DockingLayout Blazor API

DockingLayout Properties

AutoLoadStateboolfalseEnable/Disable the automatic state loading. There must be a previously saved state of the Layout in order to load it.
AutoSaveStateboolfalseEnable/Disable the automatic state saving.
Note: In order to save the state of the element it must have an id.
DisabledboolfalseEnables or disables the element.
DraggablebooltrueIf set to false it will disable the dragging of DockingLayout items. If set items can only be repositioned using the API methods.
FloatablebooltrueIf set to false it will disable item floating. This means that if a Window is floated as a result of dragging it will be returned back ot it's original position instead of being floated outside the DockingLayout. Already floated LayoutPanel items will not be affected.
HideSplitterBarsboolfalseHides all splitter bars inside the element.
LayoutobjectN/ADetermines the structure of the element. This property represents an array of objects that define the hierarchy of the items inside the element and their specific settings. Each object must have a type attribute that defines it's behavior.
Three types of objects are allowed:
  • LayoutGroup - Represents a group of items (Splitter). Used when the user wants more than one DockingLayout item in a single container.
    • orientation - A string value indicating the orientation of the Splitter group. Possible values: 'horizontal', 'vertical'.
    • size - A string | number value indicating the size of the Splitter group.
    • items - An array of LayoutPanel object definitions.
    • resizeMode - A string indicating the resize mode. Possible values: 'none', 'adjacent', 'end', 'proportional'.
    • resizeStep - A nummeric value that determines the step of resizing.
    • liveResize - Determines if splitter resizing happens while dragging or not.
  • LayoutPanel - Represents a DockingLayout item (TabsWindow). LayoutPanels can have one or many items (TabItem).
    • id - the ID of the LayoutPanel.
    • autoHide - a boolean property that determines if the LayoutPanel is autoHidden.
    • autoHidePosition - determines the autoHide position of the item if 'autoHide' property is set. Possible values: 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'.
    • dropPosition - Determines the possible positions for the item at which a new item can be dropped as a result of dragging. Possible values: 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'center', 'header', 'layout-top', 'layout-bottom', 'layout-left', 'layout-right'. Positions with the 'layout' prefix reflect on LayoutPanelItems that are children of the LayoutPanel.
    • label - the Label of the LayoutPanel window.
    • tabPosition - Determines the position of the Tab labels inside the LayoutPanel.
    • layout - determines the DockingLayout owner of the LayoutPanel. Accepts a string indicating the ID of a DockingLayout on the page or a direct reference to it.
    • headerButtons - an Array of strings that define the buttons in the header section of the DockingLayout item.
    • tabCloseButtons - a boolean property that Enables or disables the close buttons inside each Tab item label inside the DockingLayout item.
    • tabOverflow - same as 'overflow' property of SmartTabs. It defines the overflow mode of the labels of the Tab items inside a DockingLayout item.
    • selectionMode - the same as SmartTabs selection modes. Applies to Tab items inside a DockingLayout item.
    • tabResize - the same as 'resize' property of SmartTabs. Allows resizing the Tab labels inside the DockingLayout item.
    • locked - Locks the size of the item and does not allow resizing.
    • max - sets the maximum size of the item.
    • min - sets the minimum size of the item
    • size - sets the size of the item.
    • items - an array of objects. Each object defines the structure of a LayoutPanelItem.
  • LayoutPanelItem - Represents a LayoutPanel item (TabItem).
    • id - the ID of the Tab item.
    • label - a string representing the label of the Tab item.
    • content - represents the content of the Tab item. Can be anything.
    • selected - determines if the item is selected. By default the first added item to the LayoutPanel is automatically selected.
    • draggable - a boolean property that allows to disable the dragging of the Tab item.

LiveResizeboolfalseWhen enabled the resizing operation happens live. By default this feature is not enabled and the user sees a hightlighted bar while dragging instead of the actual splitter bar.
Localestring"en"Sets or gets the language. Used in conjunction with the property messages.
MessagesobjectN/ASets or gets an object specifying strings used in the widget that can be localized. Used in conjunction with the property locale.
ReadonlyboolfalseIf the element is readonly, users cannot interact with it.
RightToLeftboolfalseSets or gets the value indicating whether the element is aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts.
ResizeStepint5Determines the resize step during reisizing
SnapModeDockingLayoutSnapModeDockingLayoutSnapMode.AdvancedDetermines the snap mode. Two modes are available:
  • simple - allows dragging of a single tab item inside or outside the layout. A semi-transparent highlighter is used to indicate the possible locations where the dragged item can be dropped. The user has to drop the dragged item inside one of the possible drop zones indicated by the highlighter.
  • advanced - allows dragging of a whole TabsWindow with items or a single tab item. Uses a Visual Studio style feedback that indicates the possible drop locations. The user has to drop the target over one of the icons inside the feedback.

