getValue - a callback function called when editing is complete; used to return the editor's value to the Table's data source.

    Get the editor property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let editor = table.columns[0].editor;

    freeze"true" | "near" | "far"

    Sets or gets whether the column is sticky/frozen. true and 'near' designate freezing on the left side, 'far' - on the right side.

    Get the freeze property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let freeze = table.columns[0].freeze;

    formatFunction{ (settings: { value: any, row: string | number, column: string, cell: HTMLTableCellElement, template?: any }): void }

    A callback function that can be used to modify the contents of a cell and the cell itself.

    Get the formatFunction property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let formatFunction = table.columns[0].formatFunction;


    Sets or gets the text displayed in the column's header.

    Default value


    Get the label property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let label = table.columns[0].label;


    Sets or gets the data field map, when the Table is bound to an Array and dataSourceSettings property is not set.

    Default value


    Get the map property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let map = table.columns[0].map;

    responsivePrioritynumber | null

    Sets or gets the column's priority when resizing the browser window. The larger the priority value, the column will be hidden at a larger screen resolution. Columns with priority 1 are never hidden. The property should be set to a number in the range of 1 to 5. The property by default is not set.

    Get the responsivePriority property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let responsivePriority = table.columns[0].responsivePriority;

    sort{ (firstRecord: any, secondRecord: any): number }

    Use this for custom sort implementation only. All non-undefined array elements are sorted according to the return value of the compare function (all undefined elements are sorted to the end of the array, with no call to compareFunction).

    Get the sort property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let sort = table.columns[0].sort;


    A string to be parsed into HTML and be used as custom cell content. Applicable only when virtualization is enabled.

    Default value


    Get the templateElement property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let templateElement = table.columns[0].templateElement;

    templateElementSettings{ (value: any, row: string | number, templateElement: HTMLElement): void }

    A callback function that can be used to apply settings to a template element (specified by the column templateElement property). Applicable only when virtualization is enabled.

    Get the templateElementSettings property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let templateElementSettings = table.columns[0].templateElementSettings;

    transform{ (value: any): any }

    A callback function that can be used to transform all the data of the column's original data field into a new data field to be used in column cells and all column operations. Can be useful for localizing data.

    Get the transform property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let transform = table.columns[0].transform;

    validation{ (value: any): boolean | { message: string } }

    A callback function that can be used to validate cell values after editing. If it returns true, the cell is valid. If it returns false or an object with a message field, the cell is not valid and the message (or a default one) is displayed in a tooltip.

    Get the validation property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let validation = table.columns[0].validation;


    Sets or gets whether the column is hidden or not. Hidden columns allow data to be grouped by their corresponding dataField.

    Default value


    Get the visible property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let visible = table.columns[0].visible;

    widthstring | number

    Sets the width of the column. The width can be entered as a number or string with px.

    Get the width property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let width = table.columns[0].width;


    Sets the minimum width of the column. The width can be entered as a number.

    Get the minWidth property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let minWidth = table.columns[0].minWidth;


    Set the columns property.

     <smart-table columns='[{ label: 'In progress', dataField: 'inProgress' }, { label: 'Testing', dataField: 'testing' }, { label: 'Done', dataField: 'done' }]'></smart-table>

    Set the columns property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.columns = [{ label: 'In progress', dataField: 'inProgress' }, { label: 'Testing', dataField: 'testing', orientation: 'horizontal', columns: [{ label: 'Manual testing', dataField: 'manualTesting', selected: true, columns: [{ label: 'Desktop devices', dataField: 'desktop' }, { label: 'Mobile devices', dataField: 'mobile', selected: true }] }, { label: 'Unit testing', dataField: 'unitTesting' }] }];

    Get the columns property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let columns = table.columns;

    conditionalFormatting{ column?: string; condition?: string; firstValue?: number; fontFamily?: string; fontSize?: string; highlight?: string; secondValue?: number; text?: string; }[]

    Sets or gets details about conditional formatting to be applied to the Table's cells.



    The data field of a numeric column to format. Set 'all' to format all numeric columns.

    Default value


    Get the column property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let column = table.conditionalFormatting.column;

    condition"between" | "equal" | "greaterThan" | "lessThan" | "notEqual"

    The formatting condition.

    Default value


    Get the condition property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let condition = table.conditionalFormatting.condition;


    The value to compare by. When condition is 'between', this is the start (from) value.

    Default value


    Get the firstValue property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let firstValue = table.conditionalFormatting.firstValue;

    fontFamily"The default fontFamily as set in CSS" | "Arial" | "Courier New" | "Georgia" | "Times New Roman" | "Verdana"

    The fontFamily to apply to formatted cells.

    Default value

    "The default fontFamily as set in CSS"

    Get the fontFamily property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let fontFamily = table.conditionalFormatting.fontFamily;

    fontSize"8px" | "9px" | "10px" | "11px" | "12px" | "13px" | "14px" | "15px" | "16px"

    The fontSize to apply to formatted cells. The fontSize as set in CSS is used by default.

    Default value


    Get the fontSize property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let fontSize = table.conditionalFormatting.fontSize;


    The background color to apply to formatted cells.

    Default value

    "The default backgroundColor as set in CSS"

    Get the highlight property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let highlight = table.conditionalFormatting.highlight;


    When condition is 'between', this is the end (to) value. Otherwise, this value is not used.

    Default value


    Get the secondValue property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let secondValue = table.conditionalFormatting.secondValue;


    The text color to apply to formatted cells.

    Default value

    "The default color as set in CSS"

    Get the text property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let text = table.conditionalFormatting.text;


    Set the conditionalFormatting property.

