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Check Box - CSS API Reference
All Common CSS variables:
Specific CSS variables for Check Box styling:
- --smart-check-box-default-size: Default size for the check box used in smartCheckBox and smartListItem.
The following CSS selectors can be used to style CheckBox:
smart-check-box - the element itself. Can be used to set width and height for the whole element.
.smart-container - the container that holds all of the internals of the element. Shoudn't be used for styling.
- .smart-overlay - an overlay that can be used control the wave size of the ripple effect of the animation.
- .smart-input - an HTML Span element used as the check box input.
- .smart-label - an HTML Span element used as a label for the check box.
- INPUT element - an HTML Input element used when submiting forms when a value is applied to the element.
.smart-container - the container that holds all of the internals of the element. Shoudn't be used for styling.
<style> #chekcbox{ --smart-check-box-font-family: Arial; --smart-check-box-font-size: 20px; } </style>