Name | Type | Default | Description |
AllowColumnReorder | bool | false | Enables or disables column reordering. When this property is set to true and allowDrag is enabled, users will be able to reoder columns through drag & drop. For example: Click and drag the first column's header and drop it over another column. |
AllowColumnEdit | bool | false | Enables or disables column editing. When this property is set to true, users will be able to dynamically change the column's header label by double clicking on it. |
AllowColumnRemove | bool | false | Enables or disables column removing. When this property is set to true, users will be able to dynamically remove a column through the column actions menu. the 'columnActions' property should be true. |
AllowColumnHide | bool | false | Enables or disables column hiding. When this property is set to true, users will be able to dynamically hide a column through the column actions menu. the 'columnActions' property should be true. |
AddNewButton | bool | false | Toggles the visibility of the column buttons for adding tasks. A particular button can be disabled by setting addNewButton in the column's definition to false. |
AddNewButtonDisplayMode | KanbanAddNewButtonDisplayMode | KanbanAddNewButtonDisplayMode.Both | Determines whether the add button is visible in the column header and/or after the tasks in the column. |
AddNewColumn | bool | false | Sets or gets whether a column with a button for adding new status columns to the Kanban will be displayed. |
AllowDrag | bool | true | Allows the dragging of tasks. |
AllowDrop | bool | true | Allows the dropping of tasks. |
AutoLoadState | bool | true | Enables or disables auto load state from the browser's localStorage. Information about tasks and their position and selected state, filtering, sorting, collapsed columns, as well as the values of the properties taskActions, taskComments, taskDue, taskPriority, taskProgress, taskTags, and taskUserIcon is loaded. |
AutoSaveState | bool | false | Enables or disables auto save state to the browser's localStorage. Information about tasks and their position and selected state, filtering, sorting, collapsed columns, as well as the values of the properties taskActions, taskComments, taskDue, taskPriority, taskProgress, taskTags, and taskUserIcon is saved. |
Collapsible | bool | false | Allows collapsing the card content. |
ColumnColors | bool | false | Displays colors in the column header, when the column's color property is set. |
Columns | IEnumerable<IKanbanColumn> | N/A | Describes the columns properties. |
ColumnActions | bool | false | Toggles the visibility of the column actions icon. |
ColumnSummary | bool | false | Determines whether task count information is displayed in column headers. |
ColumnHeaderTemplate | object | N/A | Determines whether a column header has a template. You can pass 'string', 'function' or HTMLTemplateElement as a value. |
ColumnEditMode | KanbanColumnEditMode | KanbanColumnEditMode.HeaderAndMenu | Determines the column edit behavior. With the 'header' option, edit starts on double click on the column's label. In 'menu' mode, edit is allowed from the 'columnActions' menu. In 'headerAndMenu' option, column editing includes both options. |
CurrentUser | object | | Sets or gets the id of the current user. Has to correspond to the id of an item from the users property/array. Depending on the current user, different privileges are enabled. If no current user is set, privileges depend on the element's properties. |
DataSource | object | N/A | Determines the data source to be visualized in the kanban board. |
DataSourceMap | object | { checklist: 'checklist', color: 'color', comments: 'comments', dueDate: 'dueDate', id: 'id', priority: 'priority', progress: 'progress', startDate: 'startDate', status: 'status', swimlane: 'swimlane', tags: 'tags', text: 'text', userId: 'userId'. createdUserId: 'createdUserId', createdDate: 'createdDate', updatedUserId: 'updatedUserId', updatedDate: 'updatedDate' } | Determines the the relation (mapping) between the Kanban's default fields (keywords) and the data fields from the data source. Not necessary if both match. Only some of the default mapping can be overwritten. |
DragOffset | bool | auto | Determines the offset of the drag feedback element from the mouse cursor when dragging tasks. The first member of the array is the horizontal offset and the second one - the vertical offset. If set to 'auto', the offset is based on the mouse position when the dragging started. |
Editable | bool | false | Sets or gets whether tasks can be edited (including the assigning of users to tasks). |
FormatStringDate | string | "d" | Sets or gets the format string of the "Due date" label and the "Start date" and "Due date" editors. |
FormatStringTime | string | "MMM d, HH:mm" | Sets or gets the format string of comments time stamp. |
