Build your web apps using Smart UI Library
Smart.Editor - Methods
Editor Methods
Smart.Editor has a number of methods related to the content or toolbar. The methods can be used at any time after the element's initialization.
- focus - focuses the content editable element inside the Editor.
- blur - blurs the content editable element inside the Editor.
- collapseToolbar - collapses the toolbar of the Editor.
- expandToolbar - expands the toolbar of the Editor.
- disableToolbarItem - disables a toolbar item from the toolbar.
- enableToolbarItem - enables a previously diasbled toolbar item .
- getCharCount - returns the number of characters inside the Editor's content.
- selectAll - selects the content of the Editor.
- clearContent - clears the content of the Editor.
- getHTML - return the current content in HTML format.
- getText - return the current content in text format.
- splitMode - toggles on/off the Split Mode of the Editor. When enabled the Editor's content section is split in half by showing the html content and the source code/preview at the same time.
- previewMode - switches the Editor to source code/preview mode.
- selectRange - creates a text range selection inside the Editor's content. The method
takes three
selectRange(node: HTMLElement, startIndex: number, endIndex: number)
The method will select the target node's content from startIndex to endIndex. In markdown mode the node argument is ignored.
- fullScreenMode - enables/disabled Editor's full screen mode. When enabled the Editor is fixed ontop of the screen and takes the whole body size.
- exportData - exports the content of the Editor to a file. The methods takes one argument
- the expected file format, for example: 'md',
'txt', 'pdf'.
- print - prepares the Editor's content for printing by opening the browser's print preview. In markdown mode, the markdown preview is prepared for printing.
- executeCommand - executes a command by calling the native execCommand() method
affecting the current content selection or inserts
content. Supports all native execCommand actions, such as:
Name Description Example foreColor Changes the text color for the selection at the insertion point. Requires a color to be passed as a string agrument to the method. editor.executeCommand('foreColor', '#000000');
hiliteColor Changes the background color for the selection at the insertion point. Requires a color to be passed as a string agrument to the method. editor.executeCommand('hiliteColor', '#000000');
bold Toggles bold formatting on/off for the current selection. editor.executeCommand('bold');
italic Toggles italic formatting on/off for the current selection. editor.executeCommand('italic');
underline Toggles underline formatting on/off for the current selection. editor.executeCommand('underline');
copy Copies the current selection to the Clipboard. The behavior of this action varies from one browser to another. editor.executeCommand('copy');
cut Removes the current selection and copies it to the Clipboard. The behavior of this action varies from one browser to another. editor.executeCommand('cut');
createLink Inserts a hyperlink at the current cursor position. editor.executeCommand('createlink', '');
delete Deletes the current selection. editor.executeCommand('delete');
fontSize Changes the font size of the current selection or the insertion point. Requires an integer from 1 to 7 as a value argument. editor.executeCommand('fontSize', 2);
fontName Changes the font name of the current selection or the insertion point. Requires an font name to be passed as a value argument. editor.executeCommand('fontName', 'Arial');
formatBlock Adds an HTML block level element around the line containing the current selection. Requires a node name string to be passed as a value argument. editor.executeCommand('formatBlock', 'code');
heading Adds a heading element around the current selection or insertion point line. Requires a heading node name string to be passed as the value argument. editor.executeCommand('heading', 'h6');
indent Indents the current selection or insertion point line. editor.executeCommand('indent');
outdent Outdents the current selection or insertion point line. editor.executeCommand('outdent');
insertOrderedList Creates a numbered ordered list for the selection or the insertion point. editor.executeCommand('insertOrderedList');
insertUnorderedList Creates a billeted unordered list for the selection or the insertion point. editor.executeCommand('insertUnorderedList');
insertText Inserts plain text at the current selection or cursor position while deleteing the selection ( if any). editor.executeCommand('insertText', 'Plain Text inserted');
insertHorizontalRule Inserts a <hr> element at the insertion point or replaces the current selection. editor.executeCommand('insertHorizontalRule');
justifyLeft Justifies the selection or insertion point to the left. editor.executeCommand('justifyLeft');
justifyCenter Justifies the selection or insertion point to the center. editor.executeCommand('justifyCenter');
justifyRight Justifies the selection or insertion point to the right. editor.executeCommand('justifyRight');
removeFormat Removes the formatting of the current selection. editor.executeCommand('removeFormat');