Blazor - Get Started with CardView

Blazor - Get Started with Smart.CardView

Setup The Project

Follow the Getting Started guide to set up your Blazor Application with Smart UI.

Setup Basic Card View

Smart.CardView represnts data source records in the form of Cards. Each Card contains content and actions about a single subject.

  1. Add the CardView component to the Pages/Index.razor file
  2. Inside the @code block, declare the Card Columns and set them as properties of the CardView component.
    List<CardViewColumn> columns = new List<CardViewColumn>()
        new CardViewColumn()
            DataField = "ProductName",
            Label = "Product Name",
            DataType = CardViewColumnDataType.String,
        new CardViewColumn()
            DataField = "DeliveryTime",
            Label = "Delivery Time",
            DataType = CardViewColumnDataType.Number
        new CardViewColumn()
            DataField = "StockRemaining",
            Label = "Stock Remaining",
            DataType = CardViewColumnDataType.Number
        new CardViewColumn()
            DataField = "Price",
            Label = "Price",
            DataType = CardViewColumnDataType.Number
        new CardViewColumn()
            DataField = "DateAdded",
            Label = "Date Added",
            DataType = CardViewColumnDataType.Date
        new CardViewColumn()
            DataField = "Attachments",
            Label = "Attachments",
            DataType = CardViewColumnDataType.String,
            Image = true
  3. Create an example Product data and bind it to the CardView using the Datasource property.
    Then select the field to be used as TitleField.
    In order to display cover images, set the Attachments DataField as CoverField
            <CardView Columns="columns" DataSource="products" TitleField="ProductName" CoverField="Attachments"></CardView>
              class Product {
                public string ProductName { get; set; }
                public int DeliveryTime { get; set; }
                public int StockRemaining { get; set; }
                public double Price { get; set; }
                public DateTime DateAdded {get; set; }
                public string Attachments {get; set; }
                public Product(string productName, int deliveryTime, int stockRemaining, double price, DateTime dateAdded, string attachments){
                  ProductName = productName;
                  DeliveryTime = deliveryTime;
                  StockRemaining = stockRemaining;
                  Price = price;
                  DateAdded = dateAdded;
                  Attachments = attachments;
              Product[] products = new Product[] 
                new Product("Smart Phone", 10, 500, 1000, new DateTime(2021, 1, 15),
                new Product("Coffee Machine", 13, 100, 90, new DateTime(2021, 3, 8),
                new Product("Vacuum Cleaner", 21, 50, 450, new DateTime(2021, 6, 4),
                new Product("Motorcycle", 25, 60, 5550, new DateTime(2021, 7, 12),
                new Product("Laptop", 8, 500, 1050, new DateTime(2021, 10, 24),
                new Product("Headphones", 8, 1040, 60, new DateTime(2021, 12, 19),
                new Product("TV", 18, 18, 150, new DateTime(2021, 5, 2),
                new Product("Desk", 4, 500, 95, new DateTime(2021, 1, 12),
Basic CardView

Format Data

Using the FormatSettings property it is possible to format numbers as well as dates. FormatFunction can apply custom formatting settings to the data.
Modify the DeliveryTime, Price and DateAdded Columns:

new CardViewColumn()
    DataField = "DeliveryTime",
    Label = "Delivery Time",
    DataType = CardViewColumnDataType.Number,
    FormatFunction = (object settings) =>
        Dictionary<string, object> formatSettings = settings as Dictionary<string, object>;
        formatSettings["template"] = formatSettings["value"] + " days";
new CardViewColumn()
    DataField = "StockRemaining",
    Label = "Stock Remaining",
    DataType = CardViewColumnDataType.Number
new CardViewColumn()
    DataField = "Price",
    Label = "Price",
    DataType = CardViewColumnDataType.Number,
    FormatSettings =
        new {
            formatString = "c2"
new CardViewColumn()
    DataField = "DateAdded",
    Label = "Date Added",
    DataType = CardViewColumnDataType.Date,
    FormatSettings = 
        new {
            formatString = "dd/MM/yyyy"
Formatted data

Collapsible Cards

Smart.Cards can be collapsed by setting the Collapsible property of the CardView component.

<CardView Columns="columns" DataSource="products" TitleField="ProductName" CoverField="Attachments" Collapsible="true"></CardView>
Collapsible cards

Drag & Drop Cards

Setting the allowDrag property allows you to Drag & Drop cards to change their position.

<CardView Columns="columns" DataSource="products" TitleField="ProductName" CoverField="Attachments"
  Collapsible="true" AllowDrag="true">
Draggin cards

Customize, Filter & Sort

Smart.CardView's built-in header allows you to set the Sorting, Filtering rules as well as to customize the Cards without the need to write any code.
Set the HeaderPosition proper to Top.

<CardView Columns="columns" DataSource="products" TitleField="ProductName" CoverField="Attachments"
  Collapsible="true" AllowDrag="true" HeaderPosition="CardViewHeaderPosition.Top">
Header filter Filtered and sorted data