Blazor - Get Started with Smart.Pager
Setup The Project
Follow the Getting Started guide to set up your Blazor Application with Smart UI.
Setup Basic Pager
Smart.Pager is a custom navigation control component, typically used to navigate between pages or grids and tables.
- Add the Pager component to the Pages/Index.razor file
determines the total number of pages, whilePageIndexSelectors
- how many of them are visible at once<Pager PagesCount=20 PageIndexSelectors=10 ShowPageIndexSelectors></Pager>
- Enabling
allows users to navigate content more easily<Pager ShowPrevNextNavigationButtons AutoEllipsis="PagerAutoEllipsis.Both" PagesCount=20 PageIndexSelectors=10 ShowPageIndexSelectors></Pager>
changes the navigation buttons from icons to labeled buttons<Pager ShowPrevNextNavigationButtons AutoEllipsis="PagerAutoEllipsis.Both" ShowNavigationButtonLabels PagesCount=20 PageIndexSelectors=10 ShowPageIndexSelectors></Pager>
give additional navigation options to the user<Pager ShowPrevNextNavigationButtons AutoEllipsis="PagerAutoEllipsis.Both" ShowNavigationButtonLabels ShowNavigationInput ShowSummary ShowPageSizeSelector PagesCount=100 PageIndexSelectors=10 ShowPageIndexSelectors></Pager>
Pager Events
Smart.Pager provides multiple events that can help you expand the component's functionality.
- triggered when user selects a new item
Event Details
: N/AOnPageSizeChanged
- triggered when page size is changed
Event Details
: N/A
The demo below uses the OnChange
Event to change the content to the appropriate page:
<h3>@(pagesArr[index])</h3> <Pager @ref="@pager" ShowPrevNextNavigationButtons AutoEllipsis="PagerAutoEllipsis.Both" ShowNavigationButtonLabels ShowPageIndexSelectors PagesCount=20 PageIndexSelectors=10 OnChange="OnChange" ></Pager> @code{ Pager pager; string[] pagesArr = new string[]{"Page 1", "Page 2", "Page 3", "Page 4", "Page 5!"}; int index = 0; private void OnChange(Event ev){ index = pager.PageIndex; } }