Blazor - Get Started with MaskedTextBox

Blazor - Get Started with Smart.MaskedTextBox

Setup The Project

Follow the Getting Started guide to set up your Blazor Application with Smart UI.

Setup Basic MaskedTextBox

Smart.MaskedTextBox is a custom input element that allows using a mask to distinguish between proper and improper user input.

The list of avaible options is set using the DataSource property.

  1. Add the MaskedTextBox component to the Pages/Index.razor file
  2. Create a new custom mask, using the # as a prompt character.
    The prompt character can be modified with the PromptChar property:
    <MaskedTextBox Label="Phone number" Mask="+1 (###) ### - ####"></MaskedTextBox>
  3. Default value can be set using the Value property:
    <MaskedTextBox Label="Phone number" Mask="+1 (###) ### - ####" Value="12314567890"></MaskedTextBox>
Basic mask input

Copy & Paste

The behaviour when cutting or copying the value of the input can be customized with the CutCopyMaskFormat property:

<MaskedTextBox Label="Phone number" Mask="+1 (###) ### - ####" CutCopyMaskFormat="MaskedTextBoxCutCopyMaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals"></MaskedTextBox>
Copy mask

Overwrite Mode

The input can be set to Overwrite mode, which enables users to overwrite the input value, without deleting the value first.

<MaskedTextBox Label="Phone number" Mask="+1 (###) ### - ####" IsOverwriteMode="true"></MaskedTextBox>
Masked input overwrite

MaskInput Events

Smart.MaskInput provides multiple events that can help you expand the component's functionality.
Each event object has unique event.detail parameters.

  • OnChange - triggered when the value of the Text Box is changed.
    Event Details: dynamic oldValue, dynamic value
  • OnChanging - triggered on each key up event of the MaskedTextBox, if the value is changed.
    Event Details: dynamic oldValue, dynamic value
  • OnValidation - triggered if the validation property is set. Indicates whether valiation has passed successfully or not.
    Event Details: dynamic success

The demo below uses the OnChange Event to display the valu of the input field:

<h3 style="min-height:40px">@value</h3>
<MaskedTextBox Label="Phone number" Mask="+1 (###) ### - ####" IsOverwriteMode="false"
  CutCopyMaskFormat="MaskedTextBoxCutCopyMaskFormat.IncludePromptAndLiterals" OnChanging="OnChanging"></MaskedTextBox>

@code {
    public string value;
    private void OnChanging(Event ev){
            MaskedTextBoxChangingEventDetail detail = ev["Detail"];
            value = detail.Value;
Masked TextBox OnChanging event

Two-way Value Binding

The MaskedTextBox component also supports two-way value binding. When a change in the value occurs, it is automatically reflected in the variable:

<Input @bind-Value = "@textValue"></Input>

    string textValue = "";
Masked TextBox binding