Scheduler JAVASCRIPT UI Component API

Scheduler Javascript API



Scheduler displays a set ot Events in Day, Week, Month, Agenda, Timeline Day, Timeline Week, Timeline Month views.




AautoScrollStepDetermines the scroll speed while dragging an event.
AautoHeightAllDayCellsDetermines whether the all day cells in Day and Week views automatically change their height depending on the events count in these cells.
AavailableDefines an array of objects with start and end fields, where start and end are Date objects. For example: [{ 'start': '2022-10-25T12:00.000Z', 'end': '2022-10-25T13:00.000Z' }].
CcolorSchemeDetermines the color scheme for the event background selector in the event window editor. Click for more details. Property object's options:
    CcurrentTimeDetermines the current time of the Scheduler to use for the current time indicator functionality. By default the current time is Today.
    CcurrentTimeIndicatorEnables/Disables the current time indicator. Current time indicator shows the current time in the appropriate view cells.
    CcurrentTimeIndicatorIntervalDetermines the refresh interval in seconds for the currentTimeIndicator.
    CcontextMenuDataSourceDetermines the context menu items that are visible when the Context Menu is opened.
    CcontextMenuClipboardActionsDetermines whether the clipboard shortcuts for copy/paste/cut action of events are visible in the Scheduler context menu or not.
    EeventTemplateAllows to customize the content of the event elements. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement that will be applied to all events or it's id as a string or a function that will be called for each event with the following parameters: eventContent - the content holder for the event,eventObj - the event object.. When using an HTMLTemplateElement it's possible to add property bindings inside the template that will be mapped to the corresponding object properties.
    EeventCollectorTemplateAllows to customize the content of the event collector elements. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement that will be applied to all events or it's id as a string or a function that will be called for each event with the following parameters: eventContent - the content holder for the event,eventObj - the event object.. When using an HTMLTemplateElement it's possible to add property bindings inside the template that will be mapped to the corresponding object properties.
    EeventRenderMode Determines how the events inside the Scheduler are rendered.classic - the events are arranged next to each other and try to fit inside the cells.modern - the events obey the CSS property that determines their size and if there's not enough space inside the cell for all events to appear, an event collector is created to hold the rest of the events. On mobile phones only collectors are created.
    EeventTooltipTemplateAllows to customize the content of the event menu items (tooltip). When clicked on an event element an event menu with details opens. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement that will be applied to all events or it's id as a string or a function that will be called for each event with the following parameters: eventContent - the content holder for the event,eventObj - the event object.. When using an HTMLTemplateElement it's possible to add property bindings inside the template that will be mapped to the corresponding object properties.
    CcellTemplateAllows to customize the content of the timeline cells. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement that will be applied to all cells or it's id as a string or a function that will be called for each cell with the following parameters: cellContent - the content holder for the cell,cellDate - the cell date.. When using an HTMLTemplateElement it's possible to add property bindings inside the template that will be mapped to the value of the cell.
    DdateCurrentDetermines the currently visible date for the Scheduler.
    DdataExportSets the Schedulers's Data Export options. Click for more details. Property object's options:
    • header:boolean - Sets whether the columns header will be exported.
    • columns:string[] - Sets the name of the event properties that will be exported as columns.
    • style:object - Sets a custom style object of the dataExport.
    • fileName:string - Sets the exported file's name.
    • pageOrientation:string - Sets the page orientation, when exporting to PDF.
    DdataSourceDetermines the events that will be loaded inside the Timeline. Each event represents an object that should contain the following properties: Click for more details. Property object's options:
    • repeat:{ repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: number | object | Date | string | undefined, repeatEnd?: number | date | undefined, exceptions?: { date: string | date, dateStart: date | string, dateEnd: date | string, backgroundColor?: 'string', color?: string, hidden?: boolean }} | undefined - Event Repeat Object.
    • Property object's options:
      • repeatFreq:string - Determines the repeating frequency. The event can repeat hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
      • repeatInterval:number - Determines the repeating interval.
      • repeatOn:number | object | Date | string | undefined - Determines on wah day/date the event will repeat on. This is applicable only when repeatFreq is of type 'weekly' ( allows to pick the days of week from 0 to 6, where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday), 'monthly' ( allows to pick a date of the month from 0 to 31) or 'yearly' (allows to pick a particular Date to repeat on. The date can be set as a Date or an object of type{ month: string, date: number }).
      • repeatEnd:number | date | undefined - Determines when the repeating event will end. By default it does not have an end condition. If the value is set to a number than it is considered as the number of time the event will repeat before it ends. If it's a Date then it is considered as the end date for the repeating series. If not set it will never end.
      • exceptions:{ date: string | date, dateStart: date | string, dateEnd: date | string, backgroundColor?: string, color?: string, hidden?: boolean }[] | undefined - Event exceptions represent a repeating series event that has been re-scheduler for another date/time or it has been hidden from the Scheduler. Exceptions cannot repeat.
    • class:string - Event CSS class.
    • dateStart:string | Date - Event start date.
    • dateEnd:string | Date - Event end date.
    • disableDrag:boolean - Determines whether dragging is disabled for the event.
    • disableResize:boolean - Determines whether resizing is disabled for the event.
    • id:string? - Event unique id.
    • label:string? - Event Label.
    • description:string? - Event Description.
    • allDay:boolean? - Determines whether an event is an all day event ot nor. All day events ignore time.
    • backgroundColor:string? - Sets a background color for the event. The background color should be in HEX format.
    • color:string? - Sets a color for the event. The color should be in HEX format.
    • status:string? - Sets the appointment status.
    • resourceId:string? - Event resource unique id.
    • notifications:{interval: number, type?: string, time: number[], message?: string | undefined, iconType?: string}[] - Event notifications.
    • Property object's options:
      • interval:number - The number of days/weeks when the notification should appear before the event starts.
      • type:string - The type of the interval for the notification.
      • time:number[] - An array that represents the time when the notification should appear before the event starts. The array should have the following format: [hours: number, minutes:number]
      • message:string? - The message that will appear inside the notificaiton. If no message is set, then the label of the event is displayed.
      • iconType:string? - Determines the type of icon that will be displayed inside the notification. By default the iconType is 'info'.
    DdateSelectorFormatFunctionA callback that can be used to customize the text inside the date selector located in the header. The callback has one parameter - the current date.
    DdayFormatDetermines the day format of the dates in the timeline.
    DdisabledEnables or disables the element.
    DdisableAutoScrollDisables auto scrolling of the timeline while dragging/resizing an event.
    DdisableDragDisables dragging of events.
    DdisableDropDisables dropping of events.
    DdisableResizeDisables resizing of events.
    DdisableSelectionDisables the cell selection.
    DdisableWindowEditorDisables the window editor for the events.
    DdisableContextMenuDisables the context menu of the events and cells.
    DdisableEventMenuDisables the event menu that appears when an event/collector has been clicked.
    DdisableViewMenuDisables the view menu that allows to select the current Scheduler view.
    DdisableDateMenuDisables the date menu that allows to select the current Scheduler date.
    DdragFeedbackFormatFunctionA callback that can be used to customize the drag feedback that appears when an event is dragged.
    DdragOffsetDetermines the offset for the drag feedback from the pointer.
    FfilterDetermines the filtering condition for the events.The filter property takes an array of objects or a function. Each object represents a single filtering condition with the following attributes: name - the name of the Scheduler event property that will be filtered by.value - the filtering condition value. The value will be used to compare the events based on the filterMode, for example: [{ name: 'price', value: 25 }]. The value can also be a function. The function accepts a single arguemnt - the value that corresponds to the filtered attribute. The function allows to apply custom condition that is different from the default filter modes. It should return true ( if the evnet passes the filtering condition ) or false ( if the event does not meet the filtering condition ). Here's an example: [{ name: 'roomId', value: (id) => ['2', '3'].indexOf(id + '') > -1 }]. In the example the events that do not have a 'roomId' property that is equal to '2' or '3' will be filtered out.. If a function is set to the filter property instead, it allows to completely customize the filtering logic. The function passes a single argument - each Scheduler event that will be displayed. The function should return true ( if the condition is met ) or false ( if not ).
    FfilterableDetermines whether Scheduler's filtering is enabled or not.
    FfilterModeDetermines the filter mode.
    EeventsA getter that returns an array of all Scheduler events. Click for more details. Property object's options:
    • repeat:{ repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: number | object | Date | string | undefined, repeatEnd?: number | date | undefined, exceptions?: { date: string | date, dateStart: date | string, dateEnd: date | string, backgroundColor?: 'string', color?: string, hidden?: boolean }} | undefined - Event Repeat Object.
    • Property object's options:
      • repeatFreq:string - Determines the repeating frequency. The event can repeat hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
      • repeatInterval:number - Determines the repeating interval.
      • repeatOn:number | object | Date | string | undefined - Determines on wah day/date the event will repeat on. This is applicable only when repeatFreq is of type 'weekly' ( allows to pick the days of week from 0 to 6, where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday), 'monthly' ( allows to pick a date of the month from 0 to 31) or 'yearly' (allows to pick a particular Date to repeat on. The date can be set as a Date or an object of type{ month: string, date: number }).
      • repeatEnd:number | Date | undefined - Determines when the repeating event will end. By default it does not have an end condition. If the value is set to a number than it is considered as the number of time the event will repeat before it ends. If it's a Date then it is considered as the end date for the repeating series. If not set it will never end.
      • exceptions:{ date: string | date, dateStart: date | string, dateEnd: date | string, backgroundColor?: 'string', color?: string, hidden?: boolean }[] | undefined - Event exceptions represent a repeating series event that has been re-scheduler for another date/time or it has been hidden from the Scheduler. Exceptions cannot repeat.
    • class:string - Event CSS class.
    • dateStart:string | Date - Event start date.
    • dateEnd:string | Date - Event end date.
    • disableDrag:boolean - Determines whether dragging is disabled for the event.
    • disableResize:boolean - Determines whether resizing is disabled for the event.
    • id:string | undefined - Event unique id.
    • label:string | undefined - Event Label.
    • description:string | undefined - Event Description.
    • allDay:boolean | undefined - Determines whether an event is an all day event ot nor. All day events ignore time.
    • backgroundColor:string | undefined - Sets a background color for the event. The background color should be in HEX format.
    • color:string | undefined - Sets a color for the event. The color should be in HEX format.
    • notifications:{interval: number, type?: string, time: number[], message?: string | undefined, iconType?: string}[] - Event notifications.
    • Property object's options:
      • interval:number - The number of days/weeks when the notification should appear before the event starts.
      • type:string - The type of the interval for the notification.
      • time:array - An array that represents the time when the notification should appear before the event starts. The array should have the following format: [hours: number, minutes:number]
      • message:string | undefined - The message that will appear inside the notificaiton. If no message is set, then the label of the event is displayed.
      • iconType:string | undefined - Determines the type of icon that will be displayed inside the notification. By default the iconType is 'info'.
    FfirstDayOfWeekDetermines the first day of week for the Scheduler. By default it's Sunday.
    FfooterTemplateAllows to customize the footer of the Scheduler. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement, it's id as a string or a function with the following parameters: footerContainer - the footer container..
    GgroupByDateDetermines whether the events will be grouped by date.
    GgroupOrientationDetermines the grouping orientation.
    GgroupTemplateAllows to customize the content of the group cells that are visible inside the header. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement that will be applied to all cells or it's id as a string or a function that will be called for each group cell with the following parameters: cellContent - the content holder for the group cell.cellObj - the group cell object.. When using an HTMLTemplateElement it's possible to add property bindings inside the template that will be mapped to the corresponding object properties.
    GgroupsDetermines the resources that the events are grouped by.
    HhourEndDetermines the end hour that will be displayed in 'day' and 'week' views.
    HhourStartDetermines the start hour that will be displayed in 'day' and 'week' views.
    HhourFormatDetermines the formatting of hours inside the element.
    HheaderTemplateAllows to customize the header of the Scheduler. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement, it's id as a string or a function with the following parameters: headerContent - the header container..
    HheaderDatePosition Determines the position of the Date selector inside the Header of the element.
    HheaderNavigationStyle Determines the styling of the Header navigation controls.
    HheaderViewPosition Determines the position of the view selector control inside the Header of the element.
    HhideAllDayDetermines whether the 'All Day' container with the all day events is hidden or not.
    HhideNonworkingWeekdaysDetermines whether the days set by 'nonworkingDays' property are hidden or not.
    HhideOtherMonthDaysDetermines whether other month days are visible when view is set to month. When enabled, events that start on other month days are not displayed and the cells that represent such days do not allow the creation of new events on them. Also dragging and droping an event on other month days is not allowed. Reszing is also affected. Events can end on other month days, but cannot start on one.
    HhideTodayButtonDetermines whether the 'Today' button is hidden or not.
    HhideViewMenuCheckableItemsDetermines whether the checkable items in the view selection menu are hidden or not.
    HhideWeekendDetermines whether the weekend days are hidden or not.
    LlegendLocationDetermines the location of the legend inside the Scheduler. By default the location is inside the footer but it can also reside in the header.
    LlegendPositionDetermines the position of the legend. By default it's positioned to the near side but setting it to 'far' will change that.
    LlegendLayoutDetermines the layout of the legend items.
    LlegendLayoutMenuBreakpointDetermines the number of items when the legend switches automatically from horizontal list to menu.
    MmouseWheelStepDetermines the mouse wheel step. When this property is set to a positive number, the scroll step with mouse wheel or trackpad will depend on the property value.
    HhorizontalScrollBarVisibilityDetermines weather or not horizontal scrollbar is shown.
    Llocale Determines the language of the Scheduler.
    MmaxDetetmines the maximum view date for the Scheduler.
    MmaxEventsPerCellDetetmines the maximum number of events per Scheduler cell. By default this property is null which means that the number of events per cell is automatically determined by the size of the events.
    MminDetetmines the minimum view date for the Scheduler.
    MmessagesSets or gets an object specifying strings used in the element that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale.
    MminuteFormatDetermines the minute formatting inside the Scheduler.
    MmonthFormatDetermines the month name formatting inside the Scheduler.
    NnonworkingDaysDetermines the nonworking days of the week from 0 to 6, where 0 is the first day of the week and 6 is the last day. Nonworking days will be colored differently inside the Timeline. The color is determined by a CSS variable.
    NnonworkingHoursDetermines the nonworking hours of the day. Hours are represented as numbers inside an array, however ranges of hours can be defined as an array with starting and ending hour separated by a comma. In the timline the cells that represent nonworking days are colored differently from the rest.
    NnotificationIntervalDetermines the interval (in seconds) at which the element will check for notifications.
    RresizeHandlesVisibilityDetermines the visibility of the resize handles.
    RresizeIntervalDetermines the rate at which the element will refresh it's content on element resize. By default it's refresh immediately. This property is used for element resize throttling
    RresourcesAn array of resources that can be assigned to the events. Click for more details. Property object's options:
    • label:string - Resource label.
    • value:string - Resource unique value.
    • dataSource:object[] - An array that defined the data of the resources. The data represents objects that should contain the following proeprties:
      • lable - the label for the resource item.
      • id - the unique id for the resource item.
      • backgroundColor - the background color for the events that have the resource item assigned.
      • color - the color for the events that have the resource item assigned.
    • sortBy:string - Determines the property name to sort the dataSource by.
    • sortFunction:function - Determines the custom sorting function that will be used to sort the resource dataSource. The sortFunction is used when sortOrder is set to custom.
    • sortOrder:string - Determines the sorting order. When set to custom, a custom sorting function has to be defined for the sortFunction property. The asc stands for 'ascending' while desc means 'descending' sorting order.
    RrestrictedDatesDefines an array of dates that are not allowed to have events on. Events that overlap restricted Dates or start/end on them will not be displayed.
    RrestrictedHoursDefines an array of hours that are not allowed to have events on. Events that overlap restricted Hours or start/end on them will not be displayed.
    RrestrictedDefines an array of dates and hours that are not allowed to have events on. Events that overlap restricted Hours or start/end on them will not be displayed. Each array item is an Object and requires 2 fields - date and hours. For example: { date: new Date(2023, 10, 1), hours: [[0, 6], 12, [20, 23]] }. The hours define a range of restricted hours similartly to the restricted hours property, the date defines a date where the restricted hours will be applied.
    RrightToLeftSets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts.
    SscrollButtonsPosition Determines the position of the date navigation navigation buttons inside the header of the element.
    SshadeUntilCurrentTimeEnables/Disables the current time shader. If enabled all cells that represent past time will be shaded.
    SshowLegendDetermines whether the resource legend is visible or not. The Legend shows the resources and their items in the footer section of the Scheduler. If filterable is enabled it is possible to filter by resource items by clicking on the corresponding resource item from the legend.
    SsortByDetermines the name of the resource data item property that will be used for sorting the resource data defined as the resource.dataSource.
    SsortFunctionAllows to define a custom sorting function that will be used to sort the resource data. The sortFunction is used when sortOrder is set to custom.
    SsortOrderDetermines the sorting order of the resource data items. When set to custom, a custom sorting function has to be defined for the sortFunction property. The asc stands for 'ascending' while desc means 'descending' sorting order.
    SspinButtonsDelayDetermines the repeating delay of the repeat buttons inside the header of the element. Such buttons are the Date navigation buttons and the view scroll buttons.
    SspinButtonsInitialDelayDetermines the initial delay of the repeat buttons inside the header of the element. Such buttons are the Date navigation buttons and the view scroll buttons.
    SstatusesDefines the statuses that will be available for selection thourgh the window editor for the events.
    TthemeSets or gets the element's visual theme.
    TtimelineHeaderFormatFunctionA format function for the Header of the Timeline. Allows to modify the date labels in the header cells.
    TtimelineDayScaleDetermines the date scale for the timeline cells.
    TtimeRulerTicksEnables/Disables the tick marks next to the time cells in the vertical header of the element. Time header appears in 'day' and 'week' views.
    TtimeZoneDetermines the timeZone for the element. By default if the local time zone is used if the property is not set.
    TtimeZonesAllows to display additional timeZones at once along with the default that is set via the timeZone property. Accepts an array values that represent the ids of valid time zones. The possbile time zones can be viewed in the timeZone property description. By default the local time zone is displayed.
    TtooltipDelayDetermines the delay ( in miliseconds) before the tooltip/menu appears.
    TtooltipOffsetDetermines the offset ot the tooltip/menu.
    VverticalScrollBarVisibilityDetermines weather or not vertical scrollbar is shown.
    VviewDetermines the current view. The property accepts view values that are defined in the views property. Custom views should contain a valid value that will be set as the current view.
    VviewTypeIndicates the current Scheduler viewType. Custom views must contain a valid type property that corresponds to one of the view types. This property should not be set.
    VviewsDetermines the viewing date range of the timeline. The property should be set to an array of strings or view objects. When you set it to a string, you should use any of the following: 'day', 'week', 'month', 'agenda', 'timelineDay', 'timelineWeek', 'timelineMonth'. Custom views can be defined as objects instead of strings. The view object should contain the following properties: label - the label for the view.value - the value for the view. The value is the unique identifier for the view.type - the type of view. The type should be one of the default allowed values for a view.hideWeekend - an Optional property that allows to hide the weekend only for this specific view.hideNonworkingWeekdays - an Optional property that allows to hide the nonwrking weekdays for this specific view.shortcutKey - an Optional property that allows to set a custom shortcut key for the view.hideHours - an Optional property applicable only to timelineWeek view that allows to hide the hour cells and only show the day cells. Click for more details. Property object's options:
      VviewSelectorTypeDetermines type of the view selector located in the header of the element.
      VviewStartDayDetermines the Start Date rule. The Week and TimelineWeek views start by default from the current date taking into account the firstDayOfWeek property. When this property is set to 'dateCurrent', these views will start from the value of the 'dateCurrent'.
      WweekdayFormatDetermines the format of the week days inside the element.
      YyearFormatDetermines the format of the dates inside the timeline header when they represent years.
      UunfocusableSets or gets if the element can be focused.
      UundoRedoStepsDetermines the maximum number of redo/undo steps that will be remembered by the Scheduler. When the number is reached the oldest records are removed in order to add new.
      WwindowCustomizationFunctionA function that can be used to completly customize the popup Window that is used to edit events. The function has the following arguments: target - the target popup Window that is about to be opened.type - the type of the window. The type determines the purpose of the window. The default type is an empty string which means that it's the default event editing window. The other type is 'confirm' ( confirmation window) that appears when clicking on a repeating event. eventObj - the event object that is going to be edited.


      BbeginUpdateThis event is triggered when a batch update was started after executing the beginUpdate method.
      EendUpdateThis event is triggered when a batch update was ended from after executing the endUpdate method.
      CchangeThis event is triggered when a new cell is selected/unselected.
      IitemChangeThis event is triggered when an Event has been updated/inserted/removed/dragged/resized or an exception of a repeating event has been added/updated/removed.
      IitemChangingThis event is triggered when an Event is going to be updated/inserted/removed. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.
      IitemClickThis event is triggered when en event, event item or a context menu item is clicked.
      IitemInsertThis event is triggered when an Event is inserted.
      IitemRemoveThis event is triggered when an Event is removed.
      IitemUpdateThis event is triggered when an Event is updated.
      VviewChangeThis event is triggered when the view is changed via user interaction.
      VviewChangingThis event is triggered before the view is changed via user interaction. The view change action can be canceled if event.preventDefault() is called on the event.
      EeventShortcutKeyThis event is triggered when a shortcut key for an event is pressed. By default only 'Delete' key is used.
      DdateChangeThis event is triggered when the 'dateCurrent' property is changed. This can be caused by navigating to a different date.
      DdragStartThis event is triggered when dragging of an event begins. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.
      DdragEndThis event is triggered when dragging of an event finishes.
      DdropoverCellThis event is triggered when the user drops an item over a cell.
      RresizeStartThis event is triggered when resizing of a task starts. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.
      RresizeEndThis event is triggered when the resizing of an event finishes.
      EeditDialogOpeningThis event is triggered when the user starts top open the event dialog window. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.
      EeditDialogOpenThis event is triggered when the user opens the event dialog window.
      EeditDialogCloseThis event is triggered when the user closes the event dialog window.
      EeditDialogClosingThis event is triggered when the user is about to close the event dialog window. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.
      CcontextMenuOpeningThis event is triggered when the user begins to open the context menu on a timeline cell or an event element. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.
      CcontextMenuOpenThis event is triggered when the context menu is opened.
      CcontextMenuCloseThis event is triggered when the context menu is closed.
      CcontextMenuClosingThis event is triggered when the user is about to close the context menu. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.
      EeventMenuOpeningThis event is triggered when the event menu is about to open. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.
      EeventMenuOpenThis event is triggered when the event menu is opened.
      EeventMenuCloseThis event is triggered when the event menu is closed.
      EeventMenuClosingThis event is triggered when the evet menu is about to close. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.
      DdateMenuOpenThis event is triggered when the date selection menu is opened.
      DdateMenuCloseThis event is triggered when the date selection menu is closed.
      VviewMenuOpenThis event is triggered when the view selection menu is opened.
      VviewMenuCloseThis event is triggered when the view selection menu is closed.
      NnotificationOpenThis event is triggered when a notification is opened.
      NnotificationCloseThis event is triggered when a notification is closed.


      AaddEventAdds an event to the Scheduler. Accepts an event object of the following format (same as the dataSource format):
      { label?: string, dateStart: date, dateEnd: date, description?: string, id?: string | number, class?: string, backgroundColor?: string, color?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], allDay?: boolean, disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean, repeat?: { repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: number | number[] | date, repeatEnd?: number | date, exceptions?: { date: date, dateStart?: date, dateEnd?: date, hidden?: boolean, backgroundColor?: string, status?: string, label?: string, description?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean }[] }, status?: string }
      AaddViewAdds a new view. Example: scheduler.addView('week', 'My View', 'myView', false, false, 10); scheduler.setView('myView');
      BbeginUpdateStarts an update operation. This is appropriate when calling multiple methods or set multiple properties at once.
      CcreateEventCreates an event and adds it to the Scheduler.
      EendUpdateEnds the update operation. This method will resume the rendering and will refresh the element.
      GgetViewDatesReturns an array of the start and end view dates.
      RrefreshRefereshes the Scheduler by recalculating the Scrollbars.
      EexportDataExports the events from the Scheduler.
      GgetDataSourceReturns a JSON representation of the events inside the Scheduler.
      GgetResourcesReturns a JSON representation of the resources inside the Scheduler.
      GgetDateFromCoordinatesGets a date from coordinates
      GgetIsAllDayCellFromCoordinatesGets whether a cell is all day cell from coordinates
      GgetStateReturns the current state of the Scheduler. Includes the current dateCurernt, dataSource and timeZone properties.
      CclearStateRemoves a previously saved state of the element form LocalStorage according to it's id. Requires an id to be set to the element.
      LloadStateLoads a previously saved state of the element or checks LocalStorage for any saved states if no argument is passed to the method.
      SsaveStateSaves the current events of the element to LocalStorage. Requires an id to be set to the element.
      SsetViewSets the Scheduler's view. Example: scheduler.addView('week', 'My View', 'myView', false, false, 10); scheduler.setView('myView');
      CcontainsEventChecks whether the Scheduler contains the event.
      IinsertEventInserts an event as object of the following format (same as the dataSource format):
      { label?: string, dateStart: date, dateEnd: date, description?: string, id?: string | number, class?: string, backgroundColor?: string, color?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], allDay?: boolean, disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean, repeat?: { repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: number | number[] | date, repeatEnd?: number | date, exceptions?: { date: date, dateStart?: date, dateEnd?: date, hidden?: boolean, backgroundColor?: string, status?: string, label?: string, description?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean }[] }, status?: string }
      UupdateEventUpdates an event object of the following format (same as the dataSource format):
      { label?: string, dateStart: date, dateEnd: date, description?: string, id?: string | number, class?: string, backgroundColor?: string, color?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], allDay?: boolean, disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean, repeat?: { repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: number | number[] | date, repeatEnd?: number | date, exceptions?: { date: date, dateStart?: date, dateEnd?: date, hidden?: boolean, backgroundColor?: string, status?: string, label?: string, description?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean }[] }, status?: string }
      RremoveEventRemoves an existing event.
      GgetEventExceptionsReturns an array of all exceptions of the target repeating event.
      AaddEventExceptionAdds an event exception to a repeating event. The exception occurences for a repeating event can be gathered via the following methods: occurencesoccurrencesBetweenoccurrenceAfteroccurrenceBefore.

      Example usage:

      scheduler.addEventException(eventObj, { date: occuranceDate, dateStart: newDateStart, dateEnd: newDateEnd, label: 'Exception' });
      UupdateEventExceptionUpdates an event exception of a repeating event. The exception occurences for a repeating event can be gathered via the following methods: occurencesoccurrencesBetweenoccurrenceAfteroccurrenceBefore.

      Example usage:

      scheduler.updateEventException(eventObj, dateOfOccurance, { dateStart: newDateStart, dateEnd: newDateEnd, label: 'Updated Exception' });
      RremoveEventExceptionRemoves an exception from a repeating event.
      OopenWindowOpens the popup Window for specific event Editing.
      CcloseWindowCloses the popup window.
      PprintPrepares the Scheduler for printing by opening the browser's Print Preview.
      SscrollToDateScrolls the Scheduler to a Date.
      NnavigateToDateNavigates the Scheduler to a Date.
      SscrollToEventScrolls the Scheduler to an event.
      OopenNotificationOpens a custom notification.
      CcloseNotificationsCloses all notifications.
      OoccurrencesReturns all occurances of an event.
      OoccurrencesBetweenReturns all occurances of an event between two dates.
      OoccurrenceAfterReturns the first occurance of an event after a date.
      OoccurrenceBeforeReturns the last occurance of an event before a date.
      GgetCellDateRangeReturns the dateStart/dateEnd of a timeline cell.
      OopenEventTooltipOpens the tooltip(event menu) for an event.
      CcloseEventTooltipCloses the event tooltip (event menu).
      IisDateRestrictedReturns true or false whether the date is restricted or not.
      IisHourRestrictedReturns true or false whether the hour is restricted or not.
      IisEventRestrictedReturns true or false whether the event is restricted or not.
      DdeleteUndoRedoHistoryDeletes the current undo/redo history.
      CcanRedoIndicates whether it is possible to redo an action.
      CcanUndoIndicates whether it is possbile to undo an action.
      RredoRedo the next event modification.
      UundoUndo the last event modification.



      Determines the scroll speed while dragging an event.

      Default value



      Set the autoScrollStep property.

       <smart-scheduler auto-scroll-step='5'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the autoScrollStep property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.autoScrollStep = 10;

      Get the autoScrollStep property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let autoScrollStep = scheduler.autoScrollStep;


      Determines whether the all day cells in Day and Week views automatically change their height depending on the events count in these cells.

      Default value



      Set the autoHeightAllDayCells property.

       <smart-scheduler auto-height-all-day-cells></smart-scheduler>

      Set the autoHeightAllDayCells property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.autoHeightAllDayCells = true;

      Get the autoHeightAllDayCells property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let autoHeightAllDayCells = scheduler.autoHeightAllDayCells;


      Defines an array of objects with start and end fields, where start and end are Date objects. For example: [{ 'start': '2022-10-25T12:00.000Z', 'end': '2022-10-25T13:00.000Z' }].


      Determines the color scheme for the event background selector in the event window editor.


      Set the colorScheme property.

       <smart-scheduler color-scheme='['#D50000', '#E67C73', '#F4511E', '#F6BF26', '']'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the colorScheme property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.colorScheme = ['', '#33B679', '#0B8043', '#039BE5', '#3F51B5'];

      Get the colorScheme property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let colorScheme = scheduler.colorScheme;

      currentTimestring | Date

      Determines the current time of the Scheduler to use for the current time indicator functionality. By default the current time is Today.

      Default value

      new Date()


      Set the currentTime property.

       <smart-scheduler current-time='new Date(2023, 2, 1)'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the currentTime property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.currentTime = 2022-05-25;

      Get the currentTime property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let currentTime = scheduler.currentTime;


      Enables/Disables the current time indicator. Current time indicator shows the current time in the appropriate view cells.

      Default value



      Set the currentTimeIndicator property.

       <smart-scheduler current-time-indicator></smart-scheduler>

      Set the currentTimeIndicator property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.currentTimeIndicator = false;

      Get the currentTimeIndicator property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let currentTimeIndicator = scheduler.currentTimeIndicator;


      Determines the refresh interval in seconds for the currentTimeIndicator.

      Default value



      Set the currentTimeIndicatorInterval property.

       <smart-scheduler current-time-indicator-interval='60'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the currentTimeIndicatorInterval property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.currentTimeIndicatorInterval = 120;

      Get the currentTimeIndicatorInterval property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let currentTimeIndicatorInterval = scheduler.currentTimeIndicatorInterval;


      Determines the context menu items that are visible when the Context Menu is opened.


      Set the contextMenuDataSource property.

       <smart-scheduler context-menu-data-source='[{ label: 'Create Event', value: 'createEvent' }]'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the contextMenuDataSource property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.contextMenuDataSource = [{ label: 'Custom Item', value: 'customItemAction' }];

      Get the contextMenuDataSource property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let contextMenuDataSource = scheduler.contextMenuDataSource;


      Determines whether the clipboard shortcuts for copy/paste/cut action of events are visible in the Scheduler context menu or not.

      Default value



      Set the contextMenuClipboardActions property.