HeaderPosition | KanbanHeaderPosition | KanbanHeaderPosition.None | Sets or gets the header position. The header contains the Customize, Filter, Sort, and Search buttons. |
Hierarchy | KanbanHierarchy | KanbanHierarchy.Columns | Sets or gets the way column hierarchy is represented. |
Locale | string | "en" | Sets or gets the locale. Used in conjunction with the property messages. |
Messages | object | N/A | Sets or gets an object specifying strings used in the widget that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale. |
SelectionMode | KanbanSelectionMode | KanbanSelectionMode.ZeroOrOne | Determines selection mode. |
StoreHistory | bool | false | Sets or gets whether the tasks history will be stored and displayed in the task dialog. |
StoreHistoryItems | int | 20 | Sets or gets the task history items that will be stored when storeHistory is enabled. |
RightToLeft | bool | false | Sets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. |
Swimlanes | IEnumerable<IKanbanSwimlane> | N/A | Describes the swimlanes in the kanban board. Sub-columns are not applicable when swimlanes are present. |
SwimlanesFrom | int | 0 | Sets or gets the index of the column at which to start the swimlanes. |
SwimlanesTo | int | N/A | Sets or gets the index of the column at which to end the swimlanes. By default, swimlanes end at the last column. |
Tags | IEnumerable<object> | N/A | Sets or gets the allowed tags. If no tags are listed, all tags from the data source are allowed. |
TaskActions | bool | false | Toggles the visibility of the task actions icon. |
TaskComments | bool | false | Toggles the visibility of the task comments icon. |
TaskDue | bool | false | Toggles the visibility of the task due icon. |
TaskPosition | KanbanTaskPosition | KanbanTaskPosition.False | Sets or gets whether tasks can be shown in all levels of column hierarchy or only on leaf columns. |
TaskPriority | bool | true | Toggles the visibility of the task priority icon (shown when priority is low or high). |
TaskProgress | bool | false | Toggles the visibility of task progress bar and the completed sub-tasks label. |
TaskCustomFields | IEnumerable<object> | N/A | Sets the task custom fields displayed in the card. Each array item should have 'dataField', 'label' 'dataType' and optionally 'visible' properties. The 'dataField' determines the value, the label is displayed as title, 'dataType' is used for formatting and 'visible' determines whether the field will be displayed. |
TaskColorEntireSurface | bool | false | The task's background color depends on the task's color property. By default the color is rendered within the task's left border. |
TaskSubTasksInput | bool | true | Displays an input in the task's card for adding dynamically a sub task. The 'taskSubTasks' property should be set to a value different than 'none'. |
TaskSubTasks | KanbanTaskSubTasks | KanbanTaskSubTasks.None | Sets the rendering mode of sub tasks. 'none' - default value. Sub tasks are displayed only in the edit dialog. 'onePerRow' - all sub tasks are displayed in the task's card. 'onlyUnfinished' - only tasks which are not completed are displayed in the task's card. |
TaskTags | bool | true | Toggles the visibility of task tags. |
TaskUserIcon | bool | true | Toggles the visibility of the task user icon. |
TextTemplate | object | N/A | Sets or gets a template to be applied to task text. Can be a string beginning with # and referencing the id of a template element on the page. Can also be a function that modifies the task text or the template itself. Finally, it can also be a string that will be parsed. |
Theme | string | "" | Determines the theme. Theme defines the look of the element |
PriorityList | bool | false | Determines whether the priority list (as defined by the priority property) will be shown when clicking the priority icon. Only applicable if editable privileges are enabled. |
Priority | IEnumerable<IKanbanPriority> | N/A | Determines the priority Kanban tasks can be assigned to. Example: [{label: 'low', value: 'low'}, {label: 'high', value: 'high'}] |
UserList | bool | false | Determines whether the user list (as defined by the users property) will be shown when clicking the user icon. Only applicable if editable privileges are enabled. |
Users | IEnumerable<IKanbanUser> | N/A | Determines the users Kanban tasks can be assigned to and their characteristics and privileges. |
Name | Type | Arguments | Description |
AddColumn | void | object data | Adds a column to a Kanban. If no data is specified, an empty column is added.Args: object data - An object containing the new column's data |
AddColumn | void | N/A | Adds a column to a Kanban. If no data is specified, an empty column is added. |
AddFilter | void | string[] filters, string operatorArg | Adds filteringArgs: string[] filters - Filter information,string operator - Logical operator between the filters of different fields |