     <smart-table conditional-formatting='[{ column: 'quantity', condition: 'greaterThan', firstValue: 8, text: '#6AA84F' }, { column: 'quantity', condition: 'lessThan', firstValue: 3, text: '#CC0000' }]'></smart-table>

    Set the conditionalFormatting property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.conditionalFormatting = [{ column: 'price', condition: 'between', firstValue: 3, secondValue: 5, fontFamily: 'Courier New', text: '#0000FF' }, { column: 'total', condition: 'greaterThan', firstValue: 25, fontSize: '14px', text: '#FFFFFF', highlight: '#6AA84F' }];

    Get the conditionalFormatting property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let conditionalFormatting = table.conditionalFormatting;


    Sets or gets the column menu. When you set this property to true, each column will have a column menu. From the column menu, you will be able to sort, filter, show or hide columns.

    Default value



    Set the columnMenu property.

     <smart-table column-menu></smart-table>

    Set the columnMenu property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.columnMenu = true;

    Get the columnMenu property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let columnMenu = table.columnMenu;

    columnSizeMode"auto" | "default"

    Sets or gets the column sizing behavior. In 'auto' mode Columns are automatically sized based on their content and the value of the columnMinWidth property, unless there is not enough space in the Table, in which case ellipses are shown. User-set static column width is still respected. In 'default' mode Columns are sized according to the rules of the standard HTML table element's table-layout: fixed. Custom width can also be applied to columns in this case by setting the column width property.

    Allowed Values

    • "auto" - Columns are automatically sized based on their content and the value of the columnMinWidth property, unless there is not enough space in the Table, in which case ellipses are shown. User-set static column width is still respected.
    • "default" - Columns are sized according to the rules of the standard HTML table element's table-layout: fixed. Custom width can also be applied to columns in this case by setting the column width property.

    Default value



    Set the columnSizeMode property.

     <smart-table column-size-mode='auto'></smart-table>

    Set the columnSizeMode property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.columnSizeMode = 'default';

    Get the columnSizeMode property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let columnSizeMode = table.columnSizeMode;


    Sets or gets whether the "Conditional Formatting" button appears in the Table's header (toolbar). Clicking this button opens a dialog with formatting options.

    Default value



    Set the conditionalFormattingButton property.

     <smart-table conditional-formatting-button></smart-table>

    Set the conditionalFormattingButton property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.conditionalFormattingButton = false;

    Get the conditionalFormattingButton property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let conditionalFormattingButton = table.conditionalFormattingButton;


    This property determines the time in milliseconds after which the Table data is updated, when you vertically scroll.

    Default value



    Set the deferredScrollDelay property.

     <smart-table deferred-scroll-delay='1'></smart-table>

    Set the deferredScrollDelay property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.deferredScrollDelay = 0;

    Get the deferredScrollDelay property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let deferredScrollDelay = table.deferredScrollDelay;


    When binding the dataSource property directly to an array (as opposed to an instance of Smart.DataAdapter), sets or gets the name of the data field in the source array to bind row ids to.

    Default value



    Set the dataRowId property.

     <smart-table data-row-id='ID'></smart-table>

    Set the dataRowId property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.dataRowId = 'uid';

    Get the dataRowId property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let dataRowId = table.dataRowId;


    Determines the data source of the table component. The data source of the Table can be a regular Array or a DataAdapter instance. You can read more about the dataAdapter here -

    Default value



    Sets the grid's data source settings when the dataSource property is set to an Array or URL.



    Sets or gets whether a column will be auto-generated.

    Default value



    Set the autoGenerateColumns property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.dataSourceSettings[0].autoGenerateColumns = false;

    Get the autoGenerateColumns property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let autoGenerateColumns = table.dataSourceSettings[0].autoGenerateColumns;


    Sets or gets a children data field like 'children', 'items' in the data source. When this property is set, the dataAdapter will look for this data field when looping through the items. If it is found a hierarchical data source would be created.

    Default value



    Set the childrenDataField property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.dataSourceSettings[0].childrenDataField = 'children';

    Get the childrenDataField property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let childrenDataField = table.dataSourceSettings[0].childrenDataField;


    Sets or gets the XML binding root.

    Default value



    Set the root property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.dataSourceSettings[0].root = 'children';

    Get the root property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let root = table.dataSourceSettings[0].root;

    sanitizeHTML"all" | "blackList" | "none"

    Sets or gets the Table values espace mode. This property specifies how html tags will be espaced by the table. The default 'blackList' value includes the most commonly used tags for espace such as 'script'. The 'all' value espaces all tags, whereas 'none' does not escape any tags.

    Default value



    Set the sanitizeHTML property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.dataSourceSettings[0].sanitizeHTML = 'blackList';

    Get the sanitizeHTML property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let sanitizeHTML = table.dataSourceSettings[0].sanitizeHTML;

    sanitizeHTMLRender"text" | "html"

    Determines whether cell values will display the espaced values as text or html.

    Default value



    Set the sanitizeHTMLRender property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.dataSourceSettings[0].sanitizeHTMLRender = 'html';

    Get the sanitizeHTMLRender property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let sanitizeHTMLRender = table.dataSourceSettings[0].sanitizeHTMLRender;


    Sets or gets the XML binding record.

    Default value



    Set the record property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.dataSourceSettings[0].record = 'children';

    Get the record property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let record = table.dataSourceSettings[0].record;


    Sets or gets the data fields to group by.

    Default value



    Set the groupBy property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.dataSourceSettings[0].groupBy = true;

    Get the groupBy property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let groupBy = table.dataSourceSettings[0].groupBy;

    dataFields{name: string, dataType: string}[] | string[]

    Sets or gets the data fields which decribe the loaded data and data type. Ex: ['id: number', 'firstName: string', 'lastName: string']



    Sets the dataField name.

    Default value


    Get the name property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let name = table.dataSourceSettings[0].dataFields[0].name;


    Sets the dataField mapping path. For nested mapping, use '.'. Example: 'name.firstName'.

    Default value


    Get the map property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let map = table.dataSourceSettings[0].dataFields[0].map;

    dataType"string" | "date" | "boolean" | "number" | "array" | "any"

    Sets the dataField type.

    Default value


    Get the dataType property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let dataType = table.dataSourceSettings[0].dataFields[0].dataType;


    Set the dataFields property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.dataSourceSettings[0].dataFields = [id: number];

    Get the dataFields property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let dataFields = table.dataSourceSettings[0].dataFields;

    dataSourceType"array" | "json" | "xml" | "csv" | "tsv"

    Sets or gets whether the data source type.