       <smart-scheduler context-menu-clipboard-actions></smart-scheduler>

      Set the contextMenuClipboardActions property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.contextMenuClipboardActions = false;

      Get the contextMenuClipboardActions property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let contextMenuClipboardActions = scheduler.contextMenuClipboardActions;


      Allows to customize the content of the event elements. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement that will be applied to all events or it's id as a string or a function that will be called for each event with the following parameters:

      • eventContent - the content holder for the event,
      • eventObj - the event object.
      . When using an HTMLTemplateElement it's possible to add property bindings inside the template that will be mapped to the corresponding object properties.


      Set the eventTemplate property.

       <smart-scheduler event-template='function (eventContent, eventObj) { eventContent.innerHTML = eventObj.label }'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the eventTemplate property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.eventTemplate = eventTemplateId;

      Get the eventTemplate property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let eventTemplate = scheduler.eventTemplate;


      Allows to customize the content of the event collector elements. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement that will be applied to all events or it's id as a string or a function that will be called for each event with the following parameters:

      • eventContent - the content holder for the event,
      • eventObj - the event object.
      . When using an HTMLTemplateElement it's possible to add property bindings inside the template that will be mapped to the corresponding object properties.


      Set the eventCollectorTemplate property.

       <smart-scheduler event-collector-template='function (eventContent, eventObjs) { eventContent.innerHTML = => e.label).toString() }'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the eventCollectorTemplate property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.eventCollectorTemplate = eventTemplateId;

      Get the eventCollectorTemplate property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let eventCollectorTemplate = scheduler.eventCollectorTemplate;

      eventRenderMode"classic" | "modern"

      Determines how the events inside the Scheduler are rendered.

      • classic - the events are arranged next to each other and try to fit inside the cells.
      • modern - the events obey the CSS property that determines their size and if there's not enough space inside the cell for all events to appear, an event collector is created to hold the rest of the events. On mobile phones only collectors are created.

      Allowed Values
      • "classic" - The events are resized in order to fit in the cells that are assigned to.
      • "modern" - Event collectors are used to store the events that do not fit in the cells where multiple events are assigned.

      Default value



      Set the eventRenderMode property.

       <smart-scheduler event-render-mode='classic'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the eventRenderMode property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.eventRenderMode = 'modern';

      Get the eventRenderMode property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let eventRenderMode = scheduler.eventRenderMode;


      Allows to customize the content of the event menu items (tooltip). When clicked on an event element an event menu with details opens. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement that will be applied to all events or it's id as a string or a function that will be called for each event with the following parameters:

      • eventContent - the content holder for the event,
      • eventObj - the event object.
      . When using an HTMLTemplateElement it's possible to add property bindings inside the template that will be mapped to the corresponding object properties.


      Set the eventTooltipTemplate property.

       <smart-scheduler event-tooltip-template='function (eventContent, eventObjs) { eventContent.innerHTML = => e.label).toString() }'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the eventTooltipTemplate property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.eventTooltipTemplate = eventTemplateId;

      Get the eventTooltipTemplate property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let eventTooltipTemplate = scheduler.eventTooltipTemplate;


      Allows to customize the content of the timeline cells. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement that will be applied to all cells or it's id as a string or a function that will be called for each cell with the following parameters:

      • cellContent - the content holder for the cell,
      • cellDate - the cell date.
      . When using an HTMLTemplateElement it's possible to add property bindings inside the template that will be mapped to the value of the cell.


      Set the cellTemplate property.

       <smart-scheduler cell-template='function (cellContent, cellDate) { cellContent.innerHTML = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { day: 'numeric' }).format(value) }'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the cellTemplate property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.cellTemplate = cellTemplateId;

      Get the cellTemplate property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let cellTemplate = scheduler.cellTemplate;

      dateCurrentstring | Date

      Determines the currently visible date for the Scheduler.

      Default value

      new Date()


      Set the dateCurrent property.

       <smart-scheduler date-current='new Date(2023, 2, 1)'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the dateCurrent property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.dateCurrent = 2022-05-25;

      Get the dateCurrent property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let dateCurrent = scheduler.dateCurrent;


      Sets the Schedulers's Data Export options.


      Sets whether the columns header will be exported.

      Default value


      Get the header property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let header = scheduler.dataExport.header;


      Sets the name of the event properties that will be exported as columns.

      Default value


      Get the columns property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let columns = scheduler.dataExport.columns;


      Sets a custom style object of the dataExport.

      Get the style property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let style =;


      Sets the exported file's name.

      Default value


      Get the fileName property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let fileName = scheduler.dataExport.fileName;


      Sets the page orientation, when exporting to PDF.

      Default value


      Get the pageOrientation property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let pageOrientation = scheduler.dataExport.pageOrientation;

      dataSource{label: string, dateStart: string | Date, dateEnd: string | Date, allDay?: boolean, description?: string, disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?:boolean, repeat?: { repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: object | string | date, repeatEnd?: number | date | undefined, exceptions?: { date: string | date, dateStart: date | string, dateEnd: date | string, backgroundColor?: 'string', color?: string, hidden?: boolean }}, class?: string, id?: string, notifications?: {interval: number, type: string, time: number[], message?: string | undefined, iconType?: string}[]}[]

      Determines the events that will be loaded inside the Timeline. Each event represents an object that should contain the following properties:

      repeat{ repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: number | object | Date | string | undefined, repeatEnd?: number | date | undefined, exceptions?: { date: string | date, dateStart: date | string, dateEnd: date | string, backgroundColor?: 'string', color?: string, hidden?: boolean }} | undefined

      Event Repeat Object.

      Default value



      repeatFreq"hourly" | "daily" | "weekly" | "monthly" | "yearly"

      Determines the repeating frequency. The event can repeat hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

      Default value


      Get the repeatFreq property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let repeatFreq = scheduler.dataSource.repeatFreq;


      Determines the repeating interval.

      Default value


      Get the repeatInterval property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let repeatInterval = scheduler.dataSource.repeatInterval;

      repeatOnnumber | object | Date | string | undefined

      Determines on wah day/date the event will repeat on. This is applicable only when repeatFreq is of type 'weekly' ( allows to pick the days of week from 0 to 6, where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday), 'monthly' ( allows to pick a date of the month from 0 to 31) or 'yearly' (allows to pick a particular Date to repeat on. The date can be set as a Date or an object of type{ month: string, date: number }).

      Default value


      Get the repeatOn property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let repeatOn = scheduler.dataSource.repeatOn;

      repeatEndnumber | date | undefined

      Determines when the repeating event will end. By default it does not have an end condition. If the value is set to a number than it is considered as the number of time the event will repeat before it ends. If it's a Date then it is considered as the end date for the repeating series. If not set it will never end.

      Default value


      Get the repeatEnd property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let repeatEnd = scheduler.dataSource.repeatEnd;

      exceptions{ date: string | date, dateStart: date | string, dateEnd: date | string, backgroundColor?: string, color?: string, hidden?: boolean }[] | undefined

      Event exceptions represent a repeating series event that has been re-scheduler for another date/time or it has been hidden from the Scheduler. Exceptions cannot repeat.

      Default value


      Get the exceptions property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let exceptions = scheduler.dataSource.exceptions;

      Get the repeat property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let repeat = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.repeat;


      Event CSS class.

      Default value


      Get the class property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let class = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.class;

      dateStartstring | Date

      Event start date.

      Default value


      Get the dateStart property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let dateStart = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.dateStart;

      dateEndstring | Date

      Event end date.

      Default value


      Get the dateEnd property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let dateEnd = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.dateEnd;


      Determines whether dragging is disabled for the event.

      Default value


      Get the disableDrag property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let disableDrag = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.disableDrag;


      Determines whether resizing is disabled for the event.

      Default value


      Get the disableResize property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let disableResize = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.disableResize;


      Event unique id.

      Default value


      Get the id property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let id =;


      Event Label.

      Default value


      Get the label property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let label = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.label;


      Event Description.

      Default value


      Get the description property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let description = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.description;


      Determines whether an event is an all day event ot nor. All day events ignore time.

      Default value


      Get the allDay property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let allDay = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.allDay;


      Sets a background color for the event. The background color should be in HEX format.

      Default value


      Get the backgroundColor property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let backgroundColor = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.backgroundColor;


      Sets a color for the event. The color should be in HEX format.

      Default value


      Get the color property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let color = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.color;


      Sets the appointment status.

      Default value


      Get the status property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let status = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.status;


      Event resource unique id.

      Default value


      Get the resourceId property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let resourceId = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.resourceId;

      notifications{interval: number, type?: string, time: number[], message?: string | undefined, iconType?: string}[]

      Event notifications.


      The number of days/weeks when the notification should appear before the event starts.

      Default value


      Get the interval property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let interval = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.notifications[0].interval;

      type"days" | "weeks"

      The type of the interval for the notification.

      Default value


      Get the type property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let type = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.notifications[0].type;


      An array that represents the time when the notification should appear before the event starts. The array should have the following format: [hours: number, minutes:number]

      Get the time property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let time = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.notifications[0].time;


      The message that will appear inside the notificaiton. If no message is set, then the label of the event is displayed.

      Default value


      Get the message property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let message = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.notifications[0].message;


      Determines the type of icon that will be displayed inside the notification. By default the iconType is 'info'.

      Default value


      Get the iconType property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let iconType = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.notifications[0].iconType;

      Get the notifications property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let notifications = scheduler.dataSource.repeat.notifications;


      Set the dataSource property.

       <smart-scheduler data-source='{ label: 'Visit Vitosha Mountain', dateStart: '2022-07-07' dateEnd: '2022-07-08' }'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the dataSource property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.dataSource =  { label: 'City Tour', dateStart: '2022-07-09' dateEnd: '2022-07-10' }, { label: 'Kayaking', dateStart: '2022-07-05' dateEnd: '2022-07-06' };

      Get the dataSource property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let dataSource = scheduler.dataSource;


      A callback that can be used to customize the text inside the date selector located in the header. The callback has one parameter - the current date.

      dayFormat"2-digit" | "numeric" | "long" | "short" | "narrow"

      Determines the day format of the dates in the timeline.

      Default value



      Set the dayFormat property.

       <smart-scheduler day-format='numeric'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the dayFormat property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.dayFormat = 'short';

      Get the dayFormat property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let dayFormat = scheduler.dayFormat;


      Enables or disables the element.

      Default value



      Set the disabled property.

       <smart-scheduler disabled></smart-scheduler>

      Set the disabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.disabled = false;

      Get the disabled property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let disabled = scheduler.disabled;


      Disables auto scrolling of the timeline while dragging/resizing an event.

      Default value



      Set the disableAutoScroll property.

       <smart-scheduler disable-auto-scroll></smart-scheduler>

      Set the disableAutoScroll property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.disableAutoScroll = false;

      Get the disableAutoScroll property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let disableAutoScroll = scheduler.disableAutoScroll;


      Disables dragging of events.

      Default value



      Set the disableDrag property.

       <smart-scheduler disable-drag></smart-scheduler>

      Set the disableDrag property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.disableDrag = false;

      Get the disableDrag property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let disableDrag = scheduler.disableDrag;


      Disables dropping of events.

      Default value



      Set the disableDrop property.

       <smart-scheduler disable-drop></smart-scheduler>

      Set the disableDrop property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.disableDrop = false;

      Get the disableDrop property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let disableDrop = scheduler.disableDrop;


      Disables resizing of events.

      Default value



      Set the disableResize property.

       <smart-scheduler disable-resize></smart-scheduler>

      Set the disableResize property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.disableResize = false;

      Get the disableResize property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let disableResize = scheduler.disableResize;


      Disables the cell selection.

      Default value



      Set the disableSelection property.

       <smart-scheduler disable-selection></smart-scheduler>

      Set the disableSelection property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.disableSelection = false;

      Get the disableSelection property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let disableSelection = scheduler.disableSelection;


      Disables the window editor for the events.

      Default value



      Set the disableWindowEditor property.

       <smart-scheduler disable-window-editor></smart-scheduler>

      Set the disableWindowEditor property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.disableWindowEditor = false;

      Get the disableWindowEditor property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let disableWindowEditor = scheduler.disableWindowEditor;


      Disables the context menu of the events and cells.

      Default value



      Set the disableContextMenu property.

       <smart-scheduler disable-context-menu></smart-scheduler>

      Set the disableContextMenu property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.disableContextMenu = false;

      Get the disableContextMenu property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let disableContextMenu = scheduler.disableContextMenu;


      Disables the event menu that appears when an event/collector has been clicked.

      Default value



      Set the disableEventMenu property.

       <smart-scheduler disable-event-menu></smart-scheduler>

      Set the disableEventMenu property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.disableEventMenu = false;

      Get the disableEventMenu property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let disableEventMenu = scheduler.disableEventMenu;


      Disables the view menu that allows to select the current Scheduler view.

      Default value



      Set the disableViewMenu property.

       <smart-scheduler disable-view-menu></smart-scheduler>

      Set the disableViewMenu property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.disableViewMenu = false;

      Get the disableViewMenu property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let disableViewMenu = scheduler.disableViewMenu;


      Disables the date menu that allows to select the current Scheduler date.

      Default value



      Set the disableDateMenu property.

       <smart-scheduler disable-date-menu></smart-scheduler>

      Set the disableDateMenu property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.disableDateMenu = false;

      Get the disableDateMenu property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let disableDateMenu = scheduler.disableDateMenu;


      A callback that can be used to customize the drag feedback that appears when an event is dragged.


      Determines the offset for the drag feedback from the pointer.

      filter{ name: string, value: string | function }[] | function

      Determines the filtering condition for the events.The filter property takes an array of objects or a function. Each object represents a single filtering condition with the following attributes:

      • name - the name of the Scheduler event property that will be filtered by.
      • value - the filtering condition value. The value will be used to compare the events based on the filterMode, for example: [{ name: 'price', value: 25 }]. The value can also be a function. The function accepts a single arguemnt - the value that corresponds to the filtered attribute. The function allows to apply custom condition that is different from the default filter modes. It should return true ( if the evnet passes the filtering condition ) or false ( if the event does not meet the filtering condition ). Here's an example: [{ name: 'roomId', value: (id) => ['2', '3'].indexOf(id + '') > -1 }]. In the example the events that do not have a 'roomId' property that is equal to '2' or '3' will be filtered out.
      . If a function is set to the filter property instead, it allows to completely customize the filtering logic. The function passes a single argument - each Scheduler event that will be displayed. The function should return true ( if the condition is met ) or false ( if not ).


      Determines whether Scheduler's filtering is enabled or not.

      filterMode"contains" | "containsIgnoreCase" | "doesNotContain" | "doesNotContainIgnoreCase" | "equals" | "equalsIgnoreCase" | "startsWith" | "startsWithIgnoreCase" | "endsWith" | "endsWithIgnoreCase"

      Determines the filter mode.

      Allowed Values

      • "contains" - Displays only events with labels that contain the filter string (case sensitive)
      • "containsIgnoreCase" - Displays only events with labels that contain the filter string (case insensitive)
      • "doesNotContain" - Displays only events with labels that do not contain the filter string (case sensitive)
      • "doesNotContainIgnoreCase" - Displays only events with labels that do not contain the filter string (case insensitive)
      • "equals" - Displays only events with labels that equal the filter string (case sensitive)
      • "equalsIgnoreCase" - Displays only events with labels that equal the filter string (case insensitive)
      • "startsWith" - Displays only events with labels that start with the filter string (case sensitive)
      • "startsWithIgnoreCase" - Displays only events with labels that start with the filter string (case insensitive)
      • "endsWith" - Displays only events with labels that end with the filter string (case sensitive)
      • "endsWithIgnoreCase" - Displays only events with labels that end with the filter string (case insensitive)

      Default value


      events{label: string, dateStart: string | Date, dateEnd: string | Date, allDay?: boolean, description?: string, disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?:boolean, repeat?: { repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: object | string | date, repeatEnd?: number | date | undefined, exceptions?: { date: string | date, dateStart: date | string, dateEnd: date | string, backgroundColor?: 'string', color?: string, hidden?: boolean }}, class?: string, id?: string, notifications?: {interval: number, type: string, time: number[], message?: string | undefined, iconType?: string}[]}[]

      A getter that returns an array of all Scheduler events.