AddFilter | void | string[] filters | Adds filtering |
AddSort | void | IEnumerable<object> dataFields, IEnumerable<object> orderBy | Adds sortingArgs: string dataFields - The data field(s) to sort by,IEnumerable<object> orderBy - The sort direction(s) to sort the data field(s) by |
AddSort | void | string dataFields, string orderBy | Adds sortingArgs: string dataFields - The data field(s) to sort by,string orderBy - The sort direction(s) to sort the data field(s) by |
AddTask | void | object data | Adds a task to a Kanban column. If no data is specified, an empty task is added to the first column.Args: object data - An object containing the new task's data |
AddTask | void | N/A | Adds a task to a Kanban column. If no data is specified, an empty task is added to the first column. |
BeginEdit | void | object task | Begins an edit operationArgs: object task - The task's id or corresponding HTMLElement |
CancelEdit | void | N/A | Ends the current edit operation and discards changes |
ClearSelection | void | N/A | Clears the Kanban's selection. |
ClosePanel | void | N/A | Closes any open header panel (drop down) |
Collapse | void | object column | Collapses a Kanban column.Args: object column - The index or dataField of the column to collapse |
Collapse | void | int column | Collapses a Kanban column.Args: int column - The index or dataField of the column to collapse |
Collapse | void | string column | Collapses a Kanban column.Args: string column - The index or dataField of the column to collapse |
CopyTask | void | object task | Creates a copy of a task in the same column.Args: object task - The task's id or corresponding HTMLElement |
EndEdit | void | N/A | Ends the current edit operation and saves changes |
EnsureVisible | object | object task | Makes sure a task is visible by scrolling to it. If succcessful, the method returns the HTML element of the task.Args: object task - The task's id or corresponding HTMLElement |
Expand | void | object column | Expands a Kanban column.Args: object column - The index or dataField of the column to expand |
Expand | void | int column | Expands a Kanban column.Args: int column - The index or dataField of the column to expand |
Expand | void | string column | Expands a Kanban column.Args: string column - The index or dataField of the column to expand |
ExpandAll | void | N/A | Expands all Kanban columns. |
ExportData | object | string dataFormat, string fileName, Action<object> callback | Exports the Kanban's data.Args: string dataFormat - The file format to export to. Supported formats: 'csv', 'html', 'json', 'pdf', 'tsv', 'xlsx', 'xml'.,string fileName - The name of the file to export to,Action<object> callback - A callback function to pass the exported data to (if fileName is not provided) |
ExportData | object | string dataFormat, string fileName | Exports the Kanban's data. |
GetColumn | object | string dataField | Gets the data of a column. The returned value is a JSON object with the following fields: 'label', 'dataField', 'collapsed', 'collapsible', 'allowRemove', 'editable', 'reorder', 'orientation'.Args: string dataField - The column's data field |
GetDataSourceAsync() | Task<IEnumerable<object>> | 'N/A' | Gets the "DataSource" property as Task<IEnumerable<object>>. |
GetIsCollapsedAsync() | Task<bool> | 'N/A' | Gets the "IsCollapsed" property as Task<bool>. |
GetSelectedAsync() | Task<bool> | 'N/A' | Gets the "Selected" property as Task<bool>. |
GetSelectedTasks | object | int id | Gets the selected ids. The returned value is an array. Each item in the array is the 'id' of a selected task.Args: string id - The task's id |
GetState | IEnumerable<object> | N/A | Gets the Kanban's state. |
GetTask | object | int id | Gets the data of a task. The returned value is a JSON object with the following fields: 'checklist', 'id', 'color', 'comments', 'history', 'dueDate', 'startDate', 'priority', 'progress', 'status', 'swimlane', 'tags', 'text', 'description', 'userId', 'createdUserId', 'createdDate', 'updatedUserId', 'updatedDate'Args: string id - The task's id |
GetValueAsync() | Task<string> | 'N/A' | Gets the "Value" property as Task<string>. |
Hide | void | object column | Hides a Kanban column.Args: object column - The index or dataField of the column to hide |
Hide | void | int column | Hides a Kanban column.Args: int column - The index or dataField of the column to hide |
Hide | void | string column | Hides a Kanban column.Args: string column - The index or dataField of the column to hide |
LoadState | void | IEnumerable<object> state | Loads the Kanban's state.Args: IEnumerable<object> state - An object returned by one of the methods getState or saveState. If not passed, gets saved state from the browser's localStorage. |
LoadState | void | N/A | Loads the Kanban's state. |