    Default value



    Set the dataSourceType property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.dataSourceSettings[0].dataSourceType = 'json';

    Get the dataSourceType property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let dataSourceType = table.dataSourceSettings[0].dataSourceType;


    Sets or gets the dataAdapter's id

    Default value


    Get the id property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let id = table.dataSourceSettings[0].id;


    Sets or gets the key data field to be used for building the hierarchy. It is used in combination with the parentDataField property. Usually the 'id' field is used as key data field and 'parentId' as parent data field'

    Default value



    Set the keyDataField property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.dataSourceSettings[0].keyDataField = 'uid';

    Get the keyDataField property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let keyDataField = table.dataSourceSettings[0].keyDataField;


    Sets or gets the parent data field to be used for building the hierarchy. It is used in combination with the keyDataField property. Usually the 'id' field is used as key data field and 'parentId' as parent data field'

    Default value



    Set the parentDataField property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.dataSourceSettings[0].parentDataField = 'uid';

    Get the parentDataField property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let parentDataField = table.dataSourceSettings[0].parentDataField;


    Sets the 'mapChar' data field of the record

    Default value



    Set the mapChar property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.dataSourceSettings[0].mapChar = 'uid';

    Get the mapChar property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let mapChar = table.dataSourceSettings[0].mapChar;


    Sets the virtual data source function which is called each time the Grid requests data. Demos using 'virtualDataSource' are available on the Grid demos page.

    Get the virtualDataSource property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let virtualDataSource = table.dataSourceSettings[0].virtualDataSource;


    Sets the virtual data source on expand function. This function is called when we load data on demand in Tree or TreeGrid and virtualDataSource in these components is set, too

    Get the virtualDataSourceOnExpand property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let virtualDataSourceOnExpand = table.dataSourceSettings[0].virtualDataSourceOnExpand;

    dataTransform{ (record: any): void }

    A callback function that can be used to transform the initial dataSource records. If implemented, it is called once for each record (which is passed as an argument).


    Set the dataTransform property.

     <smart-table data-transform='dataTransformCallback'></smart-table>

    Set the dataTransform property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.dataTransform = dataTransform;

    Get the dataTransform property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let dataTransform = table.dataTransform;


    Disables the interaction with the element.

    Default value



    Set the disabled property.

     <smart-table disabled></smart-table>

    Set the disabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.disabled = false;

    Get the disabled property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let disabled = table.disabled;


    Sets or gets whether the Table can be edited.

    Default value



    Set the editing property.

     <smart-table editing></smart-table>

    Set the editing property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.editing = false;

    Get the editing property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let editing = table.editing;

    editMode"cell" | "row"

    Sets or gets the edit mode.

    Allowed Values

    • "cell" - Only one cell at a time can be edited.
    • "row" - All cells from a row can be edited at a time.

    Default value



    Set the editMode property.

     <smart-table edit-mode='row'></smart-table>

    Set the editMode property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.editMode = 'cell';

    Get the editMode property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let editMode = table.editMode;


    Sets or gets whether Row hierarchies are expanded by default, when created. Use this property when you want your groups to be expanded by default, when the Table is grouped or when you use the Table in tree mode.

    Default value



    Set the expandHierarchy property.

     <smart-table expand-hierarchy></smart-table>

    Set the expandHierarchy property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.expandHierarchy = false;

    Get the expandHierarchy property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let expandHierarchy = table.expandHierarchy;


    Sets or gets whether the Table can be filtered. By default, the Table can be filtered by all string and numeric columns through a filter input in the header.

    Default value



    Set the filtering property.

     <smart-table filtering></smart-table>

    Set the filtering property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.filtering = false;

    Get the filtering property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let filtering = table.filtering;


    Sets or gets whether the Table can be filtered via a filter row.

    Default value



    Set the filterRow property.

     <smart-table filter-row></smart-table>

    Set the filterRow property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.filterRow = false;

    Get the filterRow property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let filterRow = table.filterRow;


    Sets or gets the Table's filter operator. It determines whether 'and' or 'or' is used when applying column filters - cellvalue1 && cellvalue2 vs cellvalue1 || cellvalue2

    Default value



    Set the filterOperator property.

     <smart-table filter-operator></smart-table>

    Set the filterOperator property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.filterOperator = false;

    Get the filterOperator property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let filterOperator = table.filterOperator;


    Sets or gets the id of an HTML template element to be applied as a custom filter template.

    Default value



    Set the filterTemplate property.

     <smart-table filter-template='customFilterTemplate'></smart-table>

    Set the filterTemplate property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.filterTemplate = 'myFilterTemplate';

    Get the filterTemplate property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let filterTemplate = table.filterTemplate;


    Sets or gets the id of an HTML template element to be applied as footer row(s).

    Default value



    Set the footerRow property.

     <smart-table footer-row='customFooterRow'></smart-table>

    Set the footerRow property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.footerRow = 'myFooterRow';

    Get the footerRow property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let footerRow = table.footerRow;


    Sets or gets whether Excel-like formulas can be passed as cell values. Formulas are always preceded by the = sign and are re-evaluated when cell values are changed. This feature depends on the third-party free plug-in formula-parser (the file formula-parser.min.js has to be referenced).

    Default value



    Set the formulas property.

     <smart-table formulas></smart-table>

    Set the formulas property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.formulas = false;

    Get the formulas property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let formulas = table.formulas;


    Sets or gets whether the Table's footer is sticky/frozen.

    Default value



    Set the freezeFooter property.

     <smart-table freeze-footer></smart-table>

    Set the freezeFooter property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.freezeFooter = false;

    Get the freezeFooter property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let freezeFooter = table.freezeFooter;


    Sets or gets whether the Table's column header is sticky/frozen.

    Default value



    Set the freezeHeader property.