      Default value


      repeat{ repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: number | object | Date | string | undefined, repeatEnd?: number | date | undefined, exceptions?: { date: string | date, dateStart: date | string, dateEnd: date | string, backgroundColor?: 'string', color?: string, hidden?: boolean }} | undefined

      Event Repeat Object.

      Default value



      repeatFreq"hourly" | "daily" | "weekly" | "monthly" | "yearly"

      Determines the repeating frequency. The event can repeat hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

      Default value


      Get the repeatFreq property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let repeatFreq =[0].repeatFreq;


      Determines the repeating interval.

      Default value


      Get the repeatInterval property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let repeatInterval =[0].repeatInterval;

      repeatOnnumber | object | Date | string | undefined

      Determines on wah day/date the event will repeat on. This is applicable only when repeatFreq is of type 'weekly' ( allows to pick the days of week from 0 to 6, where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday), 'monthly' ( allows to pick a date of the month from 0 to 31) or 'yearly' (allows to pick a particular Date to repeat on. The date can be set as a Date or an object of type{ month: string, date: number }).

      Default value


      Get the repeatOn property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let repeatOn =[0].repeatOn;

      repeatEndnumber | Date | undefined

      Determines when the repeating event will end. By default it does not have an end condition. If the value is set to a number than it is considered as the number of time the event will repeat before it ends. If it's a Date then it is considered as the end date for the repeating series. If not set it will never end.

      Default value


      Get the repeatEnd property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let repeatEnd =[0].repeatEnd;

      exceptions{ date: string | date, dateStart: date | string, dateEnd: date | string, backgroundColor?: 'string', color?: string, hidden?: boolean }[] | undefined

      Event exceptions represent a repeating series event that has been re-scheduler for another date/time or it has been hidden from the Scheduler. Exceptions cannot repeat.

      Default value


      Get the exceptions property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let exceptions =[0].exceptions;

      Get the repeat property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let repeat =[0].repeat.repeat;


      Event CSS class.

      Default value


      Get the class property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let class =[0].repeat.class;

      dateStartstring | Date

      Event start date.

      Default value


      Get the dateStart property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let dateStart =[0].repeat.dateStart;

      dateEndstring | Date

      Event end date.

      Default value


      Get the dateEnd property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let dateEnd =[0].repeat.dateEnd;


      Determines whether dragging is disabled for the event.

      Default value


      Get the disableDrag property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let disableDrag =[0].repeat.disableDrag;


      Determines whether resizing is disabled for the event.

      Default value


      Get the disableResize property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let disableResize =[0].repeat.disableResize;

      idstring | undefined

      Event unique id.

      Default value


      Get the id property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let id =[0];

      labelstring | undefined

      Event Label.

      Default value


      Get the label property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let label =[0].repeat.label;

      descriptionstring | undefined

      Event Description.

      Default value


      Get the description property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let description =[0].repeat.description;

      allDayboolean | undefined

      Determines whether an event is an all day event ot nor. All day events ignore time.

      Default value


      Get the allDay property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let allDay =[0].repeat.allDay;

      backgroundColorstring | undefined

      Sets a background color for the event. The background color should be in HEX format.

      Default value


      Get the backgroundColor property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let backgroundColor =[0].repeat.backgroundColor;

      colorstring | undefined

      Sets a color for the event. The color should be in HEX format.

      Default value


      Get the color property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let color =[0].repeat.color;

      notifications{interval: number, type?: string, time: number[], message?: string | undefined, iconType?: string}[]

      Event notifications.


      The number of days/weeks when the notification should appear before the event starts.

      Default value


      Get the interval property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let interval =[0].repeat.notifications[0].interval;

      type"days" | "weeks"

      The type of the interval for the notification.

      Default value


      Get the type property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let type =[0].repeat.notifications[0].type;


      An array that represents the time when the notification should appear before the event starts. The array should have the following format: [hours: number, minutes:number]

      Get the time property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let time =[0].repeat.notifications[0].time;

      messagestring | undefined

      The message that will appear inside the notificaiton. If no message is set, then the label of the event is displayed.

      Default value


      Get the message property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let message =[0].repeat.notifications[0].message;

      iconTypestring | undefined

      Determines the type of icon that will be displayed inside the notification. By default the iconType is 'info'.

      Default value


      Get the iconType property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let iconType =[0].repeat.notifications[0].iconType;

      Get the notifications property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let notifications =[0].repeat.notifications;


      Determines the first day of week for the Scheduler. By default it's Sunday.

      Default value



      Set the firstDayOfWeek property.

       <smart-scheduler first-day-of-week='1'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the firstDayOfWeek property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.firstDayOfWeek = 2;

      Get the firstDayOfWeek property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let firstDayOfWeek = scheduler.firstDayOfWeek;


      Allows to customize the footer of the Scheduler. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement, it's id as a string or a function with the following parameters:

      • footerContainer - the footer container.


      Set the footerTemplate property.

       <smart-scheduler footer-template='function (footerContainer) { footerContainer.innerHTML = 'Custom Footer Content' }'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the footerTemplate property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.footerTemplate = footerTemplateId;

      Get the footerTemplate property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let footerTemplate = scheduler.footerTemplate;


      Determines whether the events will be grouped by date.

      Default value



      Set the groupByDate property.

       <smart-scheduler group-by-date></smart-scheduler>

      Set the groupByDate property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.groupByDate = false;

      Get the groupByDate property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let groupByDate = scheduler.groupByDate;

      groupOrientation"horizontal" | "vertical"

      Determines the grouping orientation.

      Default value



      Set the groupOrientation property.

       <smart-scheduler group-orientation='vertical'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the groupOrientation property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.groupOrientation = 'horizontal';

      Get the groupOrientation property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let groupOrientation = scheduler.groupOrientation;


      Allows to customize the content of the group cells that are visible inside the header. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement that will be applied to all cells or it's id as a string or a function that will be called for each group cell with the following parameters:

      • cellContent - the content holder for the group cell.
      • cellObj - the group cell object.
      . When using an HTMLTemplateElement it's possible to add property bindings inside the template that will be mapped to the corresponding object properties.


      Set the groupTemplate property.

       <smart-scheduler group-template='function (cellContent, cellObj) { cellContent.innerHTML = cellObj.label }'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the groupTemplate property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.groupTemplate = groupCellTemplateId;

      Get the groupTemplate property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let groupTemplate = scheduler.groupTemplate;


      Determines the resources that the events are grouped by.


      Set the groups property.

       <smart-scheduler groups='priorityId'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the groups property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.groups = priorityId, heroId, movieId;

      Get the groups property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let groups = scheduler.groups;


      Determines the end hour that will be displayed in 'day' and 'week' views.

      Default value



      Set the hourEnd property.

       <smart-scheduler hour-end='18'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the hourEnd property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.hourEnd = 20;

      Get the hourEnd property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let hourEnd = scheduler.hourEnd;


      Determines the start hour that will be displayed in 'day' and 'week' views.

      Default value



      Set the hourStart property.

       <smart-scheduler hour-start='6'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the hourStart property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.hourStart = 12;

      Get the hourStart property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let hourStart = scheduler.hourStart;

      hourFormat"2-digit" | "numeric"

      Determines the formatting of hours inside the element.

      Default value



      Set the hourFormat property.

       <smart-scheduler hour-format='2-digit'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the hourFormat property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.hourFormat = 'numeric';

      Get the hourFormat property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let hourFormat = scheduler.hourFormat;


      Allows to customize the header of the Scheduler. It can be an HTMLTemplateElement, it's id as a string or a function with the following parameters:

      • headerContent - the header container.


      Set the headerTemplate property.

       <smart-scheduler header-template='function (headerContainer) { headerContainer.innerHTML = 'Custom Header Content' }'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the headerTemplate property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.headerTemplate = headerTemplateId;

      Get the headerTemplate property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let headerTemplate = scheduler.headerTemplate;

      headerDatePosition"far" | "near"

      Determines the position of the Date selector inside the Header of the element.

      Default value



      Set the headerDatePosition property.

       <smart-scheduler header-date-position='far'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the headerDatePosition property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.headerDatePosition = 'near';

      Get the headerDatePosition property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let headerDatePosition = scheduler.headerDatePosition;

      headerNavigationStyle"flat" | "raised"

      Determines the styling of the Header navigation controls.

      Allowed Values

      • "flat" - The navigation controls appear as one with the header
      • "raised" - The navigation controls appear as raised above the header.

      Default value



      Set the headerNavigationStyle property.

       <smart-scheduler header-navigation-style='raised'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the headerNavigationStyle property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.headerNavigationStyle = 'flat';

      Get the headerNavigationStyle property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let headerNavigationStyle = scheduler.headerNavigationStyle;

      headerViewPosition"far" | "near"

      Determines the position of the view selector control inside the Header of the element.

      Default value



      Set the headerViewPosition property.

       <smart-scheduler header-view-position='near'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the headerViewPosition property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.headerViewPosition = 'far';

      Get the headerViewPosition property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let headerViewPosition = scheduler.headerViewPosition;


      Determines whether the 'All Day' container with the all day events is hidden or not.

      Default value



      Set the hideAllDay property.

       <smart-scheduler hide-all-day></smart-scheduler>

      Set the hideAllDay property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.hideAllDay = false;

      Get the hideAllDay property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let hideAllDay = scheduler.hideAllDay;


      Determines whether the days set by 'nonworkingDays' property are hidden or not.

      Default value



      Set the hideNonworkingWeekdays property.

       <smart-scheduler hide-nonworking-weekdays></smart-scheduler>

      Set the hideNonworkingWeekdays property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.hideNonworkingWeekdays = false;

      Get the hideNonworkingWeekdays property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let hideNonworkingWeekdays = scheduler.hideNonworkingWeekdays;


      Determines whether other month days are visible when view is set to month. When enabled, events that start on other month days are not displayed and the cells that represent such days do not allow the creation of new events on them. Also dragging and droping an event on other month days is not allowed. Reszing is also affected. Events can end on other month days, but cannot start on one.

      Default value



      Set the hideOtherMonthDays property.

       <smart-scheduler hide-other-month-days></smart-scheduler>

      Set the hideOtherMonthDays property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.hideOtherMonthDays = false;

      Get the hideOtherMonthDays property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let hideOtherMonthDays = scheduler.hideOtherMonthDays;


      Determines whether the 'Today' button is hidden or not.

      Default value



      Set the hideTodayButton property.

       <smart-scheduler hide-today-button></smart-scheduler>

      Set the hideTodayButton property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.hideTodayButton = false;

      Get the hideTodayButton property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let hideTodayButton = scheduler.hideTodayButton;


      Determines whether the checkable items in the view selection menu are hidden or not.

      Default value



      Set the hideViewMenuCheckableItems property.

       <smart-scheduler hide-view-menu-checkable-items></smart-scheduler>

      Set the hideViewMenuCheckableItems property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.hideViewMenuCheckableItems = false;

      Get the hideViewMenuCheckableItems property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let hideViewMenuCheckableItems = scheduler.hideViewMenuCheckableItems;


      Determines whether the weekend days are hidden or not.

      Default value



      Set the hideWeekend property.

       <smart-scheduler hide-weekend></smart-scheduler>

      Set the hideWeekend property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.hideWeekend = false;

      Get the hideWeekend property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let hideWeekend = scheduler.hideWeekend;

      Determines the location of the legend inside the Scheduler. By default the location is inside the footer but it can also reside in the header.

      Allowed Values

      • "footer" - The legend in re-located to the footer section of the Scheduler.
      • "header" - The legend is re-located to the header section of the Scheduler.

      Default value



      Set the legendLocation property.

       <smart-scheduler legend-location='header'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the legendLocation property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.legendLocation = 'footer';

      Get the legendLocation property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let legendLocation = scheduler.legendLocation;

      legendPosition"near" | "far"

      Determines the position of the legend. By default it's positioned to the near side but setting it to 'far' will change that.

      Allowed Values

      • "near" - The legend's position is changed to near.
      • "far" - The legend's position is changed to far.

      Default value



      Set the legendPosition property.

       <smart-scheduler legend-position='far'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the legendPosition property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.legendPosition = 'near';

      Get the legendPosition property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let legendPosition = scheduler.legendPosition;

      legendLayout"" | "auto" | "menu"

      Determines the layout of the legend items.

      Allowed Values

      • "auto" - The legend's layout is changed dynamically as the scheduler's width grows or shrink. Depending on the width, the legend items will be displayed as a horizontal stack or a menu.
      • "menu" - The legend's layout is changed to menu. It will display all legend items in a dropdown popup list.

      Default value



      Set the legendLayout property.

       <smart-scheduler legend-layout='auto'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the legendLayout property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.legendLayout = 'menu';

      Get the legendLayout property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let legendLayout = scheduler.legendLayout;


      Determines the number of items when the legend switches automatically from horizontal list to menu.

      Default value



      Set the legendLayoutMenuBreakpoint property.

       <smart-scheduler legend-layout-menu-breakpoint='10'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the legendLayoutMenuBreakpoint property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.legendLayoutMenuBreakpoint = 15;

      Get the legendLayoutMenuBreakpoint property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let legendLayoutMenuBreakpoint = scheduler.legendLayoutMenuBreakpoint;


      Determines the mouse wheel step. When this property is set to a positive number, the scroll step with mouse wheel or trackpad will depend on the property value.

      Default value



      Set the mouseWheelStep property.

       <smart-scheduler mouse-wheel-step='60'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the mouseWheelStep property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.mouseWheelStep = 120;

      Get the mouseWheelStep property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let mouseWheelStep = scheduler.mouseWheelStep;

      horizontalScrollBarVisibility"auto" | "disabled" | "hidden" | "visible"

      Determines weather or not horizontal scrollbar is shown.

      Default value



      Set the horizontalScrollBarVisibility property.

       <smart-scheduler horizontal-scroll-bar-visibility='disabled'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the horizontalScrollBarVisibility property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.horizontalScrollBarVisibility = 'hidden';

      Get the horizontalScrollBarVisibility property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let horizontalScrollBarVisibility = scheduler.horizontalScrollBarVisibility;


      Determines the language of the Scheduler.

      Default value



      Set the locale property.

       <smart-scheduler locale='de'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the locale property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.locale = 'en';

      Get the locale property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let locale = scheduler.locale;

      maxstring | date

      Detetmines the maximum view date for the Scheduler.

      Default value



      Set the max property.

       <smart-scheduler max='new Date(2030, 1, 1)'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the max property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.max = 2025-12-31;

      Get the max property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let max = scheduler.max;

      maxEventsPerCellnumber | null

      Detetmines the maximum number of events per Scheduler cell. By default this property is null which means that the number of events per cell is automatically determined by the size of the events.


      Set the maxEventsPerCell property.

       <smart-scheduler max-events-per-cell='2'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the maxEventsPerCell property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.maxEventsPerCell = null;

      Get the maxEventsPerCell property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let maxEventsPerCell = scheduler.maxEventsPerCell;

      minstring | date

      Detetmines the minimum view date for the Scheduler.

      Default value



      Set the min property.

       <smart-scheduler min='2000-1-1'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the min property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.min = 2005-12-31;

      Get the min property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let min = scheduler.min;


      Sets or gets an object specifying strings used in the element that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale.

      Default value


      Set the messages property.

