PivotTable is a table of statistics that summarizes the data of a more extensive table.
- align:string - Sets or gets the header cell alignment for pivot and summary columns and cell alignment for row group columns.
- allowFilter:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column can be filtered.
- allowPivot:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column can be a pivot column.
- allowRowGroup:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column can be a row group column.
- allowSort:boolean - Sets or gets whether summary columns based on the column can be sorted.
- dataField:string - Sets or gets the column's data source-bound field.
- dataType:string - Sets or gets the data type of the column's cells.
- formatFunction:{ (settings: { value: any, row: string | number, column: string, cell: HTMLTableCellElement, template?: any }): void } - A callback function that can be used to modify the contents of a cell and the cell itself.
- label:string - Sets or gets the column's displayed text (for example in summary column headers).
- pivot:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column is a pivot column. Data from pivot columns is represented as column hierarchy in the PivotTable.
- rowGroup:boolean - Sets or gets whether the column is a row group column. Data from row group columns is represented as rows in the PivotTable. If multiple row groups are set, row hierarchy is displayed based on the order of the row group columns in the columns array.
- summary:string - Sets or gets the summary function to aggregate the column's data by and produce dynamic summary columns for each unique pivot data point. There must always be at least one summary column for the PivotTable to make sense. When columnTotals is enabled, all summary columns must have the same summary function set.
- summarySettings:{ align?: string, prefix?: string, decimalPlaces?: number, thousandsSeparator?: string, decimalSeparator?: string, negativesInBrackets?: boolean } - Sets or gets an object with settings for cells in summary columns. These settings are not applied if column formatFunction is also implemented. Property object's options:
- column:string - The data field of a numeric column to format. Set 'all' to format all numeric columns.
- condition:string - The formatting condition.
- firstValue:number - The value to compare by. When condition is 'between', this is the start (from) value.
- fontFamily:string - The fontFamily to apply to formatted cells.
- fontSize:string - The fontSize to apply to formatted cells. The fontSize as set in CSS is used by default.
- highlight:string - The background color to apply to formatted cells.
- secondValue:number - When condition is 'between', this is the end (to) value. Otherwise, this value is not used.
- text:string - The text color to apply to formatted cells.
animation"none" | "simple" | "advanced"
Sets or gets the animation mode. Animation is disabled when the property is set to 'none'
Allowed Values
- "none" - animation is disabled
- "simple" - ripple animation is disabled
- "advanced" - all animations are enabled
Default value
Set the animation property.
<smart-pivot-table animation='none'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the animation property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.animation = 'simple';
Get the animation property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let animation = pivottable.animation;
Sets or gets whether the reordering of columns is enabled.
Default value
Set the columnReorder property.
<smart-pivot-table column-reorder></smart-pivot-table>
Set the columnReorder property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.columnReorder = false;
Get the columnReorder property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let columnReorder = pivottable.columnReorder;
columnsstring[] | { align?: string, allowFilter?: boolean, allowPivot?: boolean, allowRowGroup?: boolean, allowSort?: boolean, dataField?: string, dataType?: string, formatFunction?: { (settings: { value: any, row: string | number, column: string, cell: HTMLTableCellElement, template?: any }): void }, label?: string, pivot?: boolean, rowGroup?: boolean, summary?: string, summarySettings?: { align?: string, prefix?: string, decimalPlaces?: number, thousandsSeparator?: string, decimalSeparator?: string, negativesInBrackets?: boolean } }[]
Describes the columns of the PivotTable's original tabular data. Based on these settings and the data source, the actual columns of the PivotTable are dynamically generated.
align"center" | "left" | "right"
Sets or gets the header cell alignment for pivot and summary columns and cell alignment for row group columns.
Default value
"left"Get the align property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let align = pivottable.columns[0].align;
Sets or gets whether the column can be filtered.
Default value
trueGet the allowFilter property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let allowFilter = pivottable.columns[0].allowFilter;
Sets or gets whether the column can be a pivot column.
Default value
falseGet the allowPivot property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let allowPivot = pivottable.columns[0].allowPivot;
Sets or gets whether the column can be a row group column.
Default value
falseGet the allowRowGroup property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let allowRowGroup = pivottable.columns[0].allowRowGroup;
Sets or gets whether summary columns based on the column can be sorted.
Default value
trueGet the allowSort property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let allowSort = pivottable.columns[0].allowSort;
Sets or gets the column's data source-bound field.
Default value
""Get the dataField property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let dataField = pivottable.columns[0].dataField;
dataType"boolean" | "date" | "number" | "string"
Sets or gets the data type of the column's cells.
Default value
"string"Get the dataType property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let dataType = pivottable.columns[0].dataType;
formatFunction{ (settings: { value: any, row: string | number, column: string, cell: HTMLTableCellElement, template?: any }): void }
A callback function that can be used to modify the contents of a cell and the cell itself.