     <smart-table freeze-header></smart-table>

    Set the freezeHeader property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.freezeHeader = false;

    Get the freezeHeader property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let freezeHeader = table.freezeHeader;


    Sets or gets whether grouping the Table is enabled.

    Default value



    Set the grouping property.

     <smart-table grouping></smart-table>

    Set the grouping property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.grouping = false;

    Get the grouping property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let grouping = table.grouping;

    groupFormatFunction{ (settings: { value: any, row: string | number, column: string, template?: any }): void }

    A callback function that can be used to modify the contents of a grouping header row. By changing the 'label' you modify the rendered grouping value. By changing the 'template' you can modify the entire content including the column and count information.

    headerRowstring | HTMLElement | Function

    Allows to customize the header of the element. The property accepts the id of an HTMLElement, HTMLTemplateElement, function or a string that will be parsed as HTML. When set to a function it contains one argument - the header element of the Table.


    Set the headerRow property.

     <smart-table header-row='customHeaderRowTemplate'></smart-table>

    Set the headerRow property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.headerRow = function (header) { header.classList.add('custom-style-header'); };

    Get the headerRow property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let headerRow = table.headerRow;


    Sets or gets whether navigation with the keyboard is enabled in the Table.

    Default value



    Set the keyboardNavigation property.

     <smart-table keyboard-navigation></smart-table>

    Set the keyboardNavigation property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.keyboardNavigation = false;

    Get the keyboardNavigation property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let keyboardNavigation = table.keyboardNavigation;


    Sets or gets whether the checkboxes are displayed in the selection column.

    Default value



    Set the hideSelectionColumn property.

     <smart-table hide-selection-column></smart-table>

    Set the hideSelectionColumn property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.hideSelectionColumn = false;

    Get the hideSelectionColumn property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let hideSelectionColumn = table.hideSelectionColumn;

    loadColumnStateBehavior"implementationOnly" | "intersection" | "stateOnly"

    Sets or gets the behavior when loading column settings either via autoLoadState or loadState. Applicable only when stateSettings contains 'columns'.

    Allowed Values

    • "implementationOnly" - Only the settings of columns that were present before loading the state are loaded. Current column labels are not modified.
    • "intersection" - All columns settings from the loaded state are loaded. Extra columns not present in the loaded state are added at the end. Current column labels are not modified.
    • "stateOnly" - Column settings are applied as loaded from the state. Any old column settings or extra columns are discarded.

    Default value



    Set the loadColumnStateBehavior property.

     <smart-table load-column-state-behavior='implementationOnly'></smart-table>

    Set the loadColumnStateBehavior property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.loadColumnStateBehavior = 'stateOnly';

    Get the loadColumnStateBehavior property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let loadColumnStateBehavior = table.loadColumnStateBehavior;


    Sets or gets the language. Used in conjunction with the property messages.

    Default value



    Set the locale property.

     <smart-table locale='de'></smart-table>

    Set the locale property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.locale = 'fr';

    Get the locale property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let locale = table.locale;


    Sets or gets an object specifying strings used in the element that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale.

    Default value

    "en": {

    "add": "Add condition",

    "all": "All columns",

    "apply": "Apply",

    "between": "Between",

    "cancel": "Cancel",

    "clearFilter": "Clear filter",

    "close": "Close",

    "column": "Column:",

    "condition": "Condition:",

    "conditionalFormatting": "Conditional Formatting",

    "CONTAINS": "contains",

    "CONTAINS_CASE_SENSITIVE": "contains (case sensitive)",

    "DOES_NOT_CONTAIN": "does not contain",

    "DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_CASE_SENSITIVE": "does not contain (case sensitive)",

    "EMPTY": "empty",

    "ENDS_WITH": "ends with",

    "ENDS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE": "ends with (case sensitive)",

    "EQUAL": "equal",

    "EQUAL_CASE_SENSITIVE": "equal (case sensitive)",

    "filterCondition": "Filter condition",

    "filterPlaceholder": "Filter",

    "firstButton": "First",

    "fontFamily": "Font family:",

    "fontSize": "Font size:",

    "format": "Format:",

    "formatColumn": "Format Column",

    "GREATER_THAN": "greater than",

    "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL": "greater than or equal",

    "greaterThan": "Greater Than",

    "highlight": "Highlight",

    "invalidValue": "Invalid value",

    "itemsPerPage": "Items per page:",

    "lastButton": "Last",

    "LESS_THAN": "less than",

    "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL": "less than or equal",

    "lessThan": "Less Than",

    "nextButton": "Next",

    "NOT_EMPTY": "not empty",

    "NOT_EQUAL": "not equal",

    "NOT_NULL": "not null",

    "notEqual": "Not Equal To",

    "NULL": "null",

    "ok": "OK",

    "previousButton": "Previous",

    "remove": "Remove condition",

    "secondValue": "Second value:",

    "STARTS_WITH": "starts with",

    "STARTS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE": "starts with (case sensitive)",

    "summaryPrefix": "of",

    "text": "Text",

    "value": "Value:",

    "with": "with"



    Set the messages property.