       <smart-scheduler messages='{"de":{"invalidValue":"{{elementType}}: Ungültiger {{property}} Wert. {{property}} sollte vom Typ {{typeOne}} oder {{typeTwo}} sein.","invalidTimeZone":"{{elementType}}: Ungültiger Zeitzonenwert. TimeZone sollte die ID eines zulässigen TimeZone-Werts sein.","incorrectArgument":"{{elementType}}: Falsches Argument {{argumentName}} in Methode {{methodName}}.","noId":"smartScheduler benötigt eine ID, um einen Status zu speichern / laden / löschen.","agenda":"Agenda","agendaPlaceholder":"Keine Ereignisse zum Anzeigen","day":"Tag","week":"Woche","month":"Monat","allDay":"Den ganzen Tag","timelineDay":"Zeitleiste Тag","timelineWeek":"Zeitleiste Woche","timelineMonth":"Zeitleiste Monat","newEvent":"Neues Veranstaltung","ok":"Ok","cancel":"Stornieren","delete":"Löschen","label":"Etikette","dateStart":"Anfangsdatum","dateEnd":"Endtermin","repeat":"Wiederholen","description":"Beschreibung","repeatFreq":"Wiederholen","repeatInterval":"Wiederhole jeden","repeatOn":"Wiederholen Sie Ein","repeatEnd":"Ende Wiederholung","repeatEndOption":"noch nie","repeatEndOnOption":"Auf","repeatEndAfterOption":"Nach","repeatEndAfter":"Auftreten","hidden":"Versteckt","hourly":"Stündlich","daily":"Täglich","weekly":"Wöchentlich","monthly":"Monatlich","yearly":"Jährlich","repeatConfirm":"Möchten Sie nur das aktuelle Ereignis oder die gesamte Serie bearbeiten? ?","repeatConfirmLabel":"Wiederholtes Ereignis bearbeiten","createEvent":"Erstellen Sie ein neues Ereignis","editEvent":"Ereignis bearbeiten","editSeries":"Serie bearbeiten","eventException":"Ereignisausnahme","collector":"Mehr","repeatEveryHour":"Std","repeatEveryDay":"Tage","repeatEveryWeek":"Wochen","repeatEveryMonth":"Monate","repeatEveryYear":"Jahre","backgroundColor":"Hintergrundfarbe","status":"Status","resources":"Ressourcen","selectPlaceholder":"Wählen...","none":"Keiner","free":"Frei","busy":"Beschäftigt","tentative":"Vorsichtig","outOfOffice":"Ausserhaus","exceptions":"Ausnahmen","resetExceptions":"Ausnahmen zurücksetzen","notifications":"Benachrichtigung","notificationMessage":"beginnt am","today":"Heute","agendaShortcut":"A","dayShortcut":"D","weekShortcut":"W","monthShortcut":"M","timelineDayShortcut":"T+D","timelineWeekShortcut":"T+W","timelineMonthShortcut":"T+M","showWeekends":"Showwochenenden","beforeAt":"vorher um","days":"Tage","weeks":"Wochen","placeholder":"Benachrichtigung hinzufügen","now":"Jetzt","dateTabLabel":"DATUM","timeTabLabel":"ZEIT","hours":"Std","minutes":"Protokoll","am":"nm","pm":"vm"}}'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the messages property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.messages = {"en":{"propertyUnknownName":"Invalid property name: '{{name}}'!","propertyUnknownType":"'{{name}}' property is with undefined 'type' member!","propertyInvalidValue":"Invalid '{{name}}' property value! Actual value: '{{actualValue}}', Expected value: '{{value}}'!","propertyInvalidValueType":"Invalid '{{name}}' property value type! Actual type: '{{actualType}}', Expected type: '{{type}}'!","methodInvalidValueType":"Invalid '{{name}}' method argument value type! Actual type: '{{actualType}}', Expected type: '{{type}}' for argument with index: '{{argumentIndex}}'!","methodInvalidArgumentsCount":"Invalid '{{name}}' method arguments count! Actual arguments count: '{{actualArgumentsCount}}', Expected at least: '{{argumentsCount}}' argument(s)!","methodInvalidReturnType":"Invalid '{{name}}' method return type! Actual type: '{{actualType}}', Expected type: '{{type}}'!","elementNotInDOM":"Element does not exist in DOM! Please, add the element to the DOM, before invoking a method.","moduleUndefined":"Module is undefined.","missingReference":"{{elementType}}: Missing reference to '{{files}}'.","htmlTemplateNotSuported":"{{elementType}}: Web Browser doesn't support HTMLTemplate elements.","invalidTemplate":"{{elementType}}: '{{property}}' property accepts a string that must match the id of an HTMLTemplate element from the DOM.","invalidValue":"{{elementType}}: Invalid {{property}} value. {{property}} should be of type {{typeOne}} or {{typeTwo}}.","invalidTimeZone":"{{elementType}}: Invalid timeZone value. TimeZone should be the id of an allowed timeZone value.","incorrectArgument":"{{elementType}}: Incorrect argument {{argumentName}} in method {{methodName}}.","noId":"smartScheduler requires an id in order to save/load/clear a state.","agenda":"Agenda","agendaPlaceholder":"No events to display","day":"Day","week":"Week","month":"Month","allDay":"All Day","timelineDay":"Timeline Day","timelineWeek":"Timeline Week","timelineMonth":"Timeline Month","newEvent":"New Event","ok":"Ok","cancel":"Cancel","delete":"Delete","label":"Label","dateStart":"Start Date","dateEnd":"End Date","repeat":"Repeat","description":"Description","repeatFreq":"Repeat","repeatInterval":"Repeat Every","repeatOn":"Repeat On","repeatEnd":"End Repeat","repeatEndOption":"Never","repeatEndOnOption":"On","repeatEndAfterOption":"After","repeatEndAfter":"occurrence(s)","hidden":"Hidden","hourly":"Hourly","daily":"Daily","weekly":"Weekly","monthly":"Monthly","yearly":"Yearly","repeatConfirm":"Do you want to edit only the current event or the whole series ?","repeatConfirmLabel":"Edit Repeating Event","createEvent":"Create a new Event","editEvent":"Edit event","editSeries":"Edit series","eventException":"Event Exception","collector":"more","repeatEveryHour":"hours","repeatEveryDay":"days","repeatEveryWeek":"weeks","repeatEveryMonth":"months","repeatEveryYear":"years","backgroundColor":"Background Color","status":"Status","resources":"Resources","selectPlaceholder":"Select...","none":"None","free":"Free","busy":"Busy","tentative":"Tentative","outOfOffice":"Out of Office","exceptions":"Exceptions","resetExceptions":"Reset Exceptions","notifications":"Notification(s)","notificationMessage":"is starting on","today":"Today","agendaShortcut":"A","dayShortcut":"D","weekShortcut":"W","monthShortcut":"M","timelineDayShortcut":"T+D","timelineWeekShortcut":"T+W","timelineMonthShortcut":"T+M","showWeekends":"Show weekends","beforeAt":"before at","days":"days","weeks":"weeks","placeholder":"Add notification","now":"Now","dateTabLabel":"DATE","timeTabLabel":"TIME","hours":"Hours","minutes":"Minutes","am":"am","pm":"pm","loadingIndicatorPlaceholder":"Loading..."}};

      Get the messages property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let messages = scheduler.messages;

      minuteFormat"2-digit" | "numeric"

      Determines the minute formatting inside the Scheduler.

      Default value



      Set the minuteFormat property.

       <smart-scheduler minute-format='numeric'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the minuteFormat property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.minuteFormat = '2-digit';

      Get the minuteFormat property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let minuteFormat = scheduler.minuteFormat;

      monthFormat"2-digit" | "numeric" | "long" | "short" | "narrow"

      Determines the month name formatting inside the Scheduler.

      Default value



      Set the monthFormat property.

       <smart-scheduler month-format='numeric'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the monthFormat property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.monthFormat = 'short';

      Get the monthFormat property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let monthFormat = scheduler.monthFormat;

      nonworkingDaysnumber[] | array[]

      Determines the nonworking days of the week from 0 to 6, where 0 is the first day of the week and 6 is the last day. Nonworking days will be colored differently inside the Timeline. The color is determined by a CSS variable.


      Set the nonworkingDays property.

       <smart-scheduler nonworking-days='[0,1]'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the nonworkingDays property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.nonworkingDays = [0,5,6];

      Get the nonworkingDays property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let nonworkingDays = scheduler.nonworkingDays;

      nonworkingHoursnumber[] | array[]

      Determines the nonworking hours of the day. Hours are represented as numbers inside an array, however ranges of hours can be defined as an array with starting and ending hour separated by a comma. In the timline the cells that represent nonworking days are colored differently from the rest.


      Set the nonworkingHours property.

       <smart-scheduler nonworking-hours='[[0, 6]]'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the nonworkingHours property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.nonworkingHours = [22, 23, [0, 6]];

      Get the nonworkingHours property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let nonworkingHours = scheduler.nonworkingHours;


      Determines the interval (in seconds) at which the element will check for notifications.

      Default value



      Set the notificationInterval property.

       <smart-scheduler notification-interval='120'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the notificationInterval property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.notificationInterval = 10;

      Get the notificationInterval property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let notificationInterval = scheduler.notificationInterval;

      resizeHandlesVisibility"auto" | "hidden" | "visible"

      Determines the visibility of the resize handles.

      Allowed Values

      • "auto" - The resize handles are visible only on hover.
      • "hidden" - The resize handles are hidden.
      • "visible" - The resize handles are always visible.

      Default value



      Set the resizeHandlesVisibility property.

       <smart-scheduler resize-handles-visibility='hidden'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the resizeHandlesVisibility property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.resizeHandlesVisibility = 'auto';

      Get the resizeHandlesVisibility property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let resizeHandlesVisibility = scheduler.resizeHandlesVisibility;


      Determines the rate at which the element will refresh it's content on element resize. By default it's refresh immediately. This property is used for element resize throttling

      Default value



      Set the resizeInterval property.

       <smart-scheduler resize-interval='20'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the resizeInterval property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.resizeInterval = 200;

      Get the resizeInterval property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let resizeInterval = scheduler.resizeInterval;

      resources{label: string, value: string, dataSource: object[], sortBy?: string, sortFunction?: Function, sortOrder?: string }[]

      An array of resources that can be assigned to the events.


      Resource label.

      Default value


      Get the label property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let label = scheduler.resources[0].label;


      Resource unique value.

      Default value


      Get the value property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let value = scheduler.resources[0].value;


      An array that defined the data of the resources. The data represents objects that should contain the following proeprties:

      • lable - the label for the resource item.
      • id - the unique id for the resource item.
      • backgroundColor - the background color for the events that have the resource item assigned.
      • color - the color for the events that have the resource item assigned.

      Default value

      Get the dataSource property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let dataSource = scheduler.resources[0].dataSource;


      Determines the property name to sort the dataSource by.

      Default value


      Get the sortBy property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let sortBy = scheduler.resources[0].sortBy;


      Determines the custom sorting function that will be used to sort the resource dataSource. The sortFunction is used when sortOrder is set to custom.

      Get the sortFunction property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let sortFunction = scheduler.resources[0].sortFunction;

      sortOrder"asc" | "desc" | "custom"

      Determines the sorting order. When set to custom, a custom sorting function has to be defined for the sortFunction property. The asc stands for 'ascending' while desc means 'descending' sorting order.

      Allowed Values

      • "asc" - Sorts the resource dataSource in ascending order.
      • "desc" - Sorts the resource dataSource in descending order.
      • "custom" - Sorts the resource dataSource in custom order determines by a custom sorting function defined via the sortFunction property.

      Default value


      Get the sortOrder property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let sortOrder = scheduler.resources[0].sortOrder;


      Set the resources property.

       <smart-scheduler resources='[{"label":"Priority","value":"priorityId","dataSource":"priorityData"},{"label":"Employee","value":"employeeId","dataSource":"employees"}]'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the resources property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.resources =  { label: 'City Tour', dateStart: '2022-07-09' dateEnd: '2022-07-10' }, { label: 'Kayaking', dateStart: '2022-07-05' dateEnd: '2022-07-06' };

      Get the resources property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let resources = scheduler.resources;


      Defines an array of dates that are not allowed to have events on. Events that overlap restricted Dates or start/end on them will not be displayed.


      Set the restrictedDates property.

       <smart-scheduler restricted-dates='[new Date(2022, 12, 25), new Date(2023, 1, 1)]'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the restrictedDates property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.restrictedDates = [new Date(2023, 5, 26)];

      Get the restrictedDates property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let restrictedDates = scheduler.restrictedDates;


      Defines an array of hours that are not allowed to have events on. Events that overlap restricted Hours or start/end on them will not be displayed.


      Set the restrictedHours property.

       <smart-scheduler restricted-hours='[[0, 6]]'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the restrictedHours property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.restrictedHours = [21,22,23];

      Get the restrictedHours property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let restrictedHours = scheduler.restrictedHours;


      Defines an array of dates and hours that are not allowed to have events on. Events that overlap restricted Hours or start/end on them will not be displayed. Each array item is an Object and requires 2 fields - date and hours. For example: { date: new Date(2023, 10, 1), hours: [[0, 6], 12, [20, 23]] }. The hours define a range of restricted hours similartly to the restricted hours property, the date defines a date where the restricted hours will be applied.


      Sets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts.

      Default value



      Set the rightToLeft property.

       <smart-scheduler right-to-left></smart-scheduler>

      Set the rightToLeft property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.rightToLeft = false;

      Get the rightToLeft property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let rightToLeft = scheduler.rightToLeft;

      scrollButtonsPosition"both" | "far" | "near"

      Determines the position of the date navigation navigation buttons inside the header of the element.

      Allowed Values

      • "both" - The scroll buttons are positioned on both sides.
      • "far" - The scroll buttons are positioned on the far side.
      • "near" - The scroll buttons are positioned on the near side.

      Default value



      Set the scrollButtonsPosition property.

       <smart-scheduler scroll-buttons-position='far'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the scrollButtonsPosition property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.scrollButtonsPosition = 'near';

      Get the scrollButtonsPosition property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let scrollButtonsPosition = scheduler.scrollButtonsPosition;


      Enables/Disables the current time shader. If enabled all cells that represent past time will be shaded.

      Default value



      Set the shadeUntilCurrentTime property.

       <smart-scheduler shade-until-current-time></smart-scheduler>

      Set the shadeUntilCurrentTime property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.shadeUntilCurrentTime = false;

      Get the shadeUntilCurrentTime property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let shadeUntilCurrentTime = scheduler.shadeUntilCurrentTime;


      Determines whether the resource legend is visible or not. The Legend shows the resources and their items in the footer section of the Scheduler. If filterable is enabled it is possible to filter by resource items by clicking on the corresponding resource item from the legend.

      Default value



      Set the showLegend property.

       <smart-scheduler show-legend></smart-scheduler>

      Set the showLegend property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.showLegend = false;

      Get the showLegend property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let showLegend = scheduler.showLegend;


      Determines the name of the resource data item property that will be used for sorting the resource data defined as the resource.dataSource.

      Default value



      Set the sortBy property.

       <smart-scheduler sort-by='label'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the sortBy property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.sortBy = 'id';

      Get the sortBy property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let sortBy = scheduler.sortBy;


      Allows to define a custom sorting function that will be used to sort the resource data. The sortFunction is used when sortOrder is set to custom.


      Set the sortFunction property.

       <smart-scheduler sort-function='(a, b) => -'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the sortFunction property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.sortFunction = (a, b) => a.label.length - b.label.length;

      Get the sortFunction property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let sortFunction = scheduler.sortFunction;

      sortOrder"asc" | "desc" | "custom"

      Determines the sorting order of the resource data items. When set to custom, a custom sorting function has to be defined for the sortFunction property. The asc stands for 'ascending' while desc means 'descending' sorting order.

      Allowed Values

      • "asc" - Sorts the resource dataSource in ascending order.
      • "desc" - Sorts the resource dataSource in descending order.
      • "custom" - Sorts the resource dataSource in custom order determines by a custom sorting function defined via the sortFunction property.

      Default value



      Set the sortOrder property.

       <smart-scheduler sort-order='asc'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the sortOrder property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.sortOrder = 'desc';

      Get the sortOrder property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let sortOrder = scheduler.sortOrder;


      Determines the repeating delay of the repeat buttons inside the header of the element. Such buttons are the Date navigation buttons and the view scroll buttons.

      Default value



      Set the spinButtonsDelay property.