The feedback/highlighter is displayed when the dragging of an item begins.
Themestring""Determines the theme. Theme defines the look of the element
UnfocusableboolfalseIf is set to true, the element cannot be focused.

DockingLayout Methods

AutoHideBottomvoidobject nodeMakes a "smart-tabs-window" node, that is a child of the Layout, auto hidden by placing it at the Bottom position inside the element. This means that the item will be positioned near the bottom side of the layout and it's content will be hidden until the user selects one of it's labels.Args: object node - The "smart-tabs-window" or "smart-tab-item" node to append
AutoHideLeftvoidobject nodeMakes a "smart-tabs-window" node, that is a child of the Layout, auto hidden by placing it at the Left position inside the layout. This means that the item will be positioned near the left side of the layout and it's content will be hidden until the user selects one of it's labels.Args: object node - The "smart-tabs-window" or "smart-tab-item" node to append
AutoHideRightvoidobject nodeMakes a "smart-tabs-window" node, that is a child of the Layout, auto hidden by placing it at the Right position inside the layout. This means that the item will be positioned near the right side of the layout and it's content will be hidden until the user selects one of it's labels.Args: object node - The "smart-tabs-window" or "smart-tab-item" node to append
AutoHideTopvoidobject nodeMakes a "smart-tabs-window" node, that is a child of the Layout, auto hidden by placing it at the Top position inside the layout. This means that the item will be positioned near the top side of the layout and it's content will be hidden until the user selects one of it's labels.Args: object node - The "smart-tabs-window" or "smart-tab-item" node to append
ClearStatevoidN/AClears the localStorage of any previous cached state of the DockingLayout.
Dockdynamicobject nodeThe method will reset an autohidden item to it's normal behavior and re-insert it at a specified position. It can also be used to insert items into the DockingLayout. "Note:" Items inserted via this method are added as a top level items.Args: object node - An autohidden "smart-tabs-window" item instance or a new "smart-tabs-window" instance.
Dockdynamicstring nodeThe method will reset an autohidden item to it's normal behavior and re-insert it at a specified position. It can also be used to insert items into the DockingLayout. "Note:" Items inserted via this method are added as a top level items.Args: string node - An autohidden "smart-tabs-window" item instance or a new "smart-tabs-window" instance.
Dockdynamicint nodeThe method will reset an autohidden item to it's normal behavior and re-insert it at a specified position. It can also be used to insert items into the DockingLayout. "Note:" Items inserted via this method are added as a top level items.Args: int node - An autohidden "smart-tabs-window" item instance or a new "smart-tabs-window" instance.
GetAutoHideItemsIEnumerable<object>string orientationThe method returns an array of all autohidden items.Args: string orientation - Determines which auto hidden items to return ( vertical or horizontal ). If not set the method will return all autohidden items. Possible values: 'vertical', 'horizontal'.
GetAutoHideItemsIEnumerable<object>N/AThe method returns an array of all autohidden items.
GetIndexintobject nodeThe method returns the index of a target item.Args: object node - Returns the index of the target item.
GetItemGroupElementobjectobject itemReturns the Splitter parent of a Layout itemArgs: object item - DockingLayout item
GetItemGroupElementobjectN/AReturns the Splitter parent of a Layout item
GetJSONStructureIEnumerable<object>N/AReturns a JSON array of objects representing the current structure of the element. Ready to be persisted to LocalStorage.
GetStateIEnumerable<object>bool noInstancesReturns an array of objects representing the current structure of the element. Each object represents a Layout item with it's settings and hierarchy.Args: bool noInstances - Determines if the returned array will contain HTML references or not. When saving to localStorage the resulted array should not contain any HTMLElement references.
GetStateIEnumerable<object>N/AReturns an array of objects representing the current structure of the element. Each object represents a Layout item with it's settings and hierarchy.
InsertAfterItemvoidobject index, object itemInserts a new TabsWindow into the DockingLayout or creates a TabsWindow instance from an object passed as the second argument. The new item is inserted after the target item which corresponds to the index passed as the first argument to the method.Args: int index - The index to insert a new TabsWindow at.,object item - An instance of a TabsWindow or an Object with the fields "label", "items" and other additional.
InsertBeforeItemvoidobject index, object itemInserts a new TabsWindow into the DockingLayout or creates a TabsWindow instance from an object passed as the second argument. The new item is inserted before the target item which corresponds to the index passed as the first argument to the method.Args: int index - The index to insert a new TabsWindow at.,object item - An instance of a TabsWindow or an Object with the fields "label", "items" and other additional.
InsertIntoBottomvoidobject index, object itemInserts a new TabsWindow into the DockingLayout or creates a TabsWindow instance from an object passed as the second argument. The new item is inserted by splitting the target item which corresponds to the index passed as the first argument to the method in two and placing the new item as it's bottom neighbour vertically.Args: int index - The index to insert a new TabsWindow at.,object item - An instance of a TabsWindow or an Object with the fields "label", "items" and other additional.
InsertIntoLeftvoidobject index, object itemInserts a new TabsWindow into the DockingLayout or creates a TabsWindow instance from an object passed as the second argument. The new item is inserted by splitting the target item which corresponds to the index passed as the first argument to the method in two and placing the new item as it's left neighbour horizontally.Args: int index - The index to insert a new TabsWindow at.,object item - An instance of a TabsWindow or an Object with the fields "label", "items" and other additional.
InsertIntoRightvoidobject index, object itemInserts a new TabsWindow into the DockingLayout or creates a TabsWindow instance from an object passed as the second argument. The new item is inserted by splitting the target item which corresponds to the index passed as the first argument to the method in two and placing the new item as it's right neighbour horizontally.Args: int index - The index to insert a new TabsWindow at.,object item - An instance of a TabsWindow or an Object with the fields "label", "items" and other additional.
