QR Codes encode text values in a two-dimensional pattern.
Sets the background color of the QR Code element.
Default value
Set the backgroundColor property.
<smart-qrcode background-color='white'></smart-qrcode>
Set the backgroundColor property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.backgroundColor = 'yellow';
Get the backgroundColor property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let backgroundColor = qrcode.backgroundColor;
Sets whether the QR Code label is visible.
Default value
Set the displayLabel property.
<smart-qrcode display-label></smart-qrcode>
Set the displayLabel property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.displayLabel = true;
Get the displayLabel property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let displayLabel = qrcode.displayLabel;
Sets an embedded image.
Default value
Set the embedImage property.
<smart-qrcode embed-image=''></smart-qrcode>
Set the embedImage property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.embedImage = '';
Get the embedImage property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let embedImage = qrcode.embedImage;
Sets the error correction level.
Default value
Set the errorLevel property.
<smart-qrcode error-level='H'></smart-qrcode>
Set the errorLevel property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.errorLevel = 'L';
Get the errorLevel property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let errorLevel = qrcode.errorLevel;
Sets color to the transparent parts of the embedded image. Background remains transparent if set to empty string.
Default value
Set the imageBackgroundColor property.
<smart-qrcode image-background-color='blue'></smart-qrcode>
Set the imageBackgroundColor property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.imageBackgroundColor = 'white';
Get the imageBackgroundColor property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let imageBackgroundColor = qrcode.imageBackgroundColor;
Sets the height of the embedded image.
Default value
Set the imageHeight property.
<smart-qrcode image-height=''></smart-qrcode>
Set the imageHeight property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.imageHeight = ;
Get the imageHeight property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let imageHeight = qrcode.imageHeight;
Sets the width of the embedded image.
Default value
Set the imageWidth property.
<smart-qrcode image-width=''></smart-qrcode>
Set the imageWidth property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.imageWidth = ;
Get the imageWidth property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let imageWidth = qrcode.imageWidth;
Sets the color of the QR Code label.
Default value
Set the labelColor property.
<smart-qrcode label-color='white'></smart-qrcode>
Set the labelColor property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.labelColor = 'red';
Get the labelColor property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let labelColor = qrcode.labelColor;
Sets the font family of the QR Code label.
Default value
Set the labelFont property.
<smart-qrcode label-font='monospace'></smart-qrcode>
Set the labelFont property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.labelFont = 'sans-serif';
Get the labelFont property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let labelFont = qrcode.labelFont;
Sets the font size of the QR Code label.
Default value
Set the labelFontSize property.
<smart-qrcode label-font-size='14'></smart-qrcode>
Set the labelFontSize property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.labelFontSize = 10;
Get the labelFontSize property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let labelFontSize = qrcode.labelFontSize;
Sets the bottom margin of the QR Code label.
Default value
Set the labelMarginBottom property.
<smart-qrcode label-margin-bottom='5'></smart-qrcode>
Set the labelMarginBottom property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.labelMarginBottom = 0;
Get the labelMarginBottom property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let labelMarginBottom = qrcode.labelMarginBottom;
Sets the top margin of the QR Code label.
Default value
Set the labelMarginTop property.
<smart-qrcode label-margin-top='5'></smart-qrcode>
Set the labelMarginTop property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.labelMarginTop = 5;
Get the labelMarginTop property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let labelMarginTop = qrcode.labelMarginTop;
labelPosition"top" | "bottom"
Sets the position of the QR Code label.
Default value
Set the labelPosition property.
<smart-qrcode label-position='bottom'></smart-qrcode>
Set the labelPosition property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.labelPosition = 'top';
Get the labelPosition property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let labelPosition = qrcode.labelPosition;
Sets the color of the QR Code lines.
Default value
Set the lineColor property.
<smart-qrcode line-color='balck'></smart-qrcode>
Set the lineColor property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.lineColor = 'green';
Get the lineColor property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let lineColor = qrcode.lineColor;
Sets the width of the QR Code square.
Default value
Set the squareWidth property.
<smart-qrcode square-width='4'></smart-qrcode>
Set the squareWidth property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.squareWidth = 6;
Get the squareWidth property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let squareWidth = qrcode.squareWidth;
renderAs"svg" | "canvas"
Sets the rendering mode of the QR Code.
Default value
Set the renderAs property.
<smart-qrcode render-as='svg'></smart-qrcode>
Set the renderAs property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.renderAs = 'canvas';
Get the renderAs property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let renderAs = qrcode.renderAs;
Sets or gets the value of the QR Code.
Default value
Set the value property.
<smart-qrcode value='A2402B'></smart-qrcode>
Set the value property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.value = 'example';
Get the value property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let value = qrcode.value;
Sets or gets the width of the QR Code. If the width is set to 0, the width of the QR Code is calculated automatically.
Default value
Set the width property.
<smart-qrcode width='10'></smart-qrcode>
Set the width property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.width = null;
Get the width property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let width = qrcode.width;
Sets or gets the height of the QR Code. If the height is set to 0, the height of the QR Code is calculated automatically.
Default value
Set the height property.
<smart-qrcode height='10'></smart-qrcode>
Set the height property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
qrcode.height = null;
Get the height property.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode');
let height = qrcode.height;
This event is triggered when the value of the QR Code is invalid.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onInvalid
ev.detail.invalidCharacters - An array indicating the invalid characters.
ev.detail.lengthValidity - A boolean indicating the length validity.
ev.detail.patternValidity - A boolean indicating the pattern validity.
ev.detail.value - the invalid value of the QR Code.
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of invalid event.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode'); qrcode.addEventListener('invalid', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, invalidCharacters = detail.invalidCharacters, lengthValidity = detail.lengthValidity, patternValidity = detail.patternValidity, value = detail.value; // event handling code goes here. })
export( format: string, fileName?: string): void
Exports the QR Code.
The format of the exported file - svg, png, jpg
The name of the exported file
Invoke the export method.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode'); qrcode.export();
getDataURL( format: string): string
Gets the base64 string of the QR Code
The dataURL format of the string - svg, png, jpg
Invoke the getDataURL method.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode'); const result = qrcode.getDataURL("svg","png");
getDataURLAsync( format: string): object
Gets the base64 string of the QR Code
The dataURL format of the string - svg, png, jpg
Invoke the getDataURLAsync method.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode'); const result = qrcode.getDataURLAsync("svg","png");
isValid(): boolean
Gets the validity of the QR Code
Invoke the isValid method.
const qrcode = document.querySelector('smart-qrcode'); const result = qrcode.isValid();