       <smart-scheduler spin-buttons-delay='50'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the spinButtonsDelay property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.spinButtonsDelay = 100;

      Get the spinButtonsDelay property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let spinButtonsDelay = scheduler.spinButtonsDelay;


      Determines the initial delay of the repeat buttons inside the header of the element. Such buttons are the Date navigation buttons and the view scroll buttons.

      Default value



      Set the spinButtonsInitialDelay property.

       <smart-scheduler spin-buttons-initial-delay='50'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the spinButtonsInitialDelay property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.spinButtonsInitialDelay = 0;

      Get the spinButtonsInitialDelay property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let spinButtonsInitialDelay = scheduler.spinButtonsInitialDelay;

      statuses{label: string, value: string}[]

      Defines the statuses that will be available for selection thourgh the window editor for the events.

      Default value




      Status label.

      Default value


      Get the label property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let label = scheduler.statuses[0].label;


      Status unique value.

      Default value


      Get the value property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let value = scheduler.statuses[0].value;


      Set the statuses property.

       <smart-scheduler statuses='[{"label":"None"},{"label":"Free","value":"free"},{"label":"Tentative","value":"tentative"}]'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the statuses property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.statuses = [{"label":"Busy","value":"busy"},{"label":"Out of Office","value":"outOfOffice"}];

      Get the statuses property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let statuses = scheduler.statuses;


      Sets or gets the element's visual theme.

      Default value



      Set the theme property.

       <smart-scheduler theme='material'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the theme property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.theme = 'material-purple';

      Get the theme property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let theme = scheduler.theme;

      timelineHeaderFormatFunctionfunction | null

      A format function for the Header of the Timeline. Allows to modify the date labels in the header cells.


      Set the timelineHeaderFormatFunction property.

       <smart-scheduler timeline-header-format-function='null'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the timelineHeaderFormatFunction property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.timelineHeaderFormatFunction = function(date, orientation, isHeaderDetails, dateValue) { if (isHeaderDetails) { return 'Custom Header Function' } else { return date.toDateString() }  };

      Get the timelineHeaderFormatFunction property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let timelineHeaderFormatFunction = scheduler.timelineHeaderFormatFunction;

      timelineDayScale"hour" | "halfHour" | "quarterHour" | "tenMinutes" | "fiveMinutes"

      Determines the date scale for the timeline cells.

      Allowed Values

      • "hour" - The timeline cells have a duration of one hour.
      • "halfHour" - The timeline cells have a duration of one half an hour.
      • "quarterHour" - The timeline cells have a duration of one quarter hour.
      • "tenMinutes" - The timeline cells have a duration of ten minutes.
      • "fiveMinutes" - The timeline cells have a duration of five minutes.

      Default value



      Set the timelineDayScale property.

       <smart-scheduler timeline-day-scale='quarterHour'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the timelineDayScale property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.timelineDayScale = 'halfHour';

      Get the timelineDayScale property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let timelineDayScale = scheduler.timelineDayScale;


      Enables/Disables the tick marks next to the time cells in the vertical header of the element. Time header appears in 'day' and 'week' views.

      Default value



      Set the timeRulerTicks property.

       <smart-scheduler time-ruler-ticks></smart-scheduler>

      Set the timeRulerTicks property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.timeRulerTicks = false;

      Get the timeRulerTicks property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let timeRulerTicks = scheduler.timeRulerTicks;

      timeZone"Local" | "Dateline Standard Time" | "UTC-11" | "Hawaiteratoran Standard Time" | "Alaskan Standard Time" | "Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)" | "Pacific Standard Time" | "US Mountain Standard Time" | "Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)" | "Mountain Standard Time" | "Central Standard Time" | "Central America Standard Time" | "Canada Central Standard Time" | "Central Standard Time (Mexico)" | "SA Pacific Standard Time" | "Eastern Standard Time" | "US Eastern Standard Time" | "Venezuela Standard Time" | "Atlantic Standard Time" | "Paraguay Standard Time" | "Central Brazilian Standard Time" | "Pacific SA Standard Time" | "SA Western Standard Time" | "Newfoundland Standard Time" | "SA Eastern Standard Time" | "Argentina Standard Time" | "E. South America Standard Time" | "Bahia Standard Time" | "Montevideo Standard Time" | "Greenland Standard Time" | "UTC-02" | "Mid-Atlantic Standard Time" | "Azores Standard Time" | "Cape Verde Standard Time" | "Morocco Standard Time" | "UTC" | "GMT Standard Time" | "Greenwich Standard Time" | "Central European Standard Time" | "Namibia Standard Time" | "W. Central Africa Standard Time" | "W. Europe Standard Time" | "Central Europe Standard Time" | "Romance Standard Time" | "FLE Standard Time" | "South Africa Standard Time" | "Turkey Standard Time" | "GTB Standard Time" | "Libya Standard Time" | "E. Europe Standard Time" | "Jordan Standard Time" | "Middle East Standard Time" | "Egypt Standard Time" | "Syria Standard Time" | "Israel Standard Time" | "Arab Standard Time" | "E. Africa Standard Time" | "Arabic Standard Time" | "Kaliningrad Standard Time" | "Iran Standard Time" | "Mauritius Standard Time" | "Georgian Standard Time" | "Caucasus Standard Time" | "Arabian Standard Time" | "Azerbaijan Standard Time" | "Russian Standard Time" | "Afghanistan Standard Time" | "Pakistan Standard Time" | "West Asia Standard Time" | "India Standard Time" | "Sri Lanka Standard Time" | "Nepal Standard Time" | "Central Asia Standard Time" | "Bangladesh Standard Time" | "Ekaterinburg Standard Time" | "Myanmar Standard Time" | "SE Asia Standard Time" | "N. Central Asia Standard Time" | "Ulaanbaatar Standard Time" | "China Standard Time" | "Singapore Standard Time" | "North Asia Standard Time" | "Taipei Standard Time" | "W. Australia Standard Time" | "Korea Standard Time" | "North Asia East Standard Time" | "Tokyo Standard Time" | "AUS Central Standard Time" | "Cen. Australia Standard Time" | "West Pacific Standard Time" | "Tasmania Standard Time" | "E. Australia Standard Time" | "AUS Eastern Standard Time" | "Yakutsk Standard Time" | "Vladivostok Standard Time" | "Central Pacific Standard Time" | "Magadan Standard Time" | "Kamchatka Standard Time" | "Fiji Standard Time" | "New Zealand Standard Time" | "UTC+12" | "Tonga Standard Time" | "Samoa Standard Time"

      Determines the timeZone for the element. By default if the local time zone is used if the property is not set.

      Default value



      Set the timeZone property.

       <smart-scheduler time-zone='"Local"'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the timeZone property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.timeZone = '"UTC"';

      Get the timeZone property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let timeZone = scheduler.timeZone;


      Allows to display additional timeZones at once along with the default that is set via the timeZone property. Accepts an array values that represent the ids of valid time zones. The possbile time zones can be viewed in the timeZone property description. By default the local time zone is displayed.


      Set the timeZones property.

       <smart-scheduler time-zones='[{"id":"Central America Standard Time","label":"(UTC-06:00) Central America"},"UTC"]'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the timeZones property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.timeZones = ["UTC"];

      Get the timeZones property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let timeZones = scheduler.timeZones;


      Determines the delay ( in miliseconds) before the tooltip/menu appears.

      Default value



      Set the tooltipDelay property.

       <smart-scheduler tooltip-delay='50'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the tooltipDelay property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.tooltipDelay = 100;

      Get the tooltipDelay property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let tooltipDelay = scheduler.tooltipDelay;


      Determines the offset ot the tooltip/menu.


      Set the tooltipOffset property.

       <smart-scheduler tooltip-offset='[10,10]'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the tooltipOffset property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.tooltipOffset = [0,0];

      Get the tooltipOffset property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let tooltipOffset = scheduler.tooltipOffset;

      verticalScrollBarVisibility"auto" | "disabled" | "hidden" | "visible"

      Determines weather or not vertical scrollbar is shown.

      Allowed Values

      • "auto" - Automatically determined.
      • "disabled" - Visible but disabled.
      • "hidden" - Always Hidden.
      • "visible" - Always visible.

      Default value



      Set the verticalScrollBarVisibility property.

       <smart-scheduler vertical-scroll-bar-visibility='hidden'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the verticalScrollBarVisibility property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.verticalScrollBarVisibility = 'visible';

      Get the verticalScrollBarVisibility property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let verticalScrollBarVisibility = scheduler.verticalScrollBarVisibility;


      Determines the current view. The property accepts view values that are defined in the views property. Custom views should contain a valid value that will be set as the current view.

      Default value



      Set the view property.

       <smart-scheduler view='day'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the view property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.view = 'customDay';

      Get the view property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let view = scheduler.view;

      viewType"day" | "week" | "month" | "agenda" | "timelineDay" | "timelineWeek" | "timelineMonth"

      Indicates the current Scheduler viewType. Custom views must contain a valid type property that corresponds to one of the view types. This property should not be set.

      Allowed Values

      • "day" - Display a single day by hours.
      • "week" - Displays a week by days and hours.
      • "month" - Displays a month by dates.
      • "agenda" - Displays the week agenda.
      • "timelineDay" - Displays a day as a horizontal timeline.
      • "timelineWeek" - Displays a week as a horizontal timeline.
      • "timelineMonth" - Displays a month as a horizontal timeline.

      Default value


      views"day" | "week" | "month" | "agenda" | "timelineDay" | "timelineWeek" | "timelineMonth"

      Determines the viewing date range of the timeline. The property should be set to an array of strings or view objects. When you set it to a string, you should use any of the following: 'day', 'week', 'month', 'agenda', 'timelineDay', 'timelineWeek', 'timelineMonth'. Custom views can be defined as objects instead of strings. The view object should contain the following properties:

      • label - the label for the view.
      • value - the value for the view. The value is the unique identifier for the view.
      • type - the type of view. The type should be one of the default allowed values for a view.
      • hideWeekend - an Optional property that allows to hide the weekend only for this specific view.
      • hideNonworkingWeekdays - an Optional property that allows to hide the nonwrking weekdays for this specific view.
      • shortcutKey - an Optional property that allows to set a custom shortcut key for the view.
      • hideHours - an Optional property applicable only to timelineWeek view that allows to hide the hour cells and only show the day cells.

      Allowed Values
      • "day" - Display a single day by hours.
      • "week" - Displays a week by days and hours.
      • "month" - Displays a month by dates.
      • "agenda" - Displays the week agenda.
      • "timelineDay" - Displays a day as a horizontal timeline.
      • "timelineWeek" - Displays a week as a horizontal timeline.
      • "timelineMonth" - Displays a month as a horizontal timeline.


      Set the views property.

       <smart-scheduler views='["day", "timelineWeek"]'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the views property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.views = {"label":"Work Month","value":"workMonth","type":"month","hideNonworkingWeekdays":true};

      Get the views property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let views = scheduler.views;

      viewSelectorType"auto" | "tabs" | "menu"

      Determines type of the view selector located in the header of the element.

      Allowed Values

      • "auto" - Automatically determines when to use menu or tabs. If the view labels overflow a menu is used else tabs are used.
      • "tabs" - Tabs are always used. If the view labels overflow, scroll buttons wiill appear to provide navigation.
      • "menu" - A drop down menu is used to select the current view.

      Default value



      Set the viewSelectorType property.

       <smart-scheduler view-selector-type='tabs'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the viewSelectorType property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.viewSelectorType = 'auto';

      Get the viewSelectorType property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let viewSelectorType = scheduler.viewSelectorType;

      viewStartDay"firstDayOfWeek" | "dateCurrent"

      Determines the Start Date rule. The Week and TimelineWeek views start by default from the current date taking into account the firstDayOfWeek property. When this property is set to 'dateCurrent', these views will start from the value of the 'dateCurrent'.

      Allowed Values

      • "firstDayOfWeek" - Determines the week and timlineWeek start days to depend on the first day of week property.
      • "dateCurrent" - Determines the week and timlineWeek start days to depend on the dateCurrent property.

      Default value



      Set the viewStartDay property.

       <smart-scheduler view-start-day='firstDayOfWeek'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the viewStartDay property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.viewStartDay = 'dateCurrent';

      Get the viewStartDay property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let viewStartDay = scheduler.viewStartDay;

      weekdayFormat"short" | "long" | "narrow"

      Determines the format of the week days inside the element.

      Default value



      Set the weekdayFormat property.

       <smart-scheduler weekday-format='long'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the weekdayFormat property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.weekdayFormat = 'narrow';

      Get the weekdayFormat property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let weekdayFormat = scheduler.weekdayFormat;

      yearFormat"2-digit" | "numeric"

      Determines the format of the dates inside the timeline header when they represent years.

      Default value



      Set the yearFormat property.

       <smart-scheduler year-format='2-digit'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the yearFormat property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.yearFormat = 'numeric';

      Get the yearFormat property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let yearFormat = scheduler.yearFormat;


      Sets or gets if the element can be focused.

      Default value



      Set the unfocusable property.

       <smart-scheduler unfocusable></smart-scheduler>

      Set the unfocusable property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.unfocusable = false;

      Get the unfocusable property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let unfocusable = scheduler.unfocusable;


      Determines the maximum number of redo/undo steps that will be remembered by the Scheduler. When the number is reached the oldest records are removed in order to add new.

      Default value



      Set the undoRedoSteps property.

       <smart-scheduler undo-redo-steps='50'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the undoRedoSteps property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.undoRedoSteps = 200;

      Get the undoRedoSteps property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let undoRedoSteps = scheduler.undoRedoSteps;

      windowCustomizationFunctionfunction | null

      A function that can be used to completly customize the popup Window that is used to edit events. The function has the following arguments:

      • target - the target popup Window that is about to be opened.
      • type - the type of the window. The type determines the purpose of the window. The default type is an empty string which means that it's the default event editing window. The other type is 'confirm' ( confirmation window) that appears when clicking on a repeating event.
      • eventObj - the event object that is going to be edited.


      Set the windowCustomizationFunction property.

       <smart-scheduler window-customization-function='function (target, type, event) { if (!type) { target.headerPosition = 'bottom'; } }'></smart-scheduler>

      Set the windowCustomizationFunction property by using the HTML Element's instance.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       scheduler.windowCustomizationFunction = null;

      Get the windowCustomizationFunction property.

       const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
       let windowCustomizationFunction = scheduler.windowCustomizationFunction;



      This event is triggered when a batch update was started after executing the beginUpdate method.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onBeginUpdate





      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of beginUpdate event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('beginUpdate', function (event) {
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when a batch update was ended from after executing the endUpdate method.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onEndUpdate





      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of endUpdate event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('endUpdate', function (event) {
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when a new cell is selected/unselected.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onChange


      ev.detail.value - The new selected Date.
      ev.detail.oldValue - The previously selected Date.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of change event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('change', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              value = detail.value,
              oldValue = detail.oldValue;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when an Event has been updated/inserted/removed/dragged/resized or an exception of a repeating event has been added/updated/removed.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onItemChange


      ev.detail.item - An object that represents the actual item with it's attributes.
      ev.detail.type - The type of change that is being done to the item.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of itemChange event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('itemChange', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              item = detail.item,
              type = detail.type;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when an Event is going to be updated/inserted/removed. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable Yes
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onItemChanging


      ev.detail.item - An object that represents the actual item with it's attributes.
      ev.detail.type - The type of change that is going to be made to the item (e.g. 'inserting', 'removing', 'updating', 'exceptionInserting', 'exceptionUpdating', 'exceptionRemoving').