     <smart-table messages='{"he":{"add":"הוסף תנאי","all":"כל העמודות","apply":"להגיש מועמדות","between":"בֵּין","cancel":"לְבַטֵל","clearFilter":"נקה את המסנן","close":"סגור","column":"טור:","condition":"מַצָב:","conditionalFormatting":"עיצוב מותנה","CONTAINS":"מכיל","CONTAINS_CASE_SENSITIVE":"מכיל (רגיש רישיות)","DOES_NOT_CONTAIN":"לא מכיל","DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_CASE_SENSITIVE":"לא מכיל (רגיש רישיות)","EMPTY":"ריק","ENDS_WITH":"נגמר עם","ENDS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE":"מסתיים ב (רגיש רישיות)","EQUAL":"שווה","EQUAL_CASE_SENSITIVE":"שווה (רגיש לרישיות","filterCondition":"מצב סינון","filterPlaceholder":"לְסַנֵן","firstButton":"ראשון","fontFamily":"משפחת גופן:","fontSize":"גודל גופן:","format":"פוּרמָט:","formatColumn":"עמוד עמוד","GREATER_THAN":"גדול מ","GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL":"גדול או שווה","greaterThan":"גדול מ","highlight":"שִׂיא","invalidValue":"ערך לא תקין","itemsPerPage":"פריטים לעמוד:","lastButton":"אחרון","LESS_THAN":"פחות מ","LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL":"פחות מ או שווה","lessThan":"פחות מ","nextButton":"הַבָּא","NOT_EMPTY":"לא ריק","NOT_EQUAL":"לא שווה","NOT_NULL":"לא ריק","notEqual":"לא שווה ל","NULL":"null","ok":"בסדר","previousButton":"קודם","remove":"הסר את המצב","secondValue":"ערך שני:","STARTS_WITH":"מתחיל עם","STARTS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE":"מתחיל עם (רגיש רישיות)","summaryPrefix":"שֶׁל","text":"טֶקסט","value":"ערך:","with":"עם"}}'></smart-table>

    Set the messages property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.messages = {"en":{"add":"Add condition","all":"All columns","apply":"Apply","between":"Between","cancel":"Cancel","clearFilter":"Clear filter","close":"Close","column":"Column:","condition":"Condition:","conditionalFormatting":"Conditional Formatting","CONTAINS":"contains","CONTAINS_CASE_SENSITIVE":"contains (case sensitive)","DOES_NOT_CONTAIN":"does not contain","DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_CASE_SENSITIVE":"does not contain (case sensitive)","EMPTY":"empty","ENDS_WITH":"ends with","ENDS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE":"ends with (case sensitive)","EQUAL":"equal","EQUAL_CASE_SENSITIVE":"equal (case sensitive)","filterCondition":"Filter condition","filterPlaceholder":"Filter","firstButton":"First","fontFamily":"Font family:","fontSize":"Font size:","format":"Format:","formatColumn":"Format Column","GREATER_THAN":"greater than","GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL":"greater than or equal","greaterThan":"Greater Than","highlight":"Highlight","invalidValue":"Invalid value","itemsPerPage":"Items per page:","lastButton":"Last","LESS_THAN":"less than","LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL":"less than or equal","lessThan":"Less Than","nextButton":"Next","NOT_EMPTY":"not empty","NOT_EQUAL":"not equal","NOT_NULL":"not null","notEqual":"Not Equal To","NULL":"null","ok":"OK","previousButton":"Previous","remove":"Remove condition","secondValue":"Second value:","STARTS_WITH":"starts with","STARTS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE":"starts with (case sensitive)","summaryPrefix":"of","text":"Text","value":"Value:","with":"with"}};

    Get the messages property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let messages = table.messages;

    onCellRender{ (data: any, dataField: string, value: any, cell: HTMLTableCellElement): void }

    A callback function executed each time a Table cell is rendered.


    Set the onCellRender property.

     <smart-table on-cell-render='onCellRender'></smart-table>

    Set the onCellRender property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.onCellRender = onCellRenderCallback;

    Get the onCellRender property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let onCellRender = table.onCellRender;

    onColumnRender{ (dataField: string, headerCell: HTMLTableCellElement): void }

    A callback function executed each time a Table column header cell is rendered.


    Set the onColumnRender property.

     <smart-table on-column-render='onColumnRender'></smart-table>

    Set the onColumnRender property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.onColumnRender = onColumnRenderCallback;

    Get the onColumnRender property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let onColumnRender = table.onColumnRender;

    onInit{ (): void }

    A callback function executed when the Table is being initialized.


    Set the onInit property.

     <smart-table on-init='onInit'></smart-table>

    Set the onInit property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.onInit = onInitCallback;

    Get the onInit property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let onInit = table.onInit;

    onLoad{ (): void }

    A callback function executed after the Table is being initialized.

    onUpdateComplete{ (): void }

    A callback function executed when the Table's update is finished in the endUpdate method.

    pageSize"10" | "25" | "50"

    Sets or gets the page size (when paging is enabled).

    Default value



    Set the pageSize property.

     <smart-table page-size='25'></smart-table>

    Set the pageSize property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.pageSize = 50;

    Get the pageSize property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let pageSize = table.pageSize;


    Sets or gets the current (zero-based) page index (when paging is enabled).

    Default value



    Set the pageIndex property.

     <smart-table page-index='1'></smart-table>

    Set the pageIndex property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.pageIndex = 7;

    Get the pageIndex property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let pageIndex = table.pageIndex;


    Sets or gets whether paging is enabled.

    Default value



    Set the paging property.

     <smart-table paging></smart-table>

    Set the paging property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.paging = false;

    Get the paging property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let paging = table.paging;


    Sets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts.

    Default value



    Set the rightToLeft property.

     <smart-table right-to-left></smart-table>

    Set the rightToLeft property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.rightToLeft = true;

    Get the rightToLeft property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let rightToLeft = table.rightToLeft;


    Sets or gets a string template to be applied as row detail template. Each cell value in the master row can be placed in the detail row by specifying the cell's data field in double curly brackets (e.g. {{price}}. The details can then be displayed by expanding the row by clicking it.

    Default value



    Set the rowDetailTemplate property.

     <smart-table row-detail-template='

    Set the rowDetailTemplate property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.rowDetailTemplate = '

    Get the rowDetailTemplate property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let rowDetailTemplate = table.rowDetailTemplate;


    Sets or gets an array of the Table's selected row's ids.


    Set the selected property.

     <smart-table selected='[5, 8, 9]'></smart-table>

    Set the selected property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.selected = [0];

    Get the selected property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let selected = table.selected;


    Sets or gets whether row selection (via checkboxes) is enabled.

    Default value



    Set the selection property.

     <smart-table selection></smart-table>

    Set the selection property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.selection = false;

    Get the selection property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let selection = table.selection;

    selectionMode"one" | "many" | "extended"

    Sets or gets the selection mode. Only applicable when selection is enabled.

