Build a Professional Website

Our components allows you to create a professional dynamic websites. Try our free version to learn more about the benefits of our smart components.

Smart Components

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when.

Dynamic Websites

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when.

Easy Interfaces

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when.

Create a Smart Website with jQWidgets

Includes all enterprise standards, such as accessibility, i18n, theming, rtl, localization, etc.
Web Components built with Vanilla JS, CSS and HTML.
IntelliSense support and compile time type-checking with Typescript

Outstanding Performance

Carefully optimized to deliver great performance on a wide range of devices and browsers. Small in size, highly modular and responsive web components.

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Across Devices & Browsers

Smart is new, modern, easy, platform independent, cross-browser compatible, Responsive and adjusts for the best user experience across devices. Implements Google's Material Design.

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Our Team

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable
content of a page when looking at its layout.

Charley Doe

Charley is a senior developer in our company. He is doing great code and software solutions. Educated in Sofia, Bulgaria.

John Doe

John is a senior developer in our company. He is doing great code and software solutions. Educated in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Peter Smith

Peter is a senior developer in our company. He is doing great code and software solutions. Educated in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Trisha Doe

Trisha is a senior developer in our company. He is doing great code and software solutions. Educated in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Lucas Doe

Lucas is a senior developer in our company. He is doing great code and software solutions. Educated in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Jena Doe

Jena is a senior developer in our company. He is doing great code and software solutions. Educated in Sofia, Bulgaria.


Read our frequently asked questions before contact us.

Smart HTML Elements is a 100% pure javascript library framework for building modern responsive web sites and mobile web applications that work on any device and any modern web browser. All Web components in the suite are built from scratch using only HTML, CSS and Javascript(ES6) and are based on our own Core framework. The suite does not have any dependencies on any frameworks. Smart HTML Elements is a 100% pure javascript library framework for building modern responsive web sites and mobile web applications that work on any device. As it does not have any framework dependencies, you can use it in any Web or Mobile project. Smart HTML Elements is shipped in two versions: Community and Professional. The Community version is licensed under the permissive Apache v2 license. The Professional version is licensed under a commercial license. The commercial licenses are perpetual and include one year of support, maintenance and upgrades. You can purchase a commercial license from our website: Pricing Each person who directly or indirectly develops an application, website or other product that uses Smart HTML Elements is considered a developer.

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