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of itemChanging event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('itemChanging', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              item = detail.item,
              type = detail.type;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when en event, event item or a context menu item is clicked.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onItemClick


      ev.detail.item - The HTMLElement for the event.
      ev.detail.type - The type of item that is clicked. The possible values are:
      • event - when an event item is clicked.
      • context - when a context menu item is clicked.
      ev.detail.itemObj - The event object.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of itemClick event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('itemClick', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              item = detail.item,
              type = detail.type,
              itemObj = detail.itemObj;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when an Event is inserted.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onItemInsert


      ev.detail.item - An object that represents the actual item with it's attributes.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of itemInsert event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('itemInsert', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              item = detail.item;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when an Event is removed.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onItemRemove


      ev.detail.item - An object that represents the actual item with it's attributes.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of itemRemove event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('itemRemove', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              item = detail.item;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when an Event is updated.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onItemUpdate


      ev.detail.type - The type of item that has been modified.
      ev.detail.item - An object that represents the actual item with it's attributes.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of itemUpdate event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('itemUpdate', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              type = detail.type,
              item = detail.item;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the view is changed via user interaction.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onViewChange


      ev.detail.oldValue - The value of the previously selected view.
      ev.detail.value - The value of the new selected view.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of viewChange event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('viewChange', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              oldValue = detail.oldValue,
              value = detail.value;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered before the view is changed via user interaction. The view change action can be canceled if event.preventDefault() is called on the event.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable Yes
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onViewChanging


      ev.detail.oldValue - The value of the previously selected view.
      ev.detail.value - The value of the new selected view.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of viewChanging event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('viewChanging', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              oldValue = detail.oldValue,
              value = detail.value;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when a shortcut key for an event is pressed. By default only 'Delete' key is used.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onEventShortcutKey


      ev.detail.key - The shortcut key that was pressed. - The event target (HTMLElement).
      ev.detail.eventObj - The scheduler Event object that affected by the keypress.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of eventShortcutKey event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('eventShortcutKey', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              key = detail.key,
              target =,
              eventObj = detail.eventObj;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the 'dateCurrent' property is changed. This can be caused by navigating to a different date.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onDateChange


      ev.detail.oldValue - The previous current date that was in view.
      ev.detail.value - The current date in view.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of dateChange event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('dateChange', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              oldValue = detail.oldValue,
              value = detail.value;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when dragging of an event begins. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable Yes
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onDragStart


      ev.detailObject - The HTMLElement that corresponds to the event that is going to be dragged.
      ev.detail.item - The scheduler Event object that is going to be dragged.
      ev.detail.itemDateRange - The start/end dates for the Scheduler Event.
      ev.detail.originalEvent - The original event object.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of dragStart event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('dragStart', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              item = detail.item,
              itemDateRange = detail.itemDateRange,
              originalEvent = detail.originalEvent;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when dragging of an event finishes.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable Yes
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onDragEnd


      ev.detailObject - The HTMLElement that corresponds to the event that is dragged.
      ev.detail.item - The scheduler Event object that is dragged.
      ev.detail.itemDateRange - The new start/end dates for the dragged Scheduler Event.
      ev.detail.originalEvent - The original event object.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of dragEnd event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('dragEnd', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              item = detail.item,
              itemDateRange = detail.itemDateRange,
              originalEvent = detail.originalEvent;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the user drops an item over a cell.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onDropoverCell


      ev.detailObject - The HTMLElement that corresponds to the event that is dragged. - The cell's date under the pointer.
      ev.detail.allDay - Boolean value, which is true when the cell under the pointer is all day cell.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of dropoverCell event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('dropoverCell', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              date =,
              allDay = detail.allDay;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when resizing of a task starts. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onResizeStart


      ev.detailObject - The HTMLElement that corresponds to the event that is going to be resized.
      ev.detail.item - The scheduler Event object that is going to be resized.
      ev.detail.itemDateRange - The start/end dates for Scheduler Event that is going to be resized.
      ev.detail.originalEvent - The original event object.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of resizeStart event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('resizeStart', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              item = detail.item,
              itemDateRange = detail.itemDateRange,
              originalEvent = detail.originalEvent;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the resizing of an event finishes.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onResizeEnd


      ev.detailObject - The HTMLElement that corresponds to the event that is resized.
      ev.detail.item - The scheduler Event object that is resized.
      ev.detail.itemDateRange - The new start/end dates for the resized Scheduler Event.
      ev.detail.originalEvent - The original event object.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of resizeEnd event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('resizeEnd', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              item = detail.item,
              itemDateRange = detail.itemDateRange,
              originalEvent = detail.originalEvent;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the user starts top open the event dialog window. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable Yes
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onEditDialogOpening


      ev.detailObject - The dialog window that is opening.
      ev.detail.item - The event object that is going to be edited.
      ev.detail.type - The type of window that is going to open. Two window types are available, the dafault which is an empty string ( does not have a type) and 'confirm' which is displayed when clicked on a repeating event.
      ev.detail.eventObj - The event object that is the target of the menu.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of editDialogOpening event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('editDialogOpening', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              item = detail.item,
              type = detail.type,
              eventObj = detail.eventObj;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the user opens the event dialog window.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onEditDialogOpen


      ev.detailObject - The dialog window that is opened.
      ev.detail.editors - An object containing all event editors that are present inside the window. This property is undefined when the window is of type 'confirm', because confirm windows do not contain editors.
      ev.detail.item - The event object that is being edited.
      ev.detail.eventObj - The event object that is the target of the menu.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of editDialogOpen event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('editDialogOpen', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              editors = detail.editors,
              item = detail.item,
              eventObj = detail.eventObj;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the user closes the event dialog window.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onEditDialogClose


      ev.detailObject - The dialog window that is closed.
      ev.detail.editors - An object containing all event editors that are present inside the window. This property is undefined when the window is of type 'confirm', because confirm windows do not contain editors.
      ev.detail.item - The event object that is being edited.
      ev.detail.eventObj - The event object that is the target of the menu.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of editDialogClose event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('editDialogClose', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              editors = detail.editors,
              item = detail.item,
              eventObj = detail.eventObj;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the user is about to close the event dialog window. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable Yes
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onEditDialogClosing


      ev.detailObject - The dialog window that is closing.
      ev.detail.item - The event object that is edited.
      ev.detail.type - The type of window that is going to be closed. Two window types are available, the dafault which is an empty string ( does not have a type) and 'confirm' which is displayed when clicked on a repeating event.
      ev.detail.eventObj - The event object that is the target of the menu.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of editDialogClosing event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('editDialogClosing', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              item = detail.item,
              type = detail.type,
              eventObj = detail.eventObj;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the user begins to open the context menu on a timeline cell or an event element. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable Yes
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onContextMenuOpening


      ev.detailObject - The context menu instance.
      ev.detail.owner - The HTMLElement that the menu belongs to.
      ev.detail.cellObj - The cell object that is the target of the menu. If the target is an event instead of a cell this parameter will be undefined.
      ev.detail.eventObj - The event object that is the target of the menu. If the target is a cell instead of an event this paramter will be undefined.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of contextMenuOpening event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('contextMenuOpening', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              owner = detail.owner,
              cellObj = detail.cellObj,
              eventObj = detail.eventObj;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the context menu is opened.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onContextMenuOpen


      ev.detailObject - The context menu instance.
      ev.detail.owner - The HTMLElement that the menu belongs to.
      ev.detail.cellObj - The cell object that is the target of the menu. If the target is an event instead of a cell this parameter will be undefined.
      ev.detail.eventObj - The event object that is the target of the menu. If the target is a cell instead of an event this paramter will be undefined.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of contextMenuOpen event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('contextMenuOpen', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              owner = detail.owner,
              cellObj = detail.cellObj,
              eventObj = detail.eventObj;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the context menu is closed.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onContextMenuClose


      ev.detailObject - The context menu instance.
      ev.detail.owner - The HTMLElement that the menu belongs to.
      ev.detail.cellObj - The cell object that is the target of the menu. If the target is an event instead of a cell this parameter will be undefined.
      ev.detail.eventObj - The event object that is the target of the menu. If the target is a cell instead of an event this paramter will be undefined.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of contextMenuClose event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('contextMenuClose', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              owner = detail.owner,
              cellObj = detail.cellObj,
              eventObj = detail.eventObj;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the user is about to close the context menu. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable Yes
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onContextMenuClosing


      ev.detailObject - The context menu instance.
      ev.detail.owner - The HTMLElement that the menu belongs to.
      ev.detail.cellObj - The cell object that is the target of the menu. If the target is an event instead of a cell this parameter will be undefined.
      ev.detail.eventObj - The event object that is the target of the menu. If the target is a cell instead of an event this paramter will be undefined.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of contextMenuClosing event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('contextMenuClosing', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              owner = detail.owner,
              cellObj = detail.cellObj,
              eventObj = detail.eventObj;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the event menu is about to open. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable Yes
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onEventMenuOpening


      ev.detailObject - The menu instance.
      ev.detail.owner - The HTMLElement of the event that the menu belongs to.
      ev.detail.eventObj - The event object that is the target of the menu.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of eventMenuOpening event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('eventMenuOpening', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              owner = detail.owner,
              eventObj = detail.eventObj;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the event menu is opened.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onEventMenuOpen


      ev.detailObject - The menu instance.
      ev.detail.owner - The HTMLElement of the event that the menu belongs to.
      ev.detail.eventObj - The event object that is the target of the menu.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of eventMenuOpen event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('eventMenuOpen', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              owner = detail.owner,
              eventObj = detail.eventObj;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the event menu is closed.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onEventMenuClose


      ev.detailObject - The menu instance.
      ev.detail.owner - The HTMLElement of the event that the menu belongs to.
      ev.detail.eventObj - The event object that is the target of the menu.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of eventMenuClose event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('eventMenuClose', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              owner = detail.owner,
              eventObj = detail.eventObj;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the evet menu is about to close. This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable Yes
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onEventMenuClosing


      ev.detailObject - The menu instance.
      ev.detail.owner - The HTMLElement of the event that the menu belongs to.
      ev.detail.eventObj - The event object that is the target of the menu.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of eventMenuClosing event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('eventMenuClosing', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =,
              owner = detail.owner,
              eventObj = detail.eventObj;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the date selection menu is opened.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onDateMenuOpen


      ev.detailObject - The menu instance.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of dateMenuOpen event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('dateMenuOpen', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the date selection menu is closed.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onDateMenuClose


      ev.detailObject - The menu instance.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of dateMenuClose event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('dateMenuClose', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the view selection menu is opened.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onViewMenuOpen


      ev.detailObject - The menu instance.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of viewMenuOpen event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('viewMenuOpen', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when the view selection menu is closed.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onViewMenuClose


      ev.detailObject - The menu instance.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of viewMenuClose event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('viewMenuClose', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              target =;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when a notification is opened.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onNotificationOpen


      ev.detail.instance - The toast item instance that is opened.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of notificationOpen event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('notificationOpen', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              instance = detail.instance;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      This event is triggered when a notification is closed.

      • Bubbles Yes
      • Cancelable No
      • Interface CustomEvent
      • Event handler property onNotificationClose


      ev.detail.instance - The toast item instance that is closed.



      Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.


      boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.


      The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.


      The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.


      Set up the event handler of notificationClose event.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventListener('notificationClose', function (event) {
          const detail = event.detail,
              instance = detail.instance;
      	// event handling code goes here.


      addEvent( eventObj: any): void

      Adds an event to the Scheduler. Accepts an event object of the following format (same as the dataSource format):

      { label?: string, dateStart: date, dateEnd: date, description?: string, id?: string | number, class?: string, backgroundColor?: string, color?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], allDay?: boolean, disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean, repeat?: { repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: number | number[] | date, repeatEnd?: number | date, exceptions?: { date: date, dateStart?: date, dateEnd?: date, hidden?: boolean, backgroundColor?: string, status?: string, label?: string, description?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean }[] }, status?: string }



      An object describing a Scheduler event that is not already present in the element.

      Invoke the addEvent method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEvent("{ label: 'Inserted Event 1', dateStart: '2022-08-10', dateEnd: '2022-12-23' }");

      addView( type: string, label: string, value: string, hideWeekend: boolean, hideNonworkingWeekdays: boolean, additionalDays: number): void

      Adds a new view. Example: scheduler.addView('week', 'My View', 'myView', false, false, 10); scheduler.setView('myView');



      The view type.


      The view's label displayed in the header.


      The view's value used to identify the view.


      Determines whether to hide the weekend.


      Determines whether to hide the non working days.


      Determines whether to add additional days to the view.

      Invoke the addView method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addView("'week', 'My View', 'myView', false, false, 10");

      beginUpdate(): void

      Starts an update operation. This is appropriate when calling multiple methods or set multiple properties at once.

      Invoke the beginUpdate method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      createEvent( label: string, value: string, dateStart: string, dateEnd: string, allDay: boolean): void

      Creates an event and adds it to the Scheduler.



      Event label.


      Event value.


      Event date start.


      Event date end.


      Event all day. Set it to true to create all day event.

      Invoke the createEvent method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.createEvent("'Inserted Event 1', 'value', '2022-08-10', dateEnd: '2022-12-23'");

      endUpdate(): void

      Ends the update operation. This method will resume the rendering and will refresh the element.

      Invoke the endUpdate method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      getViewDates(): Date[]

      Returns an array of the start and end view dates.


      Invoke the getViewDates method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.getViewDates();

      refresh( fullRefresh?: boolean): void

      Refereshes the Scheduler by recalculating the Scrollbars.



      If set the Scheduler will be re-rendered completely.

      Invoke the refresh method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      exportData( dataFormat: string, callback?: any): void

      Exports the events from the Scheduler.



      Determines the format of the exported file. The following values are available:

      • pdf
      • xlsx
      • html
      • iCal


      A callback that allows to format the exported data based on a condition. For additional details, refer ro the Smart Export Documentation.

      Invoke the exportData method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      getDataSource(): object[]

      Returns a JSON representation of the events inside the Scheduler.


      Invoke the getDataSource method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.getDataSource();

      getResources(): object[]

      Returns a JSON representation of the resources inside the Scheduler.


      Invoke the getResources method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.getResources();

      getDateFromCoordinates( x: number, y: number): string

      Gets a date from coordinates



      X coordinate.


      Y coordinate.


      Invoke the getDateFromCoordinates method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.getDateFromCoordinates("50, 100");

      getIsAllDayCellFromCoordinates( x: number, y: number): boolean

      Gets whether a cell is all day cell from coordinates



      X coordinate.


      Y coordinate.


      Invoke the getIsAllDayCellFromCoordinates method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.getIsAllDayCellFromCoordinates("50, 100");

      getState(): object

      Returns the current state of the Scheduler. Includes the current dateCurernt, dataSource and timeZone properties.


      Invoke the getState method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.getState();

      clearState(): void

      Removes a previously saved state of the element form LocalStorage according to it's id. Requires an id to be set to the element.

      Invoke the clearState method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      loadState( state?: any[]): void

      Loads a previously saved state of the element or checks LocalStorage for any saved states if no argument is passed to the method.



      An Array containing a valid structure of Scheduler events. If no state is provided, the element will check localStorage for a saved state.

      Invoke the loadState method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      saveState( state?: any[]): void

      Saves the current events of the element to LocalStorage. Requires an id to be set to the element.



      An Array containing a valid structure of Scheduler events.

      Invoke the saveState method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      setView( view?: string): void

      Sets the Scheduler's view. Example: scheduler.addView('week', 'My View', 'myView', false, false, 10); scheduler.setView('myView');



      The view's value. For example: 'day'.

      Invoke the setView method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      containsEvent( eventObj: any): boolean

      Checks whether the Scheduler contains the event.



      A Scheduler event object.


      Invoke the containsEvent method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.containsEvent("eventObjA","eventObjB");

      insertEvent( eventObj: any, index?: number): void

      Inserts an event as object of the following format (same as the dataSource format):

      { label?: string, dateStart: date, dateEnd: date, description?: string, id?: string | number, class?: string, backgroundColor?: string, color?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], allDay?: boolean, disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean, repeat?: { repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: number | number[] | date, repeatEnd?: number | date, exceptions?: { date: date, dateStart?: date, dateEnd?: date, hidden?: boolean, backgroundColor?: string, status?: string, label?: string, description?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean }[] }, status?: string }



      An object describing a Scheduler event that is not already present in the element.


      A number that represents the index to insert the event at. If not provided the event is inserted at the end of the list.