    Allowed Values

    • "one" - Single row can be selected by clicking a row or a checkbox.
    • "many" - Multiple rows can be selected by clicking the rows or their respective checkboxes.
    • "extended" - Single row can be selected by clicking it. Multiple rows can be selected by Ctrl- or Shift-clicking the rows or just clicking their respective checkboxes.

    Default value



    Set the selectionMode property.

     <smart-table selection-mode='extended'></smart-table>

    Set the selectionMode property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.selectionMode = 'many';

    Get the selectionMode property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let selectionMode = table.selectionMode;


    Sets or gets whether row selection (via checkboxes) is hierarchical. When a parent row is selected, all sub rows are selected, too.

    Default value



    Set the selectionByHierarchy property.

     <smart-table selection-by-hierarchy></smart-table>

    Set the selectionByHierarchy property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.selectionByHierarchy = false;

    Get the selectionByHierarchy property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let selectionByHierarchy = table.selectionByHierarchy;

    sort{ (dataSource: any, sortColumns: string[], directions: string[], defaultCompareFunctions: { (firstRecord: any, secondRecord: any): number }[]): void }

    A callback function executed when a column is sorted that can be used to override the default sorting behavior. The function is passed four parameters:

    1. dataSource - the Table's data source
    2. sortColumns - an array of the data fields of columns to be sorted by
    3. directions - an array of sort directions to be sorted by (corresponding to sortColumns)
    4. defaultCompareFunctions - an array of default compare functions to be sorted by (corresponding to sortColumns), useful if the sorting of some columns does not have to be overridden


    Set the sort property.

     <smart-table sort='sort'></smart-table>

    Set the sort property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.sort = sortCallback;

    Get the sort property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let sort = table.sort;

    sortMode"none" | "one" | "many"

    Determines the sorting mode of the Table.

    Default value



    Set the sortMode property.

     <smart-table sort-mode='one'></smart-table>

    Set the sortMode property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.sortMode = 'many';

    Get the sortMode property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let sortMode = table.sortMode;


    Sets or gets what settings of the Table's state can be saved (by autoSaveState or saveState) or loaded (by autoLoadState or loadState).


    Set the stateSettings property.

     <smart-table state-settings='['columns', 'expanded', 'selected']'></smart-table>

    Set the stateSettings property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.stateSettings = ['columns', 'filtered'];

    Get the stateSettings property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let stateSettings = table.stateSettings;


    Determines the theme. Theme defines the look of the element

    Default value



    Set the theme property.

     <smart-table theme='dark'></smart-table>

    Set the theme property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.theme = 'red';

    Get the theme property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let theme = table.theme;


    Sets or gets whether when hovering a cell with truncated content, a tooltip with the full content will be shown.

    Default value



    Set the tooltip property.

     <smart-table tooltip></smart-table>

    Set the tooltip property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.tooltip = false;

    Get the tooltip property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let tooltip = table.tooltip;


    Enables or disables HTML virtualization. This functionality allows for only visible rows to be rendered, resulting in an increased Table performance.

    Default value



    Set the virtualization property.

     <smart-table virtualization></smart-table>

    Set the virtualization property by using the HTML Element's instance.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     table.virtualization = false;

    Get the virtualization property.

     const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
     let virtualization = table.virtualization;



    This event is triggered when a cell edit operation has been initiated.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onCellBeginEdit


    ev.detailObject - The id of the row.
    ev.detail.dataField - The data field of the cell's column.
    ev.detail.row - The data of the cell's row.
    ev.detail.value - The data value of the cell.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of cellBeginEdit event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('cellBeginEdit', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            id =,
            dataField = detail.dataField,
            row = detail.row,
            value = detail.value;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when a cell has been clicked.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onCellClick


    ev.detailObject - The cell's row id.
    ev.detail.dataField - The data field of the cell's column.
    ev.detail.row - The data of the cell's row.
    ev.detail.value - The data value of the cell.
    ev.detail.originalEvent - The 'click' event object.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of cellClick event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('cellClick', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            id =,
            dataField = detail.dataField,
            row = detail.row,
            value = detail.value,
            originalEvent = detail.originalEvent;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when a cell has been edited.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onCellEndEdit


    ev.detailObject - The id of the row.
    ev.detail.dataField - The data field of the cell's column.
    ev.detail.row - The new data of the cell's row.
    ev.detail.value - The data value of the cell.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of cellEndEdit event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('cellEndEdit', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            id =,
            dataField = detail.dataField,
            row = detail.row,
            value = detail.value;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when the selection is changed. Within the event handler you can get the selection by using the 'getSelection' method.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onChange


    ev.detail.type - The type of action that initiated the selection change. Possible types: 'programmatic', 'interaction', 'remove'.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of change event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('change', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            type = detail.type;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when a row has been collapsed.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onCollapse


    ev.detailObject - The id of the collapsed row.
    ev.detail.record - The data of the collapsed row.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of collapse event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('collapse', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            id =,
            record = detail.record;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when a row has been expanded.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onExpand


    ev.detailObject - The id of the expanded row.
    ev.detail.record - The (aggregated) data of the expanded row.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of expand event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('expand', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            id =,
            record = detail.record;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when a column header cell has been clicked.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onColumnClick


    ev.detail.dataField - The data field of the cell's column.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of columnClick event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('columnClick', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            dataField = detail.dataField;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when a column menu is closed.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onCloseColumnMenu


    ev.detail.dataField - The data field of the column.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of closeColumnMenu event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('closeColumnMenu', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            dataField = detail.dataField;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when a column has been resized via dragging or double-click.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onColumnResize


    ev.detail.dataField - The data field of the column.
    ev.detail.headerCellElement - The column's header cell HTML element.
    ev.detail.width - The new width of the column.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of columnResize event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('columnResize', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            dataField = detail.dataField,
            headerCellElement = detail.headerCellElement,
            width = detail.width;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when a filtering-related action is made.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onFilter