MoveTask | void | object task, string newStatus | Moves a task to a different column.Args: object task - The task's id or corresponding HTMLElement,string newStatus - The new status of the task (its new column's dataField) |
OpenCustomizePanel | void | N/A | Opens the "Customize tasks" header panel (drop down) |
OpenFilterPanel | void | N/A | Opens the "Filter" header panel (drop down) |
OpenSortPanel | void | N/A | Opens the "Sort" header panel (drop down) |
Refresh | void | 'N/A' | Refreshes the Blazor Component. Performs a layout of the HTML Elements and recalculates the measurements. |
RemoveColumn | void | string dataField | Removes a column.Args: string dataField - The column's data field |
RemoveFilter | void | N/A | Removes filtering |
RemoveSort | void | N/A | Removes sorting |
RemoveTask | void | object task, bool prompt | Removes a task.Args: object task - The task's id or corresponding HTMLElement,bool prompt - Whether or not to prompt the user before removing the task |
RemoveTask | void | object task | Removes a task. |
Render | void | 'N/A' | Re-renders the Blazor Component. This method will make a full re-render. |
SaveState | void | N/A | Saves the Kanban's state to the browser's localStorage. |
SelectTask | void | object task | Selects a task.Args: object task - The task's id. |
SelectTask | void | int task | Selects a task.Args: int task - The task's id. |
SelectTask | void | string task | Selects a task.Args: string task - The task's id. |
Show | void | object column | Shows a Kanban column.Args: object column - The index or dataField of the column to show |
Show | void | int column | Shows a Kanban column.Args: int column - The index or dataField of the column to show |
Show | void | string column | Shows a Kanban column.Args: string column - The index or dataField of the column to show |
ShowAllColumns | void | N/A | Shows all Kanban columns. |
StateHasChanged | void | 'N/A' | Refreshes the state and Re-renders the Blazor Component, if necessary. |
UnselectTask | void | object task | Unselects a task.Args: object task - The task's id. |
UnselectTask | void | int task | Unselects a task.Args: int task - The task's id. |
UnselectTask | void | string task | Unselects a task.Args: string task - The task's id. |
UpdateColumn | void | string dataField, object newData | Updates a column.Args: string dataField - The new column's data field,object newData - The new data to visualize in the column. |
UpdateTask | void | object task, object newData | Updates a task.Args: object task - The task's id or corresponding HTMLElement,object newData - The new data to visualize in the task. |
Name | Type | Description | Event Detail |
OnChange | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a task has been updated. | dynamic oldValue- The old data of the task, dynamic task- The HTML element of the task whose data has been changed, dynamic value- The new data of the task |
Changed | event KanbanChangedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a task has been updated. | KanbanChangedEventArgs |
OnClose | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when the edit/prompt dialog is closed. | N/A |
Closed | event KanbanClosedEventHandler | This event is triggered when the edit/prompt dialog is closed. | KanbanClosedEventArgs |
OnClosing | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when the edit/prompt dialog is about to be closed. The closing operation can be canceled by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function. | N/A |
Closing | event KanbanClosingEventHandler | This event is triggered when the edit/prompt dialog is about to be closed. The closing operation can be canceled by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function. | KanbanClosingEventArgs |
OnColumnAdd | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a column is added. | string label- The column label., string dataField- The column data field., dynamic collapsed- The column's collapsed state. |
ColumnAdded | event KanbanColumnAddedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a column is added. | KanbanColumnAddedEventArgs |
OnColumnRemove | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a column is removed. | string label- The column label., string dataField- The column data field., dynamic collapsed- The column's collapsed state. |
ColumnRemoved | event KanbanColumnRemovedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a column is removed. | KanbanColumnRemovedEventArgs |
OnColumnReorder | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a column is reordered. | dynamic oldIndex- The column's old index., int index- The column's new index., dynamic column- The column's data object with 'label', 'dataField' and 'collapsed' fields. |
ColumnReordered | event KanbanColumnReorderedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a column is reordered. | KanbanColumnReorderedEventArgs |
