Blazor Grid - Bind to IEnumerable

Bind IEnumerable to Blazor Smart.Grid

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Bind IEnumerable Array to Grid

For the purpose of the Demo, we will use the built-in WeatherForecast Service inside the Data folder.

Add the Grid component and Grid Columns to the Pages/Index.razor file.
The Date Column can be easily formatted using the CellsFormat property.

<Grid DataSource="@forecast" DataSourceSettings="@dataSourceSettings">
    <Column DataField="Date" Label="Date" DataType="date" CellsFormat="M" Width="200"> </Column>
    <Column DataField="TemperatureC" Label="Temp. (C)" Width="200"> </Column>
    <Column DataField="TemperatureF" Label="Temp. (F)" Width="150"> </Column>
    <Column DataField="Summary" Label="Summary"> </Column>

Inside the @code block, set the DataSource property of the Grid to the Array data from the WeatherService.

    private WeatherForecast[] forecast;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        forecast = await ForecastService.GetForecastAsync(DateTime.Now);
Then specify the DataSourceType inside a GridDataSourceSettings object and set it as a property of the Grid.
Note that setting the DataType of the Columns is not mandatory, but it is recommended if you plan to use the Smart.Grid's Filtering & Sorting functionalities

<Grid DataSource="@forecast" DataSourceSettings="@dataSourceSettings">
@code {
  GridDataSourceSettings dataSourceSettings = new GridDataSourceSettings()
      DataFields = new List<IGridDataSourceSettingsDataField>()
          new GridDataSourceSettingsDataField() { Name = "Date", DataType = GridDataSourceSettingsDataFieldDataType.Date },
          new GridDataSourceSettingsDataField() { Name = "TemperatureC", DataType = GridDataSourceSettingsDataFieldDataType.Number },
          new GridDataSourceSettingsDataField() { Name = "TemperatureF", DataType = GridDataSourceSettingsDataFieldDataType.Number },
          new GridDataSourceSettingsDataField() { Name = "Summary", DataType = GridDataSourceSettingsDataFieldDataType.String },
      DataSourceType = GridDataSourceSettingsDataSourceType.Array

Grid bound to Array

Continue from here

Follow the Get Started with Grid guide to learn more about many of the features offered by Blazor Smart.Grid component.

Advanced Grid