    ev.detail.action - The filtering action. Possible actions: 'add', 'remove'.
    ev.detail.filters - The added filters. Only when action is 'add'.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of filter event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('filter', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            action = detail.action,
            filters = detail.filters;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when a grouping-related action is made.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onGroup


    ev.detail.action - The grouping action. Possible actions: 'add', 'collapse', 'expand', 'remove'.
    ev.detail.dataField - The data field of the column whose grouping is modified.
    ev.detail.label - The label of the group (only when collapsing/expanding).
    ev.detail.path - The group's path (only when collapsing/expanding). The path includes the path to the expanded/collapsed group starting from the root group. The indexes are joined with '.'. This parameter is available when the 'action' is 'expand' or 'collapse'.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of group event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('group', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            action = detail.action,
            dataField = detail.dataField,
            label = detail.label,
            path = detail.path;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when a column menu is opened.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onOpenColumnMenu


    ev.detail.dataField - The data field of the column.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of openColumnMenu event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('openColumnMenu', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            dataField = detail.dataField;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when a paging-related action is made.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onPage


    ev.detail.action - The paging action. Possible actions: 'pageIndexChange', 'pageSizeChange'.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of page event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('page', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            action = detail.action;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when a row edit operation has been initiated (only when editMode is 'row').

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onRowBeginEdit


    ev.detailObject - The id of the row.
    ev.detail.row - The data of the row.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of rowBeginEdit event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('rowBeginEdit', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            id =,
            row = detail.row;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when a row has been edited (only when editMode is 'row').

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onRowEndEdit


    ev.detailObject - The id of the row.
    ev.detail.row - The new data of the row.



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of rowEndEdit event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('rowEndEdit', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            id =,
            row = detail.row;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    This event is triggered when a column header cell has been clicked or sorting is applied programmatically using the Table API.

    • Bubbles Yes
    • Cancelable No
    • Interface CustomEvent
    • Event handler property onSort


    ev.detail.columns - An array with information about the columns the Table has been sorted by.
    ev.detail.sortDataFields - An array with information about the data fields the Table has been sorted by.
    ev.detail.sortOrders - An array with information about the columns sort orders the Table has been sorted by.
    ev.detail.sortDataTypes - An array with information about the columns data types the Table has been sorted by.
    ev.detail.type - The type of action that initiated the data sort. Possible types: 'programmatic', 'interaction'



    Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


    boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


    The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


    The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


    Set up the event handler of sort event.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addEventListener('sort', function (event) {
        const detail = event.detail,
            columns = detail.columns,
            sortDataFields = detail.sortDataFields,
            sortOrders = detail.sortOrders,
            sortDataTypes = detail.sortDataTypes,
            type = detail.type;
    	// event handling code goes here.


    addRow( data: any): void

    Adds a new row. When you invoke the method, pass a JSON object with the row's data.



    JSON object with the new row's data. Sample JSON: {firstName: 'Peter', lastName: 'Fuller'}.

    Invoke the addRow method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    addFilter( dataField: string, filter: any): void

    Adds a filter to a specific column.



    The column's data field.


    FilterGroup object or a Filter expression. Filter expression like: 'startsWith B'. Example 2: ['contains Andrew or contains Nancy'], Example 3: ['quantity', '<= 3 and >= 8']. Filter conditions which you can use in the expressions: '=', 'EQUAL','<>', 'NOT_EQUAL', '!=', '<', 'LESS_THAN','>', 'GREATER_THAN', '<=', 'LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL', '>=', 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL','starts with', 'STARTS_WITH','ends with', 'ENDS_WITH', '', 'EMPTY', 'CONTAINS','DOES_NOT_CONTAIN', 'NULL','NOT_NULL'

    Invoke the addFilter method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.addFilter("'firstName', filterGroup");

    addGroup( dataField: string): void

    Groups by a column.



    The column's data field.

    Invoke the addGroup method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    beginEdit( row: string | number, dataField?: string): void

    Begins an edit operation.


    rowstring | number

    The id of the row to edit.


    The dataField of the cell's column. May be omitted when editMode is 'row'.

    Invoke the beginEdit method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.beginEdit("3, 'lastName'");

    beginUpdate(): void

    Begins an update operation. Suspends all table refreshes and renders.

    Invoke the beginUpdate method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    cancelEdit(): void

    Ends the current edit operation and discards changes.

    Invoke the cancelEdit method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    clearFilters(): void

    Clears applied filters.

    Invoke the clearFilters method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    clearGrouping(): void

    Clears grouping.

    Invoke the clearGrouping method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    clearSelection(): void

    Clears selection.

    Invoke the clearSelection method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    clearSort(): void

    Clears the Table sorting.

    Invoke the clearSort method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    collapseAllRows(): void

    Collapses all rows (in tree mode).

    Invoke the collapseAllRows method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    collapseAllGroups(): void

    Collapses all groups (in tree mode).

    Invoke the collapseAllGroups method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    collapseAllRowDetails(): void

    Collapses all row details. Rows that have details defined via the rowDetailTemplate will be collapsed.

    Invoke the collapseAllRowDetails method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    collapseGroup( index: string): void

    Collapses a group.



    The group's hierarchical index.

    Invoke the collapseGroup method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    collapseRow( rowId: string | number): void

    Collapses a row (in tree mode).


    rowIdstring | number

    The id of the row to collapse.

    Invoke the collapseRow method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    disableSelect( rowId: string | number | (string | number)[]): void

    Disables a selection of a row. When the 'selection' property is set to 'true', selection is enabled for all rows by default.


    rowIdstring | number | (string | number)[]

    The id of the row (or an array of row ids) to select.

    Invoke the disableSelect method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    enableSelect( rowId: string | number | (string | number)[]): void

    Enables a selection of a row, if it was previously disabled through a 'disableSelect' method call. When the 'selection' property is set to 'true', selection is enabled for all rows by default.


    rowIdstring | number | (string | number)[]

    The id of the row (or an array of row ids) to select.

    Invoke the enableSelect method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    endEdit(): void

    Ends the current edit operation and saves changes.

