Bind JSON Data to Smart.Gantt
For the purpose of the demo, we will be using the external JSON file at:
First, in order to reach the files, it is necessary to inject HTPP Services. Add the HTTP Client in the Startup.cs
using System.Net.Http; ....... public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddRazorPages(); services.AddServerSideBlazor(); services.AddSingleton<WeatherForecastService>(); services.AddSmart(); services.AddHttpClient(); services.AddScoped<HttpClient>(); }
Then inside Index.razor
, make an HTTP request for the JSON file and set it as value to the DataSource
@page "/" @using System.Net.Http.Json; @inject HttpClient Http @using Smart.Blazor; <h2> Gantt Chart </h2> <GanttChart @ref="gantt" DurationUnit="Duration.Day" View="GanttChartView.Week" /> @code { GanttChart gantt; string jsonSource = ""; private object[] records; protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { records = await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<object[]>(jsonSource); gantt.DataSource = records; } }
Bounding to the JSON file above, produces the following result: