Blazor - Get Started

Blazor - Get Started with Smart.Kanban

Setup The Project

Follow the Getting Started guide to set up your Blazor Application with Smart UI.

Setup Basic Kanban

  1. Add the Kanban component to the Pages/Index.razor file. Then set its Columns and DataSource property.
                <Kanban Columns="@columns" DataSource="@cards"></Kanban>
  2. In the @code block declare the columns you want to use in the Kanban.
  3.           @code{
                List<KanbanColumn> columns = new List<KanbanColumn>()
                      new KanbanColumn()
                          DataField = "ToDo",
                          Label = "To do",
                      new KanbanColumn()
                          DataField = "InProgress",
                          Label = "In progress"
                      new KanbanColumn()
                          DataField = "Testing",
                          Label = "Testing"
                      new KanbanColumn()
                          DataField = "Done",
                          Label = "Done"
  4. Then create an example list of tasks.
    Use the status property to set the default column or sub-column of the card.
    It is also possible to set the priority property to either "low", "normal" or "high".
                IEnumerable<dynamic> cards = new[]{ 
                  new{id=1, text="Editing", status="ToDo", priority="high"},
                  new{id=1, text="Header", status="ToDo", priority="normal"},
                  new{id=1, text="Dragging with feedback", status="ToDo", priority="low"},
                  new{id=1, text="Vertical virtualization", status="ToDo", priority="high"},
                  new{id=1, text="Observable columns array", status="ToDo", priority="normal"},
                  new{id=1, text="Infinite scrolling", status="InProgress", priority="high"},
                  new{id=1, text="Visible/hidden columns", status="InProgress", priority="low"},
                  new{id=1, text="Public methods", status="InProgress", priority="high"},
                  new{id=1, text="Expand/collapse arrow", status="Testing", priority="low"},
                  new{id=1, text="Virtual scrolling", status="Testing", priority="high"},
                  new{id=1, text="Deferred scrolling", status="Testing", priority="normal"},
                  new{id=1, text="Research", status="Done", priority="normal"},
                  new{id=1, text="Displaying data from data source", status="Done", priority="normal"},
                  new{id=1, text="Showing cover and title", status="Done", priority="normal"},
                  new{id=1, text="Property validation", status="Done", priority="normal"},
                  new{id=1, text="formatFunction and formatSettings", status="Done", priority="normal"},
    Basic Kanban

    By default, you can Drag & Drop Cards into the different columns.

    Dragging a card

Card Progress

Smart.Kanban allows you to set the progress value of individual tasks on a scale of 0 - 100.
In the component, set the TaskProgress property. Then modify the DataSource array to include progress values.

        <Kanban  Columns="@columns" dataSource="@cards" TaskProgress="true"></Kanban>

          IEnumerable<dynamic> cards = new[]{ 
            new{id=1, text="Editing", status="ToDo", priority="high", progress=5,},
            new{id=1, text="Header", status="ToDo", priority="normal", progress=10},
            new{id=1, text="Dragging with feedback", status="ToDo", priority="low", progress=30},
            new{id=1, text="Vertical virtualization", status="ToDo", priority="high", progress=15},
            new{id=1, text="Observable columns array", status="ToDo", priority="normal", progress=20},
            new{id=1, text="Infinite scrolling", status="InProgress", priority="high", progress=45},
            new{id=1, text="Visible/hidden columns", status="InProgress", priority="low", progress=60},
            new{id=1, text="Public methods", status="InProgress", priority="high", progress=20},
            new{id=1, text="Expand/collapse arrow", status="Testing", priority="low", progress=85},
            new{id=1, text="Virtual scrolling", status="Testing", priority="high", progress=70},
            new{id=1, text="Deferred scrolling", status="Testing", priority="normal", progress=90},
            new{id=1, text="Research", status="Done", priority="normal", progress=100},
            new{id=1, text="Displaying data from data source", status="Done", priority="normal", progress=100},
            new{id=1, text="Showing cover and title", status="Done", priority="normal", progress=100},
            new{id=1, text="Property validation", status="Done", priority="normal", progress=100},
            new{id=1, text="formatFunction and formatSettings", status="Done", priority="normal", progress=100},

Task with progress

Adding and Editing Tasks

Smart.Kanban has built-in easy-to-use modal menus, which allow the users to create and edit tasks.
To allow Editing, set the Editable property to true.
To create a button, which creates new tasks, set the AddNewButton property to true.