    Invoke the endEdit method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    endUpdate( refresh?: boolean): void

    Ends an update operation. Resumes all table refreshes and renders. Re-renders the Table.



    Optionally you can pass 'false' in case you need to manually call the 'refresh' method. By default, the table is re-rendered.

    Invoke the endUpdate method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    expandAllRows(): void

    Expands all rows (in tree mode).

    Invoke the expandAllRows method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    expandAllGroups(): void

    Expands all groups (in tree mode).

    Invoke the expandAllGroups method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    expandAllRowDetails(): void

    Expands all row details. Rows that have details defined via rowDetailTemplate will be expanded.

    Invoke the expandAllRowDetails method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    expandGroup( index: string): void

    Expands a group.



    The group's hierarchical index.

    Invoke the expandGroup method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    expandRow( rowId: string | number): void

    Expands a row (in tree mode).


    rowIdstring | number

    The id of the row to expand.

    Invoke the expandRow method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    exportData( dataFormat: string, fileName?: string, exportFiltered?: boolean, callback?: Function): any

    Exports the Table's data.



    The file format to export to. Supported formats: 'csv', 'html', 'json', 'pdf', 'tsv', 'xlsx', 'xml'.


    The name of the file to export to


    If set to true, exports only filtered records


    A callback function to pass the exported data to (if fileName is not provided)


    Invoke the exportData method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    const result = table.exportData("html","my-table");

    getSelection(): (string | number)[]

    Returns an array of selected row ids.

    Returns(string | number)[]

    Invoke the getSelection method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    const result = table.getSelection();

    getState(): object

    Returns the Table's state, containing information about columns, expanded rows, selected rows, applied fitering, grouping, and sorted columns. It can then be stored or passed to the method loadState.


    Invoke the getState method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    const result = table.getState("");

    Try a demo showcasing the getState method.

    getValue( row: string | number, dataField: string): any

    Returns the value of a cell.


    rowstring | number

    The id of the cell's row.


    The dataField of the cell's column.


    Invoke the getValue method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    const result = table.getValue("3, 'lastName'");

    getColumnProperty( columnDataField: string, propertyName: string): any

    Gets a column property.



    Column field name.


    Column property name.


    Invoke the getColumnProperty method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    const result = table.getColumnProperty("firstName","width");

    isGroupExpanded( index: string): boolean

    Checks whether a group is expanded and returns true or false. false is returned when the group index is undefined, too.



    The group's hierarchical index.


    Invoke the isGroupExpanded method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    const result = table.isGroupExpanded("1.2");

    loadState( state?: any): void

    Loads the Table's state. Information about columns, expanded rows, selected rows, applied fitering, grouping, and sorted columns is loaded, based on the value of the stateSettings property.



    An object returned by one of the methods getState or saveState. If a state is not passed, the method tries to load the state from the browser's localStorage.

    Invoke the loadState method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    Try a demo showcasing the loadState method.

    navigateTo( pageIndex: number): void

    Navigates to a page.



    The zero-based page index to navigate to.

    Invoke the navigateTo method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    refresh(): void

    Refreshes the table.

    Invoke the refresh method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    removeFilter( dataField: string): void

    Removes filters applied to a specific column.



    The column's data field.

    Invoke the removeFilter method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    removeGroup( dataField: string): void

    Removes grouping by a column.



    The column's data field.

    Invoke the removeGroup method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    removeRow( row: string | number): void

    Removes a row by its id.


    rowstring | number

    The id of the cell's row.

    Invoke the removeRow method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    resetState(): void

    Resets the Table's state. Information about columns, expanded rows, selected rows, applied fitering, grouping, and sorted columns is cleared, based on the value of the stateSettings property.

    Invoke the resetState method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    Try a demo showcasing the resetState method.

    saveState(): object

    Saves the Table's state. Information about columns, expanded rows, selected rows, applied fitering, grouping, and sorted columns is saved, based on the value of the stateSettings property.


    Invoke the saveState method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    const result = table.saveState("");

    Try a demo showcasing the saveState method.

    select( rowId: string | number | (string | number)[]): void

    Selects one or more rows.


    rowIdstring | number | (string | number)[]

    The id of the row (or an array of row ids) to select.

    Invoke the select method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');;

    setValue( row: string | number, dataField: string, value: any): void

    Sets the value of a cell.


    rowstring | number

    The id of the cell's row.


    The dataField of the cell's column.


    The new value of the cell.

    Invoke the setValue method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');
    table.setValue("3, 'lastName', 'Green'");

    sortBy( columnDataField: string, sortOrder?: string): void

    Sorts the Table by a column.



    Column field name.


    Sort order. Possible values: 'asc' (ascending), 'desc' (descending), and null (removes sorting by column). If not provided, toggles the sorting.

    Invoke the sortBy method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    setColumnProperty( columnDataField: string, propertyName: string, propertyValue: any): void

    Sets a column property.



    Column field name.


    Column property name.


    Property value.

    Invoke the setColumnProperty method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    updateRow( rowId: string | number, data: any): void

    Updates a table row. The method expects two parameters - row id and JSON object with the new row data.


    rowIdstring | number

    The id of the row.


    JSON object with the new row's data. Example: {firstName: 'Peter', lastName: 'Fuller'}.

    Invoke the updateRow method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    unselect( rowId: string | number | (string | number)[]): void

    Unselects one or more rows.


    rowIdstring | number | (string | number)[]

    The id of the row (or an array of row ids) to unselect.

    Invoke the unselect method.

    const table = document.querySelector('smart-table');

    CSS Variables


    Default value


    smartTable default width


    Default value


    smartTable default height

    Default value


    smartTable height of header and footer


    Default value


    smartTable height of column header


    Default value


    smartTable height of rows


    Default value


    smartTable cell padding


    Default value


    smartTable row detail height


    Default value


    smartTable hierarchical cell indent


    Default value


    smartTable arrow size


    Default value


    smartTable arrow margin


    Default value


    smartTable group header name display


    Default value


    smartTable group header leaf count display