Smart.Editor Methods

Editor Methods

Smart.Editor has a number of methods related to the content or toolbar. The methods can be used at any time after the element's initialization.

  • focus - focuses the content editable element inside the Editor.
  • blur - blurs the content editable element inside the Editor.
  • collapseToolbar - collapses the toolbar of the Editor.
  • expandToolbar - expands the toolbar of the Editor.
  • disableToolbarItem - disables a toolbar item from the toolbar.
  • enableToolbarItem - enables a previously diasbled toolbar item .
  • getCharCount - returns the number of characters inside the Editor's content.
  • selectAll - selects the content of the Editor.
  • clearContent - clears the content of the Editor.
  • getHTML - return the current content in HTML format.
  • getText - return the current content in text format.
  • splitMode - toggles on/off the Split Mode of the Editor. When enabled the Editor's content section is split in half by showing the html content and the source code/preview at the same time.
  • previewMode - switches the Editor to source code/preview mode.
  • selectRange - creates a text range selection inside the Editor's content. The method takes three arguments:
    selectRange(node: HTMLElement, startIndex: number, endIndex: number)

    The method will select the target node's content from startIndex to endIndex. In markdown mode the node argument is ignored.

  • fullScreenMode - enables/disabled Editor's full screen mode. When enabled the Editor is fixed ontop of the screen and takes the whole body size.
  • exportData - exports the content of the Editor to a file. The methods takes one argument - the expected file format, for example: 'md', 'txt', 'pdf'.
  • print - prepares the Editor's content for printing by opening the browser's print preview. In markdown mode, the markdown preview is prepared for printing.
  • executeCommand - executes a command by calling the native execCommand() method affecting the current content selection or inserts content. Supports all native execCommand actions, such as:

    Name Description Example
    foreColor Changes the text color for the selection at the insertion point. Requires a color to be passed as a string agrument to the method.
    editor.executeCommand('foreColor', '#000000');
    hiliteColor Changes the background color for the selection at the insertion point. Requires a color to be passed as a string agrument to the method.
    editor.executeCommand('hiliteColor', '#000000');
    bold Toggles bold formatting on/off for the current selection.
    italic Toggles italic formatting on/off for the current selection.
    underline Toggles underline formatting on/off for the current selection.
    copy Copies the current selection to the Clipboard. The behavior of this action varies from one browser to another.
    cut Removes the current selection and copies it to the Clipboard. The behavior of this action varies from one browser to another.
    createLink Inserts a hyperlink at the current cursor position.
    editor.executeCommand('createlink', '');
    delete Deletes the current selection.
    fontSize Changes the font size of the current selection or the insertion point. Requires an integer from 1 to 7 as a value argument.
    editor.executeCommand('fontSize', 2);
    fontName Changes the font name of the current selection or the insertion point. Requires an font name to be passed as a value argument.
    editor.executeCommand('fontName', 'Arial');
    formatBlock Adds an HTML block level element around the line containing the current selection. Requires a node name string to be passed as a value argument.
    editor.executeCommand('formatBlock', 'code');
    heading Adds a heading element around the current selection or insertion point line. Requires a heading node name string to be passed as the value argument.
    editor.executeCommand('heading', 'h6');
    indent Indents the current selection or insertion point line.
    outdent Outdents the current selection or insertion point line.
    insertOrderedList Creates a numbered ordered list for the selection or the insertion point.
    insertUnorderedList Creates a billeted unordered list for the selection or the insertion point.
    insertText Inserts plain text at the current selection or cursor position while deleteing the selection ( if any).
    editor.executeCommand('insertText', 'Plain Text inserted');
    insertHorizontalRule Inserts a <hr> element at the insertion point or replaces the current selection.
    justifyLeft Justifies the selection or insertion point to the left.
    justifyCenter Justifies the selection or insertion point to the center.
    justifyRight Justifies the selection or insertion point to the right.
    removeFormat Removes the formatting of the current selection.