Blazor Grid - Reorder Columns

Reorder Columns

Smart.Grid allows you to select which columns can be reordered. To enable reordering set the column's AllowReorder property to true:

@inject WeatherForecastService ForecastService

<Grid DataSource="@forecast" >
    <Column DataField="Date" Label="Date" AllowReorder="true"> </Column>
    <Column DataField="TemperatureC" Label="Temp. (C)" AllowReorder="true"> </Column>
    <Column DataField="TemperatureF" Label="Temp. (F)" AllowReorder="true"> </Column>
    <Column DataField="Summary" Label="Summary" AllowReorder="true"> </Column>

  private WeatherForecast[] forecast;

  protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
      forecast = await ForecastService.GetForecastAsync(DateTime.Now);

Then you need to enable AllowColumnReorder of the Grid using the GridBehavior object.

<Grid DataSource="@forecast" Behavior="gridBehavior">

  GridBehavior gridBehavior = new GridBehavior(){
      AllowColumnReorder = true
Reorder columns

ReorderColumns() Method

Smart.Grid allows you to programmatically change the order of a column.
The ReorderColumns() function admits 3 arguments -
dataField - The data field or column index of the column you wish to move
referenceDataField - The data field or column index of the second grid column
referenceDataField(optional) - Determines whether to insert the first column after the reference column

<Button OnClick="ChangeOrder">Change Order</Button>
<Grid @ref="grid" DataSource="@forecast" Behavior="gridBehavior">

  Grid grid;
  private void ChangeOrder(){
Reorder columns