Get the formatFunction property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let formatFunction = pivottable.columns[0].formatFunction;
Sets or gets the column's displayed text (for example in summary column headers).
Default value
""Get the label property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let label = pivottable.columns[0].label;
Sets or gets whether the column is a pivot column. Data from pivot columns is represented as column hierarchy in the PivotTable.
Default value
falseGet the pivot property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let pivot = pivottable.columns[0].pivot;
Sets or gets whether the column is a row group column. Data from row group columns is represented as rows in the PivotTable. If multiple row groups are set, row hierarchy is displayed based on the order of the row group columns in the columns array.
Default value
falseGet the rowGroup property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let rowGroup = pivottable.columns[0].rowGroup;
summary"avg" | "count" | "max" | "median" | "min" | "product" | "stdev" | "stdevp" | "sum" | "var" | "varp"
Sets or gets the summary function to aggregate the column's data by and produce dynamic summary columns for each unique pivot data point. There must always be at least one summary column for the PivotTable to make sense. When columnTotals is enabled, all summary columns must have the same summary function set.
Allowed Values
- "avg" - Average
- "count" - Count
- "max" - Maximum
- "median" - Median
- "min" - Minimum
- "product" - Product
- "stdev" - Standard deviation
- "stdevp" - Standard deviation based on the entire population
- "sum" - Sum
- "var" - Variance
- "varp" - Variance based on the entire population
Default value
"sum"Get the summary property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let summary = pivottable.columns[0].summary;
summarySettings{ align?: string, prefix?: string, decimalPlaces?: number, thousandsSeparator?: string, decimalSeparator?: string, negativesInBrackets?: boolean }
Sets or gets an object with settings for cells in summary columns. These settings are not applied if column formatFunction is also implemented.
Get the summarySettings property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let summarySettings = pivottable.columns[0].summarySettings;
Set the columns property.
<smart-pivot-table columns='[{ label: 'In progress', dataField: 'inProgress' }, { label: 'Testing', dataField: 'testing' }, { label: 'Done', dataField: 'done' }]'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the columns property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.columns = [{ label: 'In progress', dataField: 'inProgress' }, { label: 'Testing', dataField: 'testing', orientation: 'horizontal', columns: [{ label: 'Manual testing', dataField: 'manualTesting', selected: true, columns: [{ label: 'Desktop devices', dataField: 'desktop' }, { label: 'Mobile devices', dataField: 'mobile', selected: true }] }, { label: 'Unit testing', dataField: 'unitTesting' }] }];
Get the columns property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let columns = pivottable.columns;
Sets or gets whether to show total columns for each pivot data point. When enabled, all summary columns must have the same summary function set by which total columns are calculated.
Default value
Set the columnTotals property.
<smart-pivot-table column-totals></smart-pivot-table>
Set the columnTotals property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.columnTotals = false;
Get the columnTotals property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let columnTotals = pivottable.columnTotals;
columnTotalsPosition"near" | "far"
Sets or gets the position of total columns (shown when columnTotals is enabled).
Allowed Values
- "near" - The side nearest to the group column.
- "far" - The side farthest from the group column.
Default value
Set the columnTotalsPosition property.
<smart-pivot-table column-totals-position='far'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the columnTotalsPosition property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.columnTotalsPosition = 'near';
Get the columnTotalsPosition property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let columnTotalsPosition = pivottable.columnTotalsPosition;
conditionalFormatting{ column?: string; condition?: string; firstValue?: number; fontFamily?: string; fontSize?: string; highlight?: string; secondValue?: number; text?: string; }[]
Sets or gets details about conditional formatting to be applied to the PivotTable's cells.
The data field of a numeric column to format. Set 'all' to format all numeric columns.
Default value
"all"Get the column property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let column = pivottable.conditionalFormatting.column;
condition"between" | "equal" | "greaterThan" | "lessThan" | "notEqual"
The formatting condition.
Default value
"lessThan"Get the condition property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let condition = pivottable.conditionalFormatting.condition;
The value to compare by. When condition is 'between', this is the start (from) value.
Default value
0Get the firstValue property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let firstValue = pivottable.conditionalFormatting.firstValue;
fontFamily"The default fontFamily as set in CSS" | "Arial" | "Courier New" | "Georgia" | "Times New Roman" | "Verdana"
The fontFamily to apply to formatted cells.
Default value
"The default fontFamily as set in CSS"Get the fontFamily property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let fontFamily = pivottable.conditionalFormatting.fontFamily;
fontSize"8px" | "9px" | "10px" | "11px" | "12px" | "13px" | "14px" | "15px" | "16px"
The fontSize to apply to formatted cells. The fontSize as set in CSS is used by default.
Default value
"14px"Get the fontSize property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let fontSize = pivottable.conditionalFormatting.fontSize;
The background color to apply to formatted cells.
