
Still haven’t found out why this happens, but in attempt to try and update the cell template in some other way, a new question emerged.

I have this function that I call instead (to set the cell template), when the grid has been loaded (called with no arguments).

If I delete an attachment, which means that the dataField ‘attachment_count’ for the given row, should be decreased by 1, I call the same function but this time with the row-number and an update-value (-1 in this case).

However, se template is used for the initial grid load, but when I called the function later on, nothing happens to the cell templates.

function refresh_grid_attachment_icons(row, count_update)
            if (row != null && row != undefined && count_update != null && count_update != undefined)
                const current_count = parseInt(grid.getCellValue(row, 'attachment_count'));
                const new_count = (current_count + count_update);

                console.log('current_count: '+ current_count +' | new_count: '+ new_count); // after an attachment delete, this line shows e.g. "current_count: 1 | new_count: 0".

                grid.setCellValue(row, 'attachment_count', new_count); // and so sets the value of the cell to 0. (it is a number field).

            var col_index_attachments = -1;

            for (var i = 0; i < grid.rows.length; i++)
                if (col_index_attachments < 0 || col_index_attachment_count < 0)
                    for (var x = 0; x < grid.rows[i].cells.length; x++)
                        if (grid.rows[i].cells[x].column.dataField == 'Attachments')
                            col_index_attachments = x;


                if (parseInt(grid.getCellValue(i, 'attachment_count'), 10) < 1)
                    grid.rows[i].cells[col_index_attachments].setProperties({ template: '' });
                else if (parseInt(grid.getCellValue(i, 'attachment_count'), 10) == 1)
                    grid.rows[i].cells[col_index_attachments].setProperties({ template: '<some_fa_icon>' });
                else if (parseInt(grid.getCellValue(i, 'attachment_count'), 10) > 1)
                    grid.rows[i].cells[col_index_attachments].setProperties({ template: '<some_other_fa_icon>' });

  • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Peter.