Blazor - Get Started with Smart.DateInput
Setup The Project
Follow the Getting Started guide to set up your Blazor Application with Smart UI.
Setup Basic DateInput
Smart.DateInput is a custom component that allows users to input or select dates.
- Add the DateInput component to the Pages/Index.razor file
- The default value of the input is the current date. It can be changed using the Value property:
<DateInput Value="defaultValue"></DateInput> @code{ public object defaultValue = "2021-12-15"; }
Date Formatting
The format of the dates displayed in the input can be modified using the DateTimeFormat
The values are set according to the JavasScript Intl.DateTimeFormat() constructor
<DateInput DateTimeFormat="dateformat" Value="defaultValue"></DateInput> @code{ string defaultValue = "2021-12-15"; DateTimeFormat dateformat = new DateTimeFormat{ Day = DateTimeFormatDay.Numeric, Month = DateTimeFormatMonth.Long, Year = DateTimeFormatYear.Numeric }; }
DateInput Events
Smart.DateInput provides an OnChange Event that can help you expand the component's
The event object can have unique event.detail parameters.
- triggered when the value is changed.
Event Details
: string label, dynamic oldLabel, dynamic oldValue, dynamic value
<h3>@selectedMonth</h3> <DateInput OnChange="OnChange"></DateInput> @code{ string selectedMonth; public void OnChange(Event ev){ if(ev.ContainsKey("Detail")){ DateInputChangeEventDetail detail = ev["Detail"]; selectedMonth = detail.Value.ToString("MMMM", new CultureInfo("en-US")); } } }
The demo below displays the new value every time it is changed:
Two-way Value Binding
The DateInput component also supports two-way value binding:
<h3>@dateValue</h3> <DateInput @bind-Value = "@dateValue"></DateInput> @code{ public object dateValue = "2021-09-14"; }