OnColumnUpdate | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a column is updated. | dynamic oldValue- The column's old label., dynamic value- The column's new label., dynamic column- The column's data object with 'label', 'dataField' and 'collapsed' fields. |
ColumnUpdated | event KanbanColumnUpdatedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a column is updated. | KanbanColumnUpdatedEventArgs |
OnColumnClick | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a column header is clicked. | string label- The column label., string dataField- The column data field., dynamic collapsed- The column's collapsed state. |
ColumnClicked | event KanbanColumnClickedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a column header is clicked. | KanbanColumnClickedEventArgs |
OnColumnDoubleClick | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a column header is double clicked. | string label- The column label., string dataField- The column data field., dynamic collapsed- The column's collapsed state. |
ColumnDoubleClicked | event KanbanColumnDoubleClickedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a column header is double clicked. | KanbanColumnDoubleClickedEventArgs |
OnColumnShow | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a column is shown by using the column's action menu or the Kanban's 'show' method. | string label- The column label., string dataField- The column data field. |
ColumnShowed | event KanbanColumnShowedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a column is shown by using the column's action menu or the Kanban's 'show' method. | KanbanColumnShowedEventArgs |
OnColumnHide | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a column is hidden by using the column's action menu or the Kanban's 'hide' method. | string label- The column label., string dataField- The column data field. |
ColumnHided | event KanbanColumnHidedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a column is hidden by using the column's action menu or the Kanban's 'hide' method. | KanbanColumnHidedEventArgs |
OnColumnCollapse | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a column is collapsed by using the column's action menu or the Kanban's 'collapse' method. | string label- The column label., string dataField- The column data field. |
ColumnCollapsed | event KanbanColumnCollapsedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a column is collapsed by using the column's action menu or the Kanban's 'collapse' method. | KanbanColumnCollapsedEventArgs |
OnColumnExpand | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a column is expanded by using the column's action menu or the Kanban's 'expand' method. | string label- The column label., string dataField- The column data field. |
ColumnExpanded | event KanbanColumnExpandedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a column is expanded by using the column's action menu or the Kanban's 'expand' method. | KanbanColumnExpandedEventArgs |
OnCommentAdd | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a comment is added to the Kanban Task. | string id- The task's id., dynamic value- The comment object. It has 'text: string, time: Date and userId:number' properties. |
CommentAdded | event KanbanCommentAddedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a comment is added to the Kanban Task. | KanbanCommentAddedEventArgs |
OnCommentRemove | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a comment is removed from the Kanban Task. | string id- The task's id., dynamic value- The comment object. It has 'text: string, time: Date and userId:number' properties. |
CommentRemoved | event KanbanCommentRemovedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a comment is removed from the Kanban Task. | KanbanCommentRemovedEventArgs |
OnCommentUpdate | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a comment is updated in the Kanban Task. | string id- The task's id., dynamic value- The comment object. It has 'text: string, time: Date and userId:number' properties. |
CommentUpdated | event KanbanCommentUpdatedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a comment is updated in the Kanban Task. | KanbanCommentUpdatedEventArgs |
OnDragEnd | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a task is dropped somewhere in the DOM. The dragging operation can be canceled by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function. | dynamic container- the Kanban the dragged task(s) is dropped to, dynamic data- an object with additional drag details, dynamic item- the task that is dragged; if multiple tasks are dragged, this is the task that has been clicked when initiating the drag operation, dynamic items- an array with all dragged tasks, dynamic originalEvent- the original, browser, event that initiates the drag operation, dynamic previousContainer- the Kanban the dragged item(s) is dragged from, dynamic target- the element the dragged tasks are dropped to |