          <Kanban  Columns="@columns" dataSource="@cards" TaskProgress="true"
          Editable="true" AddNewButton="true"></Kanban>
Modal View

Kanban Filter & Sort

The Kanban Header allows you to easily Customize, Filter, Sort and Search the cards in a variety of ways.
In the @code block set the position of the Header and then set the HeaderPosition of the Kanban.

        <Kanban  Columns="@columns" dataSource="@cards" TaskProgress="true" Editable="true"
        AddNewButton="true" HeaderPosition="@headerPosition"></Kanban>

          KanbanHeaderPosition headerPosition = KanbanHeaderPosition.Top;

Kanban Swimlanes

The Kanban Swimlanes separate different type of work activities and classes of service.
You may have as many swimlanes as you want in order to organize your tasks. Declare the swimlanes you want to use.

        <Kanban  Columns="@columns" dataSource="@cards" TaskProgress="true" Editable="true"
        AddNewButton="true" HeaderPosition="@headerPosition" Swimlanes="@swimlanes"></Kanban>

          List <KanbanSwimlane> swimlanes = new List <KanbanSwimlane>(){
            new KanbanSwimlane(){
                Label = "New Features",
                DataField = "newFeatures"
            new KanbanSwimlane(){
                Label = "Improvements",
                DataField = "improvements",
                Color = "#C90086"

Modify the dataSource by attaching the swimlanes to the appropirate tasks via the swimlane property.

          IEnumerable <dynamic> cards = new[]{ 
            new{id=1, text="Editing", status="ToDo", priority="high", progress=5, swimlane="improvements"},
            new{id=1, text="Header", status="ToDo", priority="normal", progress=10, swimlane="newFeatures"},
            new{id=1, text="Dragging with feedback", status="ToDo", priority="low", progress=30, swimlane="newFeatures"},
            new{id=1, text="Vertical virtualization", status="ToDo", priority="high", progress=15, swimlane="newFeatures"},
            new{id=1, text="Observable columns array", status="ToDo", priority="normal", progress=20, swimlane="newFeatures"},
            new{id=1, text="Infinite scrolling", status="InProgress", priority="high", progress=45, swimlane="improvements"},
            new{id=1, text="Visible/hidden columns", status="InProgress", priority="low", progress=60, swimlane="newFeatures"},
            new{id=1, text="Public methods", status="InProgress", priority="high", progress=20, swimlane="improvements"},
            new{id=1, text="Expand/collapse arrow", status="Testing", priority="low", progress=85, swimlane="newFeatures"},
            new{id=1, text="Virtual scrolling", status="Testing", priority="high", progress=70, swimlane="improvements"},
            new{id=1, text="Deferred scrolling", status="Testing", priority="normal", progress=90, swimlane="improvements"},
            new{id=1, text="Research", status="Done", priority="normal", progress=100, swimlane="improvements"},
            new{id=1, text="Displaying data from data source", status="Done", priority="normal", progress=100, swimlane="newFeatures"},
            new{id=1, text="Showing cover and title", status="Done", priority="normal", progress=100, swimlane="newFeatures"},
            new{id=1, text="Property validation", status="Done", priority="normal", progress=100, swimlane="improvements"},
            new{id=1, text="formatFunction and formatSettings", status="Done", priority="normal", progress=100, swimlane="newFeatures"},
Kanban swimlanes