Default value
"The default backgroundColor as set in CSS"Get the highlight property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let highlight = pivottable.conditionalFormatting.highlight;
When condition is 'between', this is the end (to) value. Otherwise, this value is not used.
Default value
1Get the secondValue property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let secondValue = pivottable.conditionalFormatting.secondValue;
The text color to apply to formatted cells.
Default value
"The default color as set in CSS"Get the text property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let text = pivottable.conditionalFormatting.text;
Set the conditionalFormatting property.
<smart-pivot-table conditional-formatting='[{ column: 'quantity', condition: 'greaterThan', firstValue: 8, text: '#6AA84F' }, { column: 'quantity', condition: 'lessThan', firstValue: 3, text: '#CC0000' }]'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the conditionalFormatting property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.conditionalFormatting = [{ column: 'price', condition: 'between', firstValue: 3, secondValue: 5, fontFamily: 'Courier New', text: '#0000FF' }];
Get the conditionalFormatting property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let conditionalFormatting = pivottable.conditionalFormatting;
Determines the original tabular data source of the PivotTable.
Default value
Sets or gets whether the original tabular data sourse of the PivotTable will be pre-sorted based on columns with the rowGroup property (and their order).
Default value
Set the defaultSortByRowGroups property.
<smart-pivot-table default-sort-by-row-groups></smart-pivot-table>
Set the defaultSortByRowGroups property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.defaultSortByRowGroups = false;
Get the defaultSortByRowGroups property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let defaultSortByRowGroups = pivottable.defaultSortByRowGroups;
Sets or gets whether to display the PivotTable's designer alongside the table itself. The designer allows for configuring column settings and applying filtering.
Default value
Set the designer property.
<smart-pivot-table designer></smart-pivot-table>
Set the designer property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.designer = false;
Get the designer property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let designer = pivottable.designer;
designerPosition"near" | "far"
Sets or gets the position of the PivotTable's designer (shown when designer is enabled).
Allowed Values
- "near" - The side nearest to the group column.
- "far" - The side farthest from the group column.
Default value
Set the designerPosition property.
<smart-pivot-table designer-position='far'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the designerPosition property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.designerPosition = 'near';
Get the designerPosition property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let designerPosition = pivottable.designerPosition;
Disables the interaction with the element.
Default value
Set the disabled property.
<smart-pivot-table disabled></smart-pivot-table>
Set the disabled property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.disabled = false;
Get the disabled property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let disabled = pivottable.disabled;
If enabled, shows the original tabular data that has been aggregated in a PivotTable summary cell when the cell is double-clicked or F2 is pressed.
Default value
Set the drillDown property.
<smart-pivot-table drill-down></smart-pivot-table>
Set the drillDown property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.drillDown = false;
Get the drillDown property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let drillDown = pivottable.drillDown;
drillDownDataExport"" | "xlsx" | "pdf" | "html" | "json" | "csv" | "tsv" | "xml"
If set, shows an export button in the drill down dialog.
Default value
Set the drillDownDataExport property.
<smart-pivot-table drill-down-data-export=''></smart-pivot-table>
Set the drillDownDataExport property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.drillDownDataExport = 'xlsx';
Get the drillDownDataExport property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let drillDownDataExport = pivottable.drillDownDataExport;
Sets or gets the drill down table export file name.
Default value
Set the drillDownDataExportName property.
<smart-pivot-table drill-down-data-export-name=''></smart-pivot-table>
Set the drillDownDataExportName property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.drillDownDataExportName = 'myExport';
Get the drillDownDataExportName property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let drillDownDataExportName = pivottable.drillDownDataExportName;
drillDownTableInit{ (table: HTMLElement ): void }
Sets or gets the drill down dialog callback function. The argument of the callback passed by the PivotTable is the drill-down Table component. You can use it to customize the table.
Set the drillDownTableInit property.
<smart-pivot-table drill-down-table-init=''></smart-pivot-table>
Set the drillDownTableInit property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.drillDownTableInit = myExport;
Get the drillDownTableInit property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let drillDownTableInit = pivottable.drillDownTableInit;
drillDownCustomAction{ (originalRecords: [] ): void }
Sets or gets the drill down custom action callback function. The argument of the callback passed by the PivotTable is the drill-down data source. You can use it to override the default drill-down UI i.e to replace our Dialog with Table.
Set the drillDownCustomAction property.
<smart-pivot-table drill-down-custom-action=''></smart-pivot-table>
Set the drillDownCustomAction property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.drillDownCustomAction = myExport;
Get the drillDownCustomAction property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let drillDownCustomAction = pivottable.drillDownCustomAction;
Sets or gets whether sorting based on columns in classic row groups layout mode is enabled.
Default value
Set the enableSortByRowGroups property.