      Invoke the insertEvent method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.insertEvent("{ label: 'Inserted Event 1', dateStart: '2022-08-10', dateEnd: '2022-12-23' }");

      updateEvent( index: any, eventObj: any): void

      Updates an event object of the following format (same as the dataSource format):

      { label?: string, dateStart: date, dateEnd: date, description?: string, id?: string | number, class?: string, backgroundColor?: string, color?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], allDay?: boolean, disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean, repeat?: { repeatFreq: string, repeatInterval: number, repeatOn?: number | number[] | date, repeatEnd?: number | date, exceptions?: { date: date, dateStart?: date, dateEnd?: date, hidden?: boolean, backgroundColor?: string, status?: string, label?: string, description?: string, notifications?: { interval: numeric, type?: string, time: number[] }[], disableDrag?: boolean, disableResize?: boolean }[] }, status?: string }



      A number that represents the index of an event or a Scheduler event object.


      An object describing a Scheduler event. The properties of this object will be applied to the desired event.

      Invoke the updateEvent method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.updateEvent("2, { label: 'Updated Task', dateEnd: '2022-12-23' }");

      removeEvent( index: any): void

      Removes an existing event.



      A number that represents the index of an event or the actual event object to be removed.

      Invoke the removeEvent method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      getEventExceptions( eventObj: any): array

      Returns an array of all exceptions of the target repeating event.



      The index, id or an object reference of an existing repeating Scheduler event.


      Invoke the getEventExceptions method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.getEventExceptions("eventObj");

      addEventException( eventObj: any, exceptionObj: any): void

      Adds an event exception to a repeating event. The exception occurences for a repeating event can be gathered via the following methods:

      • occurences
      • occurrencesBetween
      • occurrenceAfter
      • occurrenceBefore

      Example usage:

      scheduler.addEventException(eventObj, { date: occuranceDate, dateStart: newDateStart, dateEnd: newDateEnd, label: 'Exception' });



      The index, id or an object reference of an existing repeating Scheduler event.


      An event object that describes an exception. Exception event objects must have a date attribute of type Date which indicates the date of occurence.

      Invoke the addEventException method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.addEventException("eventObj, exceptionObj");

      updateEventException( eventObj: any, exceptionRef: any, exceptionObj: any): void

      Updates an event exception of a repeating event. The exception occurences for a repeating event can be gathered via the following methods:

      • occurences
      • occurrencesBetween
      • occurrenceAfter
      • occurrenceBefore

      Example usage:

      scheduler.updateEventException(eventObj, dateOfOccurance, { dateStart: newDateStart, dateEnd: newDateEnd, label: 'Updated Exception' });



      The index, id or an object reference of an existing repeating Scheduler event.


      The index, id, an occurence date of the exception or an object reference of an existing Scheduler repeating event exception.


      An event object that describes an exception. All attributes of an exception can be updated except the occurance date (the date attribute).

      Invoke the updateEventException method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.updateEventException("eventObj, exceptionObj");

      removeEventException( eventObj: any, index: any): void

      Removes an exception from a repeating event.



      The index, id or an object reference of an existing repeating Scheduler event.


      The index, id, occurance date or an object reference of an event exception that belongs to the target repeating event.

      Invoke the removeEventException method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.removeEventException("eventObj, 1");

      openWindow( index: any): void

      Opens the popup Window for specific event Editing.



      A number that represents the index of a event or the actual event object to be edited.

      Invoke the openWindow method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      closeWindow(): void

      Closes the popup window.

      Invoke the closeWindow method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      print(): void

      Prepares the Scheduler for printing by opening the browser's Print Preview.

      Invoke the print method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      scrollToDate( date: Date, strictScroll?: boolean, autoScroll?: boolean): void

      Scrolls the Scheduler to a Date.



      The date to scroll to.


      Determines whether to scroll strictly to the date or not. This mean sthat the Scheduler wll scroll to the begining of the cell that corresponds to the target date.


      Calculates the scroll positions and element bounds, then adds an offset to scroll within the middle of the view.

      Invoke the scrollToDate method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      navigateToDate( date: Date): void

      Navigates the Scheduler to a Date.



      The date to navigate to.

      Invoke the navigateToDate method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      scrollToEvent( index: any): void

      Scrolls the Scheduler to an event.



      The index of a Scheduler event or the actual event object to scroll to.

      Invoke the scrollToEvent method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      openNotification( message: string, toastSettings: any): void

      Opens a custom notification.



      The notification message.


      Smart.Toast settings to be applied to the Toast element when opening the notification.

      Invoke the openNotification method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.openNotification("This is a custom notification","Custom Notification 2");

      closeNotifications(): void

      Closes all notifications.

      Invoke the closeNotifications method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      occurrences( eventObj: any, count: number): void

      Returns all occurances of an event.



      A Scheduler evnet object.


      The number of occurances to return. By default 100 date occurances of the event are returned.

      Invoke the occurrences method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      occurrencesBetween( eventObj: any, dateFrom: Date, dateTo: Date): void

      Returns all occurances of an event between two dates.



      A Scheduler event object.


      The start date.


      The end date.

      Invoke the occurrencesBetween method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.occurrencesBetween("eventObjA, new Date(2022, 2, 1), new Date(2022, 3, 1)","eventObjB, new Date(2022, 3, 1), new Date(2022, 5, 1)");

      occurrenceAfter( eventObj: any, date: number): void

      Returns the first occurance of an event after a date.



      A Scheduler event object.


      The date after which the first occurance of the event will be returned.

      Invoke the occurrenceAfter method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.occurrenceAfter("eventObjA, , new Date(2022, 2, 1)","eventObjB, , new Date(2022, 3, 1)");

      occurrenceBefore( eventObj: any, date: number): void

      Returns the last occurance of an event before a date.



      A Scheduler event object.


      The date before which the first occurance of the event will be returned.

      Invoke the occurrenceBefore method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      scheduler.occurrenceBefore("eventObjA, , new Date(2022, 2, 1)","eventObjB, , new Date(2022, 3, 1)");

      getCellDateRange( cell: HTMLElement): object

      Returns the dateStart/dateEnd of a timeline cell.



      A Scheduler timeline cell element.


      Invoke the getCellDateRange method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.getCellDateRange("cellA","cellB");

      openEventTooltip( eventObj: any): void

      Opens the tooltip(event menu) for an event.



      A Scheduler event object or it's index.

      Invoke the openEventTooltip method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      closeEventTooltip(): void

      Closes the event tooltip (event menu).

      Invoke the closeEventTooltip method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');

      isDateRestricted( date: Date): boolean

      Returns true or false whether the date is restricted or not.



      A Date object.


      Invoke the isDateRestricted method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.isDateRestricted("new Date(2022, 1, 1)","new Date(2023, 1, 1)");

      isHourRestricted( hour: number | Date): boolean

      Returns true or false whether the hour is restricted or not.


      hournumber | Date

      A number that represents an hour ( 0 to 23 ) or a Date object.


      Invoke the isHourRestricted method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.isHourRestricted("12","new Date(2022, 1, 1, 22, 30)");

      isEventRestricted( eventObj: any): boolean

      Returns true or false whether the event is restricted or not.



      A Scheduler event object or a direct event HTMLElement instance.


      Invoke the isEventRestricted method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.isEventRestricted("eventObjA","eventInstance");

      deleteUndoRedoHistory(): boolean

      Deletes the current undo/redo history.


      Invoke the deleteUndoRedoHistory method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.deleteUndoRedoHistory();

      canRedo(): boolean

      Indicates whether it is possible to redo an action.


      Invoke the canRedo method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.canRedo();

      canUndo(): boolean

      Indicates whether it is possbile to undo an action.


      Invoke the canUndo method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.canUndo();

      redo( step?: number): boolean

      Redo the next event modification.



      A step to redo to.


      Invoke the redo method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.redo("","5");

      undo( step?: number): boolean

      Undo the last event modification.



      A step to undo to.


      Invoke the undo method.

      const scheduler = document.querySelector('smart-scheduler');
      const result = scheduler.undo("","2");

      CSS Variables


      Default value


      The default height of the Scheduler.


      Default value


      The default width of the Scheduler.


      Default value


      The width of the view items in the Scheduler header when 'viewSelectorType' is set to 'tabs'.


      Default value


      The width of the timeline cells.


      Default value


      The height of the timeline cells.


      Default value


      The min width of the timeline cells.


      Default value


      The min height of the timeline cells.


      Default value


      The height of the Scheduler header.


      Default value


      The size of the 'Today' button inside the Scheduler header.


      Default value


      The the maximum width for the date selector control.


      Default value


      The size of the navigaiton buttons inside the header of the Scheduler.

      Default value


      The size of the Scheduler footer. When empty it's hidden.


      Default value


      The a box shadow to the header of the Scheduler.


      Default value


      The padding of the Scheduler header.


      Default value


      The cell padding of the timeline header.


      Default value


      The width of the view selection button inside the Scheduler header.


      Default value


      The background color for the weekend timeline cells.


      Default value


      The background color for the nonworking timeline cells.


      Default value


      The font-weight for the AllDay label located in the timeline horizontal header.


      Default value


      The height for the horizontal timeline header cells.


      Default value


      The padding of the horizontal timeline header cells.


      Default value


      The height for the horizontal timeline header details cells. The details cells are present only in 'timelineWeek' view.


      Default value


      The height for the horizontal timeline header group cells.


      Default value


      The width of the vertical timeline header cells.


      Default value


      The width of the vertical timeline header cells.


      Default value


      The padding of the vertical timeline header cells.


      Default value


      The height for the vertical timeline header details cells. The details cells are present only in 'timelineWeek' view.


      Default value


      The height for the vertical timeline header group cells.


      Default value


      The height of the AllDay cells located inside the horizontal timeline header.


      Default value


      The background color of the group separators.


      Default value


      The size of the group separators.


      Default value


      The white space property for the timeline header group cells. By default group cell labels do not wrap.


      Default value

      "calc(-50% - var(--smart-scheduler-timeline-header-cell-padding))"

      The offset for the timeline header group cells. This property is applied when groupByDate is set.


      Default value


      The background color of the current time indicator.


      Default value


      The size of the current time indicator.


      Default value


      The size of the current time indicator in the timeline header cells.


      Default value


      The size of the current time indicator arrow.


      Default value

      "rgba(var(--smart-border-rgb), .5)"

      The backgorund color for the current time shader.


      Default value


      The size of the horizontal/vertical cell lines.


      Default value


      The color of the horizontal timeline cell lines.


      Default value


      The color of the vertical timeline cell lines.


      Default value


      The size of the vertical timeline cell lines only for 'day' and 'week' views.


      Default value


      The color of the vertical timeline cell lines only for 'day' and 'week' views.


      Default value


      The size of the horizontal timeline cell lines that represent the hours only for 'day' and 'week' views.


      Default value


      The color of the horizontal timeline cell lines that represent the hours only for 'day' and 'week' views.


      Default value


      The size of the tick marks for the hours(horizontal timeline lines) in 'day' and 'week' views.


      Default value

      "52, 121, 186"

      The rgb value for the background color of the event elements.


      Default value

      "rgba(var(--smart-scheduler-event-background-rgb), 1)"

      The background color for the event elements.


      Default value


      The color for the event elements.


      Default value

      "rgba(var(--smart-scheduler-event-background-rgb), .9)"

      The background color for the event elements when focused.


      Default value


      The color for the event elements when focused.


      Default value

      "rgba(var(--smart-scheduler-event-background-rgb), .8)"

      The background color for the event elements when hovered.


      Default value


      The color for the event elements when hovered.


      Default value


      The padding for the event elements when is 'agenda'.


      Default value


      The padding for the event elements when viewType is 'day', 'week' or 'month' (basic views).


      Default value


      The padding for the event elements when viewType is 'timelineDay', 'timelineWeek', 'timelineMonth' (timeline views).


      Default value


      The padding for the allDay event elements located in the All day container.


      Default value


      The padding for the content of the event elements.


      Default value


      The font size for the label of the event element.


      Default value

      "calc(var(--smart-font-size) - 3px)"

      The font size for the time label of the event element.


      Default value


      The font size for the time label of the event element when viewType is set to 'agenda'.


      Default value


      The font weight for the time label of the event element when viewType is set to 'agenda'.


      Default value


      The opacity for the time label of the event element when viewType is set to 'agenda'.


      Default value


      The opacity for the time label of the event element.


      Default value


      The size of the repeating/exception icon that is displayed inside the event element.


      Default value


      The size of the event element. In 'day' and 'week' views the events will always fit the cells, so this variable determines their expected size which controls number of events that can fit in. The size of the events cannot be controlled in 'agenda' view.


      Default value


      The size of the event element specifically for basic views - 'day', 'week', 'month'.


      Default value


      The size of the event element specifically for timeline views - 'timelineDay', 'timelineWeek', 'timelineMonth'.


      Default value


      The size of the event collectors that appear when there's not enough space for all events in a cell to fit in.


      Default value


      The size of the event collectors that appear when there's not enough space for all events in a cell to fit in on Mobile devices.


      Default value

      "rgba(var(--smart-primary-rgb), 1)"

      The background color of the event collectors that appear when there's not enough space for all events in a cell to fit in.


      Default value


      The color of the event collectors that appear when there's not enough space for all events in a cell to fit in.


      Default value

      "rgba(var(--smart-primary-rgb), .9)"

      The background color of the focused event collectors that appear when there's not enough space for all events in a cell to fit in.


      Default value


      The color of the focused event collectors that appear when there's not enough space for all events in a cell to fit in.


      Default value

      "rgba(var(--smart-primary-rgb), .8)"

      The background color of the hovered event collectors that appear when there's not enough space for all events in a cell to fit in.


      Default value


      The color of the hovered event collectors that appear when there's not enough space for all events in a cell to fit in.


      Default value


      The size of the day number inside the timeline cells that appears when viewType is set to 'month'.


      Default value


      The size of the status strip that appears when an even element has a status assigned.


      Default value


      The padding between the status strip and event element content.


      Default value


      The background color for the event element status strip.


      Default value


      The background color for the event element with 'free' status strip.


      Default value

      "0 -244rem / 5rem 5rem linear-gradient(45deg, #fd7e14 25%, rgba(0,0,0,.2) 25%, rgba(0,0,0,.2) 50%, #fd7e14 50%, #fd7e14 75%, rgba(0,0,0,.2) 75%, rgba(0,0,0,.2))"

      The background color for the event element with 'tentative' status strip.


      Default value


      The background color for the event element with 'busy' status strip.


      Default value


      The background color for the event element with 'busy' status strip.


      Default value


      The background color for the cell feedback when dragging an event. The feedback indicates the drop cell target.


      Default value


      The size of the event element resize indicators.


      Default value


      The background color of the event element resize indicators.


      Default value


      The border color of the event element resize indicators.


      Default value

      "0 -245rem / 12px 12px linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(255, 0, 0, .15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 0, 0, .15) 50%, rgba(255, 0, 0, .15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent)"

      The background color for restricted cells.


      Default value


      The size(height) of the event list items inside the event list that appears when clicking on an event/collector element.


      Default value


      The size(width) of the event list delete button inside the event list that appears when clicking on an event/collector element.


      Default value


      The border radius of the event elements.


      Default value


      The border radius of the event collector elements.


      Default value

      "calc(3 * var(--smart-scheduler-event-item-size))"

      The max height of the context menu.


      Default value


      The max width of the context menu.


      Default value


      The header height of the window event editor.

      Default value


      The footer height of the window event editor.


      Default value


      The font weight of the event element label.


      Default value


      The font weight of the event element label.


      Default value


      The font weight of the event item labels that are inside the event list that appears when clicked on an event/collector element.


      Default value


      The default width for the Toast element that is used to display notificaitons.


      Default value


      The default height for the Toast element that is used to display notificaitons.


      Default value


      The width of the view item shortcuts that are displayed inside the view menu.


      Default value


      The default background color for the legend items.