Smart.DropDownList - Load data on demand when scrolling
Load on demand when scrolling means that the DropDownList loads its Items when you open the DropDown for the first time, when you type any text in the input and when the vertical scrollbar reaches the bottom of the DropDownList. To setup the feature, you need to set the following properties:dataSource
, autoComplete
. The dataSource
property should be set to a function with two arguments - query and callback function.
The query argument is used to fetch data. On success, you need to call the callback function and pass the returned data.
The autoComplete
property should be set to any of the supported auto complete modes. For example: 'inline'.
The minLength
property determines the minimum length of characters to call the dataSource
// prepare the items. let items = []; for (let i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { items.push('item' + i); } // setup the dropdownlist properties. list is an instance of the Dropdownlist and its "virtualized" property is set to true in the HTML markup as a tag attribute. list.itemHeight = 30; // load the first 150 items. list.dataSource = items.slice(0, 150); let scrollBottomReached = 0; // subscribe to the scroll bottom reached. list.addEventListener('scrollBottomReached', () => { // load the next 150 items. const start = 150 * scrollBottomReached; scrollBottomReached++; const end = 150 * scrollBottomReached; const newItems = items.slice(start, end) list.add(newItems); })Example with Remote Data
<smart-drop-down-list filterable auto-complete="inline" min-length="1" selection-mode="zeroOrOne"></smart-drop-down-list>For a demo source, we use a file, called customers.json and use alasql to query it.
list.dataSource = (filterQuery, callback) => { list.scrollBottomIndex = 0; if (!window.DemoServer) { fetch('').then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { window.demoServer = DemoServer(data); const result = window.demoServer.getData({ query: filterQuery, offset: list.scrollBottomIndex }); callback( => item.CompanyName)); }); } else { setTimeout(() => { const result = window.demoServer.getData({ query: filterQuery, offset: list.scrollBottomIndex }); callback( => item.CompanyName)); }, 100); } } // add items when the scroll bottom is reached. list.onScrollBottomReached = () => { // add offset when the bottom is reached so we can query the items with an offset from the start. list.scrollBottomIndex++; const result = window.demoServer.getData({ query: '', offset: list.scrollBottomIndex }); const items = => item.CompanyName); // add items here. list.add(items); }Here is how we setup the DemoServer
// In this sample, we use to show how to use SQL queries with Smart.Grid export function DemoServer(allData) { window.alasql.options.cache = false; return { getData: function (request) { const queryResult = executeSql(request); return { data:, length: queryResult.length }; }, }; function executeSql(detail) { // use the filter query and scroll offset to get the list of items. const sql = 'SELECT * FROM ? WHERE CompanyName LIKE "%' + detail.query + '%" LIMIT 10 OFFSET ' + (10 * detail.offset); const result = window.alasql(sql, [allData]); return { data: result, length: length }; } }