<smart-pivot-table enable-sort-by-row-groups></smart-pivot-table>
Set the enableSortByRowGroups property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.enableSortByRowGroups = false;
Get the enableSortByRowGroups property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let enableSortByRowGroups = pivottable.enableSortByRowGroups;
Sets or gets whether the PivotTable's column header is sticky/frozen.
Default value
Set the freezeHeader property.
<smart-pivot-table freeze-header></smart-pivot-table>
Set the freezeHeader property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.freezeHeader = false;
Get the freezeHeader property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let freezeHeader = pivottable.freezeHeader;
getDefaultSummaryFunction{ (column: PivotTableColumn): string }
A callback function that returns the default summary function of a summary column when it is dynamically assigned as such (e.g. by drag-drop in the designer).
Set the getDefaultSummaryFunction property.
<smart-pivot-table get-default-summary-function='getDefaultSummaryFunction'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the getDefaultSummaryFunction property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.getDefaultSummaryFunction = getDefaultSummaryFunctionCallback;
Get the getDefaultSummaryFunction property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let getDefaultSummaryFunction = pivottable.getDefaultSummaryFunction;
Sets or gets whether to show a Grand total row aggregating the data of all rows.
Default value
Set the grandTotal property.
<smart-pivot-table grand-total></smart-pivot-table>
Set the grandTotal property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.grandTotal = false;
Get the grandTotal property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let grandTotal = pivottable.grandTotal;
groupLayout"classic" | "default"
Sets or gets the way row nesting (based on rowGroup columns) is displayed.
Allowed Values
- "classic" - Row nesting in a classic, OLAP, layout. In this layout, there is a separate column for each level of nesting.
- "default" - Row nesting with tree grid-like style, with a separate row for each record in the hierarchy.
Default value
Set the groupLayout property.
<smart-pivot-table group-layout='classic'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the groupLayout property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.groupLayout = 'default';
Get the groupLayout property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let groupLayout = pivottable.groupLayout;
Sets or gets whether to hide the tooltip that displays details when multiple summary cells with non-null values are selected.
Default value
Set the hideCellSelectionTooltip property.
<smart-pivot-table hide-cell-selection-tooltip></smart-pivot-table>
Set the hideCellSelectionTooltip property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.hideCellSelectionTooltip = false;
Get the hideCellSelectionTooltip property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let hideCellSelectionTooltip = pivottable.hideCellSelectionTooltip;
Sets or gets whether to hide rows that contain only 0 or null values. Applicable only when there are rowGroup columns.
Default value
Set the hideEmptyRows property.
<smart-pivot-table hide-empty-rows></smart-pivot-table>
Set the hideEmptyRows property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.hideEmptyRows = false;
Get the hideEmptyRows property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let hideEmptyRows = pivottable.hideEmptyRows;
Sets or gets whether navigation with the keyboard is enabled in the PivotTable.
Default value
Set the keyboardNavigation property.
<smart-pivot-table keyboard-navigation></smart-pivot-table>
Set the keyboardNavigation property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.keyboardNavigation = false;
Get the keyboardNavigation property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let keyboardNavigation = pivottable.keyboardNavigation;
Sets or gets the language. Used in conjunction with the property messages.
Default value
Set the locale property.
<smart-pivot-table locale='de'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the locale property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.locale = 'fr';
Get the locale property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let locale = pivottable.locale;
Sets or gets an object specifying strings used in the element that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale.
Default value
Set the messages property.
