Blazor Gantt - Events

Gantt Events

Smart.Gantt provides numerous events to help you develop custom behavior that fits your project's needs.

The events must first be attached as a property to the Grid, then specify the custom function they should execute.

Note that event.detail contains different information depening on the event

<h2> Gantt Chart </h2>
<h3>Clicked Task Index: @clickedTask</h3>
<GanttChart @ref="gantt" DataSource="@Records" OnItemClick="OnItemClick"/>
@code {
  public partial class GanttDataRecord {

    public string Label {

    public string DateStart {

    public string DateEnd {

    public string Type {

    public int Duration {
  GanttChart gantt;
  int clickedTask;
  private void OnItemClick(Event ev)
      clickedTask = Int16.Parse(ev["Detail"].Id);

  public List<GanttDataRecord> Records;
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        Records = new List<GanttDataRecord>()
            new GanttDataRecord{
            Label = "Develop Website",
            DateStart = "2021-01-01",
            DateEnd = "2021-01-20",
            Type = "task"
        new GanttDataRecord{
            Label = "Marketing Campaign",
            DateStart = "2021-01-05",
             DateEnd = "2021-01-15",
            Type = "task"
        new GanttDataRecord{
            Label = "Publishing",
            DateStart = "2021-01-10",
             DateEnd = "2021-01-26",
            Type = "task"
        new GanttDataRecord{
            Label = "Find clients",
            DateStart = "2021-01-12",
             DateEnd = "2021-01-25",
            Type = "task"

Itemclick event

Timeline-related Events

  • OnConnectionStart - triggered when the user starts connecting one task to another.
    Event Detail: dynamic startIndex
    Note: This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function
  • OnConnectionEnd - triggered when the user completes a connection between two tasks.
    Event Detail: string id, dynamic startTaskId, dynamic startIndex, dynamic endIndex, dynamic endTaskId, dynamic type
  • OnChange - triggered when a Task is selected/unselected.
    Event Detail: dynamic value, dynamic oldValue
  • OnColumnResize - triggered when a Tree column is resized.
    Event Detail: string dataField, dynamic headerCellElement, string widthInPercentages, string width
  • OnDragStart - triggered when dragging of a task starts.
    Event Detail: string id, dynamic item, dynamic dateStart, dynamic dateEnd
    Note: This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function
  • OnDragEnd - triggered when dragging of a task finishes.
    Event Detail: string id, dynamic item, dynamic dateStart, dynamic dateEnd
  • OnProgressChangeStart - triggered when the progress of a task bar starts to change as a result of user interaction.
    Event Detail: string id, int index, dynamic progress
    Note: This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function
  • OnProgressChangeEnd - triggered when the progress of a task is changed.
    Event Detail: string id, int index, dynamic progress
  • OnResizeStart - triggered when resizing of a task starts.
    Event Detail: string id, dynamic item, dynamic dateStart, dynamic dateEnd
    Note: This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function
  • OnResizeEnd - triggered when the resizing of a task finishes.
    Event Detail: string id, dynamic item, dynamic dateStart, dynamic dateEnd

Editing Window-related Events

  • OnClosing - triggered just before the window for task editing starts closing.
    Event Detail: dynamic target, dynamic type
    Note: This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function
  • OnClose - triggered when the window for task editing is closed / hidden.
    Event Detail: N/A
  • OnOpening - triggered just before the window for task editing starts opening.
    Event Detail: dynamic target, dynamic type
    Note: This event allows to cancel the operation by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function
  • OnOpen - triggered when the window for task editing is open / visible.
    Event Detail: N/A

Items-related Events

  • OnCollapse - triggered when an item is collapsed.
    Event Detail: dynamic isGroup, dynamic item, int index, string label, dynamic value
  • OnExpand - triggered when an item is expanded.
    Event Detail: dynamic isGroup, dynamic item, int index, string label, dynamic value
  • OnItemClick - triggered when a task, resource or connection is clicked inside the Timeline or the Tree columns.
    Event Detail: string id, dynamic item, dynamic type, dynamic originalEvent
  • OnItemInsert - triggered when a Task/Resource/Connection is inserted.
    Event Detail: dynamic type, dynamic item
  • OnItemRemove - triggered when a Task/Resource/Connection is removed.
    Event Detail: string id, dynamic type, dynamic item
  • OnItemUpdate - triggered when a Task/Resource/Connection is updated.
    Event Detail: string id, dynamic type, dynamic item

General Events

  • OnBeginUpdate - triggered when a batch update was started after executing the beginUpdate method.
    Event Detail: N/A
  • OnEndUpdate - triggered when a batch update was ended from after executing the endUpdate method
    Event Detail: N/A
  • OnFilter - triggered when the GanttChart is filtered.
    Event Detail: dynamic type, dynamic action, dynamic filters
  • OnScrollBottomReached - triggered when the Timeline has been scrolled to the bottom.
    Event Detail: N/A
  • OnScrollTopReached - triggered when the Timeline has been scrolled to the top.
    Event Detail: N/A
  • OnScrollLeftReached - triggered when the Timeline has been scrolled to the beginning (horizontally).
    Event Detail: N/A
  • OnScrollRightReached - triggered when the Timeline has been scrolled to the end (horizontally).
    Event Detail: N/A