DragEnded | event KanbanDragEndedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a task is dropped somewhere in the DOM. The dragging operation can be canceled by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function. | KanbanDragEndedEventArgs |
OnDragging | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when the user is dragging a task. | dynamic data- an object with additional drag details, dynamic item- the task that is dragged; if multiple tasks are dragged, this is the task that has been clicked when initiating the drag operation, dynamic items- an array with all dragged tasks, dynamic originalEvent- the original, browser, event that initiates the drag operation |
Dragging | event KanbanDraggingEventHandler | This event is triggered when the user is dragging a task. | KanbanDraggingEventArgs |
OnDragStart | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when the user starts dragging task(s). The dragging operation can be canceled by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function. | dynamic container- the Kanban the dragged task(s) is dragged from, dynamic data- an object with additional drag details, dynamic item- the task that is dragged; if multiple tasks are dragged, this is the task that has been clicked when initiating the drag operation, dynamic items- an array with all dragged tasks, dynamic originalEvent- the original, browser, event that initiates the drag operation, dynamic previousContainer- the Kanban the dragged item(s) is dragged from |
DragStarted | event KanbanDragStartedEventHandler | This event is triggered when the user starts dragging task(s). The dragging operation can be canceled by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function. | KanbanDragStartedEventArgs |
OnFilter | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a filter has been applied. | N/A |
Filtered | event KanbanFilteredEventHandler | This event is triggered when a filter has been applied. | KanbanFilteredEventArgs |
OnOpen | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when the edit/prompt dialog is opened. | N/A |
Opened | event KanbanOpenedEventHandler | This event is triggered when the edit/prompt dialog is opened. | KanbanOpenedEventArgs |
OnOpening | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when the edit/prompt dialog is about to be opened. The opening operation can be canceled by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function. | dynamic comment- The comment that is about to be removed (if applicable)., dynamic purpose- The purpose of the dialog to be opened - "'edit'" or "'prompt'"., dynamic task- The task that is about to be edited or removed (if applicable). |
Opening | event KanbanOpeningEventHandler | This event is triggered when the edit/prompt dialog is about to be opened. The opening operation can be canceled by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function. | KanbanOpeningEventArgs |
OnSort | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when sorting has been applied. | N/A |
Sorted | event KanbanSortedEventHandler | This event is triggered when sorting has been applied. | KanbanSortedEventArgs |
OnTaskAdd | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a new task is added. | dynamic value- The task data that is added to the Kanban., string id- The task data id. |
TaskAdded | event KanbanTaskAddedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a new task is added. | KanbanTaskAddedEventArgs |
OnTaskRemove | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a task is removed. | dynamic value- The task data that is removed from the Kanban., string id- The task data id. |
TaskRemoved | event KanbanTaskRemovedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a task is removed. | KanbanTaskRemovedEventArgs |
OnTaskUpdate | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a task is updated. | dynamic value- The task data that is updated., dynamic oldValue- The update task's old data., string id- The task data id. |
TaskUpdated | event KanbanTaskUpdatedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a task is updated. | KanbanTaskUpdatedEventArgs |
OnTaskClick | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a task is clicked. | dynamic value- The task data., string id- The task data id. |
TaskClicked | event KanbanTaskClickedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a task is clicked. | KanbanTaskClickedEventArgs |
OnTaskDoubleClick | EventCallback<Event> | This event is triggered when a task is double clicked. | dynamic value- The task data., string id- The task data id. |
TaskDoubleClicked | event KanbanTaskDoubleClickedEventHandler | This event is triggered when a task is double clicked. | KanbanTaskDoubleClickedEventArgs |