<smart-pivot-table messages='{"he":{"add":"הוסף תנאי","all":"כל העמודות","apply":"להגיש מועמדות","average":"מְמוּצָע","between":"בֵּין","calculation":"תַחשִׁיב","cancel":"לְבַטֵל","center":"מֶרְכָּז","clear":"ברור","clearFilter":"נקה את המסנן","close":"סגור","column":"טור:","columns":"עמודים","columnSettings":"הגדרות עמודה","condition":"מַצָב:","conditionalFormatting":"עיצוב מותנה","CONTAINS_CASE_SENSITIVE":"מכיל (רגיש רישיות)","CONTAINS":"מכיל","count":"לספור","decimalPlaces":"מקומות עשרוניים","decimalSeparator":"מפריד עשרוני","details":"פרטים","DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_CASE_SENSITIVE":"לא מכיל (רגיש רישיות)","DOES_NOT_CONTAIN":"לא מכיל","dragHerePivots":"גרור לכאן להגדרת צירים","dragHereRowGroups":"גרור לכאן להגדרת קבוצות שורות","dragHereSummaries":"גרור לכאן כדי לקבוע סיכומים","EMPTY":"ריק","ENDS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE":"מסתיים ב (רגיש רישיות)","ENDS_WITH":"נגמר עם","EQUAL_CASE_SENSITIVE":"שווה (רגיש לרישיות","equal":"שווה ל","EQUAL":"שווה","fields":"שדות","filter":"לְסַנֵן","filterCondition":"מצב סינון","filterPlaceholder":"לְסַנֵן","filters":"מסננים","firstButton":"ראשון","fontFamily":"משפחת גופן:","fontSize":"גודל גופן:","format":"פוּרמָט:","formatColumn":"עמוד עמוד","grandTotal":"סכום סופי","GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL":"גדול או שווה","GREATER_THAN":"גדול מ","greaterThan":"גדול מ","groupHeader":"קְבוּצָה","highlight":"שִׂיא","invalidValue":"ערך לא תקין","itemsPerPage":"פריטים לעמוד:","lastButton":"אחרון","left":"שמאלה","LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL":"פחות מ או שווה","LESS_THAN":"פחות מ","lessThan":"פחות מ","moveTo":"לעבור ל","negativesInBrackets":"שלילי בסוגריים","nextButton":"הַבָּא","NOT_EMPTY":"לא ריק","NOT_EQUAL":"לא שווה","NOT_NULL":"לא ריק","notApplicable":"לא ישים","notEqual":"לא שווה ל","NULL":"null","numberAlignment":"יישור מספרים","numberFormat":"פורמט מספרים","numberPrefix":"קידומת מספרים","ok":"בסדר","pivots":"צירים","previousButton":"קודם","remove":"הסר את המצב","right":"ימין","row":"שׁוּרָה","rowGroups":"קבוצות שורה","sameSummaryFunctionRequired":"smartPivotTable: כאשר "columnTotals" מופעל, על כל עמודות הסיכום להיות מוגדרות באותה פונקציית "סיכום" (למשל '{{דוגמה}} ').","search":"לחפש...","secondValue":"ערך שני:","showRows":"הצג רשומות היכן:","STARTS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE":"מתחיל עם (רגיש רישיות)","STARTS_WITH":"מתחיל עם","sum":"סְכוּם","summaries":"סיכומים","summaryPrefix":"שֶׁל","summaryRequired":"smartPivotTable: דרושה לפחות עמודה אחת עם "summary".","text":"טֶקסט","textAlignment":"יישור טקסט","thousandsSeparator":"אלפי מפרידים","total":"סה"כ","value":"ערך:","with":"עם"}}'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the messages property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.messages = {"en":{"add":"Add condition","all":"All columns","apply":"Apply","average":"Average","between":"Between","calculation":"Calculation","cancel":"Cancel","center":"center","clear":"Clear","clearFilter":"Clear filter","close":"Close","column":"Column:","columns":"Columns","columnSettings":"Column settings","condition":"Condition:","conditionalFormatting":"Conditional Formatting","CONTAINS_CASE_SENSITIVE":"contains (case sensitive)","CONTAINS":"contains","count":"Count","decimalPlaces":"Decimal places","decimalSeparator":"Decimal separator","details":"Details","DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_CASE_SENSITIVE":"does not contain (case sensitive)","DOES_NOT_CONTAIN":"does not contain","dragHerePivots":"Drag here to set pivots","dragHereRowGroups":"Drag here to set row groups","dragHereSummaries":"Drag here to set summaries","EMPTY":"empty","ENDS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE":"ends with (case sensitive)","ENDS_WITH":"ends with","EQUAL_CASE_SENSITIVE":"equal (case sensitive)","equal":"Equal To","EQUAL":"equal","fields":"Fields","filter":"Filter","filterCondition":"Filter condition","filterPlaceholder":"Filter","filters":"Filters","firstButton":"First","fontFamily":"Font family:","fontSize":"Font size:","format":"Format:","formatColumn":"Format Column","grandTotal":"Grand Total","GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL":"greater than or equal","GREATER_THAN":"greater than","greaterThan":"Greater Than","groupHeader":"Group","highlight":"Highlight","invalidValue":"Invalid value","itemsPerPage":"Items per page:","lastButton":"Last","left":"left","LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL":"less than or equal","LESS_THAN":"less than","lessThan":"Less Than","moveTo":"Move to","negativesInBrackets":"Negatives in brackets","nextButton":"Next","NOT_EMPTY":"not empty","NOT_EQUAL":"not equal","NOT_NULL":"not null","notApplicable":"N/A","notEqual":"Not Equal To","NULL":"null","numberAlignment":"Number alignment","numberFormat":"Number format","numberPrefix":"Number prefix","ok":"OK","pivots":"Pivots","previousButton":"Previous","remove":"Remove condition","right":"right","row":"Row","rowGroups":"Row Groups","sameSummaryFunctionRequired":"smartPivotTable: When "columnTotals" is enabled, all summary columns must have the same "summary" function set (e.g. '{{example}}').","search":"Search...","secondValue":"Second value:","showRows":"Show records where:","STARTS_WITH_CASE_SENSITIVE":"starts with (case sensitive)","STARTS_WITH":"starts with","sum":"Sum","summaries":"Summaries","summaryPrefix":"of","summaryRequired":"smartPivotTable: At least one column with "summary" is required.","text":"Text","textAlignment":"Text alignment","thousandsSeparator":"Thousands separator","total":"Total","value":"Value:","with":"with"}};
Get the messages property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let messages = pivottable.messages;
Sets or gets what value is shown in cells that do not have aggregated data to display. By default (null), such cells are empty.
