Custom Editors
Smart.Grid allows you to customize or completely replace the default cell editors.
Most of the editor's properties are set using the Column.Editor property.
Built-in Editors
The Grid has available the following list of built-in editors depending on the type of data contained in the column:
'input', 'autoComplete', 'comboBox', 'dropDownList', 'image', 'numberInput',
'checkBox', 'multiInput', 'multiComboInput', 'checkInput', 'slider',
'dateTimePicker', 'timeInput', 'dateInput', 'dateRangeInput', 'maskedTextBox', 'textArea'
The code below creates a Grid of two colums. The first column is set to the 'multiComboInput' editor, while the second to 'multiComboInput'
<Grid DataSource="@Clients" Editing="editing"> <Columns> <Column DataField="Name" Label="Client Name" Editor="nameEditor"></Column> <Column DataField="Product" Label="Product Name" Editor="productEditor"></Column> </Columns> </Grid> @code { class Client { public string Name { get; set; } public string Product { get; set; } public Client(string name, string product) { Name = name; Product = product; } } Client[] Clients = new Client[] { new Client("Maria Anders", "Black Tea"), new Client("Bob Smith", "Caffe Espresso"), new Client("Mike JohnSon", "Green Tea"), }; string nameEditor = "autoComplete"; string productEditor = "multiComboInput"; GridEditing editing = new GridEditing() { Enabled = true, Mode = GridEditingMode.Cell }; }

Customize Editor
The Cell Editors can be customized by setting Column.Editor to an object, which must contain a "template" property.
The "seetings" property allows us to change some of the editors' default properties and behavior.
The code below modifies the default "multiComboInput" by allowing only a single item to be selected:
GridEditor productEditor = new GridEditor() { Template = "multiComboInput", Settings = new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"singleSelect", true} } };

Custom Editor Template
The Column Editor Template can also be set to other Smart component or an entirely editor.
In the example below, the "Product" Column Editor is set to a Smart.ComboBox element with a custom list of items:
Dictionary<string, object> productEditor = new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"template", "<smart-combo-box/>" }, {"settings", new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"dropDownAppendTo", "body"}, {"dataSource", new string[]{"Black Tea", "Caffe Espresso", "Green Tea", "Orange Juice", "Oat Latte"} }, } } };