InsertIntoTopvoidobject index, object itemInserts a new TabsWindow into the DockingLayout or creates a TabsWindow instance from an object passed as the second argument. The new item is inserted by splitting the target item which corresponds to the index passed as the first argument to the method in two and placing the new item as it's top neighbour vertically.Args: int index - The index to insert a new TabsWindow at.,object item - An instance of a TabsWindow or an Object with the fields "label", "items" and other additional.
InsertLayoutBottomvoidobject itemInserts a new TabsWindow into the DockingLayout or creates a TabsWindow instance from an object passed as the second argument. The new item is inserted as a top level item positioned at the bottom side inside the Layout.Args: object item - An instance of a TabsWindow or an Object with the fields "label", "items" and other additional.
InsertLayoutLeftvoidobject itemInserts a new TabsWindow into the DockingLayout or creates a TabsWindow instance from an object passed as the second argument. The new item is inserted as a top level item positioned at the left side inside the Layout.Args: object item - An instance of a TabsWindow or an Object with the fields "label", "items" and other additional.
InsertLayoutRightvoidobject itemInserts a new TabsWindow into the DockingLayout or creates a TabsWindow instance from an object passed as the second argument. The new item is inserted as a top level item positioned at the right inside the Layout.Args: object item - An instance of a TabsWindow or an Object with the fields "label", "items" and other additional.
InsertLayoutTopvoidobject itemInserts a new TabsWindow into the DockingLayout or creates a TabsWindow instance from an object passed as the second argument. The new item is inserted as a top level item positioned at the top side inside the Layout.Args: object item - An instance of a TabsWindow or an Object with the fields "label", "items" and other additional.
InsertOutsideTargetGroupBottomvoidobject index, object tabsWindowInserts a new TabsWindow into the DockingLayout or creates a TabsWindow instance from an object passed as the second argument. The target item and it's neighbour items are placed inside a new splitter item that acts as the new neghbour of the newly added item via this method. The new item is inserted bellow the target ( at position Bottom).Args: int index - The index to insert a new TabsWindow at.,object tabsWindow - An instance of a TabsWindow or an Object with the fields "label", "items" and other additional.
InsertOutsideTargetGroupLeftvoidobject index, object tabsWindowInserts a new TabsWindow into the DockingLayout or creates a TabsWindow instance from an object passed as the second argument. The target item and it's neighbour items are placed inside a new splitter item that acts as the new neghbour of the newly added item via this method. The new item is inserted before the target ( at position Left).Args: int index - The index to insert a new TabsWindow at.,object tabsWindow - An instance of a TabsWindow or an Object with the fields "label", "items" and other additional.
InsertOutsideTargetGroupRightvoidobject index, object tabsWindowInserts a new TabsWindow into the DockingLayout or creates a TabsWindow instance from an object passed as the second argument. The target item and it's neighbour items are placed inside a new splitter item that acts as the new neghbour of the newly added item via this method. The new item is inserted after the target ( at position Right).Args: int index - The index to insert a new TabsWindow at.,object tabsWindow - An instance of a TabsWindow or an Object with the fields "label", "items" and other additional.
InsertOutsideTargetGroupTopvoidobject index, object tabsWindowInserts a new TabsWindow into the DockingLayout or creates a TabsWindow instance from an object passed as the second argument. The target item and it's neighbour items are placed inside a new splitter item that acts as the new neghbour of the newly added item via this method. The new item is inserted above the target ( at position Top).Args: int index - The index to insert a new TabsWindow at.,object tabsWindow - An instance of a TabsWindow or an Object with the fields "label", "items" and other additional.
LoadStatevoidIEnumerable<object> stateLoads a previously saved state of the element. If no state is provided as an argument the method will do a localStorage lookup.Args: IEnumerable<string> state - An array of objects that represents a cached state of the DockingLayout. The result of calling the 'saveState' method.
LoadStatevoidN/ALoads a previously saved state of the element. If no state is provided as an argument the method will do a localStorage lookup.
Refreshvoid'N/A'Refreshes the Blazor Component. Performs a layout of the HTML Elements and recalculates the measurements.
RemoveAllvoidN/ARemoves all items from the element.
RemoveAtvoidobject indexRemoves a DockingLayout item (TabsWindow) from the element.Args: int index - The index of the TabsWindow to remove or a reference to it.
RemoveChilddynamicdynamic nodeRemoves a "smart-tabs-window" node that is a DockingLayout item.Args: dynamic node - The "smart-tabs-window" node to remove.
Rendervoid'N/A'Re-renders the Blazor Component. This method will make a full re-render.
SaveStatevoidN/ASaves the current state of the DockingLayout to LocalStorage. The state includes the hierarchy and size of the items.
StateHasChangedvoid'N/A'Refreshes the state and Re-renders the Blazor Component, if necessary.
Undockvoidobject nodeThe method undocks/removes an item from the Layout and places it at the same position but it's no more part of the layout. The item becomes an 'outher' item that can be reinserted at any time.Args: object node - A "smart-tabs-window" instance that is part of the DockingLayout.
Undockvoidstring nodeThe method undocks/removes an item from the Layout and places it at the same position but it's no more part of the layout. The item becomes an 'outher' item that can be reinserted at any time.Args: string node - A "smart-tabs-window" instance that is part of the DockingLayout.
Undockvoidint nodeThe method undocks/removes an item from the Layout and places it at the same position but it's no more part of the layout. The item becomes an 'outher' item that can be reinserted at any time.Args: int node - A "smart-tabs-window" instance that is part of the DockingLayout.
Updatevoidobject index, object settingsUpdates a TabsWindow and it's contents.Args: int index - The index of the TabsWindow to update.,object settings - An object that contains the new settings for the TabsWindow item. Settings object is the same as defining a new TabsWindow with the exception of 'items' array where the items are defined. In order to change the label or content of a Tab item the user has to specify the index of the target tab item.