Set the nullDefaultValue property.
<smart-pivot-table null-default-value='0'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the nullDefaultValue property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.nullDefaultValue = null;
Get the nullDefaultValue property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let nullDefaultValue = pivottable.nullDefaultValue;
onCellRender{ (data: any, dynamicColumn: any, value: any, cell: HTMLTableCellElement): void }
A callback function executed each time a PivotTable cell is rendered.
Set the onCellRender property.
<smart-pivot-table on-cell-render='onCellRender'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the onCellRender property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.onCellRender = onCellRenderCallback;
Get the onCellRender property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let onCellRender = pivottable.onCellRender;
onColumnRender{ (settings: { text: string, cell: HTMLTableCellElement, column: PivotTableColumn, fullDefinition: any }): void }
A callback function executed each time a PivotTable column header cell is rendered.
Set the onColumnRender property.
<smart-pivot-table on-column-render='onColumnRender'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the onColumnRender property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.onColumnRender = onColumnRenderCallback;
Get the onColumnRender property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let onColumnRender = pivottable.onColumnRender;
onInit{ (): void }
A callback function executed when the PivotTable is being initialized.
Set the onInit property.
<smart-pivot-table on-init='onInit'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the onInit property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.onInit = onInitCallback;
Get the onInit property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let onInit = pivottable.onInit;
pageSize"10" | "25" | "50"
Sets or gets the page size (when paging is enabled).
Default value
Set the pageSize property.
<smart-pivot-table page-size='25'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the pageSize property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.pageSize = 50;
Get the pageSize property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let pageSize = pivottable.pageSize;
Sets or gets the current (zero-based) page index (when paging is enabled).
Default value
Set the pageIndex property.
<smart-pivot-table page-index='1'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the pageIndex property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.pageIndex = 7;
Get the pageIndex property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let pageIndex = pivottable.pageIndex;
Sets or gets whether paging is enabled.
Default value
Set the paging property.
<smart-pivot-table paging></smart-pivot-table>
Set the paging property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.paging = false;
Get the paging property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let paging = pivottable.paging;
Sets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts.
Default value
Set the rightToLeft property.
<smart-pivot-table right-to-left></smart-pivot-table>
Set the rightToLeft property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.rightToLeft = true;
Get the rightToLeft property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let rightToLeft = pivottable.rightToLeft;
Sets or gets whether sorting by row (when a row group cell is clicked) is enabled. When columnTotals is also enabled, sorting is applied per "column group"; otherwise - for all columns.
Default value
Set the rowSort property.
<smart-pivot-table row-sort></smart-pivot-table>
Set the rowSort property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.rowSort = false;
Get the rowSort property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let rowSort = pivottable.rowSort;
Sets or gets whether row summaries are displayed in the row headers. Example: Peterson(40) vs Peterson, when rowSummary is set to false.
Default value
Set the rowSummary property.
<smart-pivot-table row-summary></smart-pivot-table>
Set the rowSummary property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.rowSummary = false;
Get the rowSummary property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let rowSummary = pivottable.rowSummary;
Sets or gets whether to show row total columns for each summary column.
Default value
Set the rowTotals property.
<smart-pivot-table row-totals></smart-pivot-table>
Set the rowTotals property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.rowTotals = false;
Get the rowTotals property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let rowTotals = pivottable.rowTotals;
rowTotalsPosition"near" | "far"
Sets or gets the position of row total columns (shown when rowTotals is enabled).
Allowed Values
- "near" - The side nearest to the group column.
- "far" - The side farthest from the group column.
Default value
Set the rowTotalsPosition property.
<smart-pivot-table row-totals-position='far'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the rowTotalsPosition property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.rowTotalsPosition = 'near';
Get the rowTotalsPosition property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let rowTotalsPosition = pivottable.rowTotalsPosition;
Sets or gets whether row selection (via checkboxes) is enabled.
Default value
Set the selection property.
<smart-pivot-table selection></smart-pivot-table>
Set the selection property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.selection = false;
Get the selection property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let selection = pivottable.selection;
selectionMode"many" | "extended" | "cell"
Sets or gets the selection mode. Only applicable when selection is enabled.
Allowed Values
- "many" - Multiple rows can be selected by clicking the rows or their respective checkboxes.
- "extended" - Single row can be selected by clicking it. Multiple rows can be selected by Ctrl- or Shift-clicking the rows or just clicking their respective checkboxes.
- "cell" - Multiple cells can be selected by click, click-drag, Ctrl + click, or Shift + arrow keys, as well as via standard keyboard navigation. When multiple summary cells with non-null values are selected, a tooltip showng the Average, Count, and Sum of the values is displayed (unless the property hideCellSelectionTooltip is enabled.)
Default value
Set the selectionMode property.
<smart-pivot-table selection-mode='extended'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the selectionMode property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.selectionMode = 'many';
Get the selectionMode property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let selectionMode = pivottable.selectionMode;
sortMode"none" | "one" | "many"
Determines the sorting mode of the PivotTable.
Default value
Set the sortMode property.
<smart-pivot-table sort-mode='one'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the sortMode property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.sortMode = 'many';
Get the sortMode property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let sortMode = pivottable.sortMode;
Determines the theme. Theme defines the look of the element
Default value
Set the theme property.
<smart-pivot-table theme='dark'></smart-pivot-table>
Set the theme property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.theme = 'red';
Get the theme property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let theme = pivottable.theme;
Sets or gets whether the PivotTable's toolbar is shown. It contains two breadcrumb components that allow the modification of the row group and pivot columns, as well as the "Conditional Formatting" and "Fields" buttons that open a dialog with additional settings.
Default value
Set the toolbar property.
<smart-pivot-table toolbar></smart-pivot-table>
Set the toolbar property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.toolbar = false;
Get the toolbar property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let toolbar = pivottable.toolbar;
Sets or gets whether when hovering a cell with truncated content, a tooltip with the full content will be shown.
Default value
Set the tooltip property.
<smart-pivot-table tooltip></smart-pivot-table>
Set the tooltip property by using the HTML Element's instance.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
pivottable.tooltip = false;
Get the tooltip property.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table');
let tooltip = pivottable.tooltip;
This event is triggered when a cell has been clicked.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onCellClick
ev.detail.dataField - The data field of the cell's dynamic column.
ev.detail.row - The data of the cell's row.
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of cellClick event.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.addEventListener('cellClick', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, dataField = detail.dataField, row = detail.row; // event handling code goes here. })
This event is triggered when the selection is changed.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onChange
ev.detail.type - The type of action that initiated the selection change. Possible types: 'programmatic', 'interaction', 'remove'.
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of change event.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.addEventListener('change', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, type = detail.type; // event handling code goes here. })
This event is triggered when a summary column header cell has been clicked.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onColumnClick
ev.detail.columnDefinition - An object detailing the clicked dynamic column.
ev.detail.dataField - The data field of the cell's original column.
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of columnClick event.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.addEventListener('columnClick', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, columnDefinition = detail.columnDefinition, dataField = detail.dataField; // event handling code goes here. })
This event is triggered when a row has been collapsed.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onCollapse
ev.detail.record - The (aggregated) data of the collapsed row.
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of collapse event.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.addEventListener('collapse', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, record = detail.record; // event handling code goes here. })
This event is triggered when a total column has been collapsed.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onCollapseTotalColumn
ev.detail.columnDefinition - The definition of the collapsed total column.
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of collapseTotalColumn event.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.addEventListener('collapseTotalColumn', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, columnDefinition = detail.columnDefinition; // event handling code goes here. })
This event is triggered when a row has been expanded.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onExpand
ev.detail.record - The (aggregated) data of the expanded row.
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of expand event.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.addEventListener('expand', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, record = detail.record; // event handling code goes here. })
This event is triggered when a total column has been expanded.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onExpandTotalColumn
ev.detail.columnDefinition - The definition of the expanded total column.
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of expandTotalColumn event.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.addEventListener('expandTotalColumn', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, columnDefinition = detail.columnDefinition; // event handling code goes here. })
This event is triggered when a filtering-related action is made.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onFilter
ev.detail.action - The filtering action. Possible actions: 'add', 'remove'.
ev.detail.filters - The added filters. Only when action is 'add'.
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of filter event.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.addEventListener('filter', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, action = detail.action, filters = detail.filters; // event handling code goes here. })
This event is triggered when a column header cell has been clicked.
- Bubbles Yes
- Cancelable No
- Interface CustomEvent
- Event handler property onSort
ev.detail.columns - An array with information about the dynamic columns the PivotTable has been sorted by.
Returns true if the event was prevented by any of its subscribers.
boolean true if the default action was prevented. Otherwise, returns false.
The preventDefault() method prevents the default action for a specified event. In this way, the source component suppresses the built-in behavior that follows the event.
The stopPropagation() method of the Event interface prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.
Set up the event handler of sort event.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.addEventListener('sort', function (event) { const detail = event.detail, columns = detail.columns; // event handling code goes here. })
addFilter( dataField: string, filter: any): void
Adds a filter to a specific column.
The column's data field.
FilterGroup object.
Invoke the addFilter method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.addFilter("'firstName', filterGroup");
clearFilters(): void
Clears applied filters.