DockingLayout Events

NameTypeDescriptionEvent Detail
OnChangeEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when the tab selection is changed. "Note:" Change event may be thrown by other JQX Custom Elements nested inside the Tab items.N/A
Changedevent DockingLayoutChangedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when the tab selection is changed. "Note:" Change event may be thrown by other JQX Custom Elements nested inside the Tab items.DockingLayoutChangedEventArgs
OnCloseEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when a Tab item or a whole Tabs Window item ( DockingLayout item ) is closed.N/A
Closedevent DockingLayoutClosedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when a Tab item or a whole Tabs Window item ( DockingLayout item ) is closed.DockingLayoutClosedEventArgs
OnClosingEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when a Tab item/Tabs Window is about to be closed. The closing operation can be canceled by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.N/A
Closingevent DockingLayoutClosingEventHandlerThis event is triggered when a Tab item/Tabs Window is about to be closed. The closing operation can be canceled by calling event.preventDefault() in the event handler function.DockingLayoutClosingEventArgs
OnStateChangeEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when an item's position inside the Layout or it's size has been changed. Indicates that a state change has occured.N/A
StateChangedevent DockingLayoutStateChangedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when an item's position inside the Layout or it's size has been changed. Indicates that a state change has occured.DockingLayoutStateChangedEventArgs
OnResizeStartEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when item resizing begins.N/A
ResizeStartedevent DockingLayoutResizeStartedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when item resizing begins.DockingLayoutResizeStartedEventArgs
OnResizeEndEventCallback<Event>This event is triggered when item resizing finishes.N/A
ResizeEndedevent DockingLayoutResizeEndedEventHandlerThis event is triggered when item resizing finishes.DockingLayoutResizeEndedEventArgs