Invoke the clearFilters method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.clearFilters();
clearSelection(): void
Clears selection.
Invoke the clearSelection method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.clearSelection();
clearSort(): void
Clears the PivotTable sorting.
Invoke the clearSort method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.clearSort();
collapseAllRows(): void
Collapses all rows (when multiple row groups are applied).
Invoke the collapseAllRows method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.collapseAllRows();
collapseRow( rowId: string | number): void
Collapses a row (when multiple row groups are applied).
rowIdstring | number
The id of the row to collapse. Can be retrieved from the rows collection.
Invoke the collapseRow method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.collapseRow(11);
expandAllRows(): void
Expands all rows (when multiple row groups are applied).
Invoke the expandAllRows method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.expandAllRows();
expandRow( rowId: string | number): void
Expands a row (when multiple row groups are applied).
rowIdstring | number
The id of the row to expand. Can be retrieved from the rows collection.
Invoke the expandRow method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.expandRow(8);
exportData( dataFormat: string, fileName: string, callback?: Function): any
Exports the PivotTable's data.
The file format to export to. Supported formats: 'csv', 'html', 'json', 'pdf', 'tsv', 'xlsx', 'xml'.
The name of the file to export to
A callback function to pass the exported data to (if fileName is not provided)
Invoke the exportData method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); const result = pivottable.exportData("html","my-table");
getDynamicColumns(): any[]
Returns the current dynamic pivot columns.
Invoke the getDynamicColumns method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); const result = pivottable.getDynamicColumns();
getSelection(): (string | number)[] | { dataField: string, rowId: string | number }[]
Returns an array of selected row ids (when selectionMode is 'many' or 'extended') or an array of selected cell details (when selectionMode is 'cell').
Returns(string | number)[] | { dataField: string, rowId: string | number }[]
Invoke the getSelection method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); const result = pivottable.getSelection();
refresh(): void
Refreshes the PivotTable.
Invoke the refresh method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.refresh();
removeFilter( dataField: string): void
Removes filters applied to a specific column.
The column's data field.
Invoke the removeFilter method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.removeFilter();
select( rowId: string | number | (string | number)[], dataField?: string): void
Selects one or more rows (when selectionMode is 'many' or 'extended') or a single cell (when selectionMode is 'cell' and the second argument is passed).
rowIdstring | number | (string | number)[]
The id of the row (or an array of row ids) to select (or of the cell's parent row when selectionMode is 'cell'). Can be retrieved from the rows collection.
The dataField of the dynamic column (can be retrieved by calling getDynamicColumns) of the cell to select (only applicable when selectionMode is 'cell').
Invoke the select method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.select("Ohno0");
sortBy( columnDefinition: any, sortOrder?: string): void
Sorts by a summary or group column.
The dynamic column's definition. Can be retrieved from the method getDynamicColumns.
Sort order. Possible values: 'asc' (ascending), 'desc' (descending), and null (removes sorting by column). If not provided, toggles the sorting.
Invoke the sortBy method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.sortBy("dynamicColumns[0]","asc");
unselect( rowId: string | number | (string | number)[], dataField?: string): void
Unselects one or more rows (when selectionMode is 'many' or 'extended') or a single cell (when selectionMode is 'cell' and the second argument is passed).
rowIdstring | number | (string | number)[]
The id of the row (or an array of row ids) to select (or of the cell's parent row when selectionMode is 'cell'). Can be retrieved from the rows collection.
The dataField of the dynamic column (can be retrieved by calling getDynamicColumns) of the cell to select (only applicable when selectionMode is 'cell').
Invoke the unselect method.
const pivottable = document.querySelector('smart-pivot-table'); pivottable.unselect("Saylor0");
CSS Variables
Default value
"100%"smartTable/smartPivotTable default width
Default value
"auto"smartTable/smartPivotTable default height
Default value
"56px"smartTable height of header and footer
Default value
"var(--smart-table-header-footer-height)"smartTable/smartPivotTable height of column header
Default value
"48px"smartTable/smartPivotTable height of rows
Default value
"12px"smartTable/smartPivotTable cell padding
Default value
"30px"smartTable/smartPivotTable hierarchical cell indent
Default value
"16px"smartTable/smartPivotTable arrow size
Default value
"5px"smartTable/smartPivotTable arrow margin
Default value
"unset"smartPivotTable group cell count display
Default value
"200px"smartPivotTable cell width
Default value
"calc(1.25 * var(--smart-pivot-table-cell-width))"smartPivotTable row group width
Default value
"300px"smartPivotTable designer (smartPivotPanel) width
Default value
"800px"Standalone smartPivotPanel default height
Default value
"150px"smartPivotTable designer (smartPivotPanel) tab item height
Default value
"10px"smartPivotTable designer (smartPivotPanel) padding